Drama from 2014 gets new wind again, turns out no one ever cared to ask the person in the centre of it. Lots of disbelief and coping in the comments about the new perspective.

1  2020-07-07 by TellMeToStudyPls


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Here are two tl;dr (as I remember, haven't gone back to read the old threads

Tl;dr pre this new twitlonger(what people used to believe):

Sam (beta cuck) and tolki (alabama 7) are at a speed running convention. They meet up with 3 guys, she's flirting with them all the time, they all go up to their hotel rooms. Sam leaves like a bitch and lets her alone. Rumors float that she willingly cheated. Some of the guys post "confessions" and say that she cheated. Beta bitch Sam publicly accepted the apology of one of the guys.

No one ever asked for her side of things. And a subreddit /r/samandtolki was created to stalk/collect any info regarding this story. Their streaming career was done.

Tl;dr her new twitlonger:

Beta bitch and her were both sheltered mormons, this was the first time they were outside their comfort zones (i.e church/home). The three guys gave her alcohol, this was her first time drinking. They kept mixing her the drinks, somewhere along the line Sam just got up and left.

She was drunk by that point, the 3 dudes proceeded to grope her, she can't really remember more.

Next day she realises that Beta is still gone and she has nowhere to stay. Stays again with the 3 dudes, in part because she still didn't fully grasp what they had done.

This time she gets rapes by one of them and groped by the others.

Always felt too ashamed to bring any of this up, till now.

I don't know who these people are and for that reason I don't really care to weigh in on this particular story - other than to say ladies... take after my girl Alessia

Anyway there's something related that never made logical sense to me. Foids paint this picture of binge drinking with dude/dudes well into the night, having relationships, then saying later they could not have consented... Who's to say the dude who was binge drinking with you was in any mental state to "consent" either? Obviously it's different if there's some other form of manipulation going on. But if you and a dude are both organically drunk as fuck then why is anyone a victim?

I always have felt like the personal line where I couldn't consent was if I blacked out. If I'm not blacked out I'm conscious and capable of making decisions. I won't hold anyone else to those standards, but that's how I always felt about my own autonomy.

Is it true that the drinking age is 21 in all of the US? Because then your point is moot, because they gave her alcohol while she was 18.

Also your drinking age is crazy high, wtf?

Like I said I don't care to weigh in on that particular story.

Yeah burgertowns legal drinking age is 21. Me and people I knew regularly drank in bars anyway. You just have to be part of a group and not dressed like a scrub... Hanging around a restaurant crowd helps

We used to complain that you could serve in the military before you could legally drink. Actually going into the military and getting stationed over seas is a great way to become an alcoholic at 18 year s old, at least that was the case for some of my old buddies

i am rambling

Hard to get a stiffy when you're drunk, at least that's my experience. Lady just needs to exist and her part of the job's done. So it calls into question how drunk you actually were if you were able to have """consensual""" sex.

I know a few people with similar stories when they were teenagers. You don't gain the ability to properly empathise until you're a bit older, so a lot of people do all kinds of shitty and stupid things to each other before growing up a bit and realising exactly what happened.

Oh shit I remember this! He paid for her ticket
