Protestors should block roads and shoot at any vehicles they see in order to ensure their own safety

1  2020-07-08 by mcbrd


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Protestors should block roads and s... -,*

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Aren't they just saying the protestors should have guns to deter any shenanigans? Regardless, the left's sudden backpedaling on gun restrictions is hilarious. If they stick to it (they won't) they could potentially pull some extra votes.

If these retards had guns when they were blocking roads then they'd absolutely just start shooting anyone who got near them. Especially since these incidents of people driving through crowds usually start with the mob attacking the car

if they had guns they would shoot each other. im in favor of it.

What do you need guns for, protesters? Just wait for police!


You mean the mental health counselors?

We definitely need more roadblocks manned by masked men who can't be identified. What could possibly go wrong? It's a great way for a city to revitalize its culture to be as vibrant as Belfast or Beirut in the 1970s.

I really do find it astonishing that anyone still respects the NYT in 2020. I'm not talking about bias or anything, I mean they just straight up lie about shit all the time. Like in this the lie by omission where they don't mention all the times rioters have shot drivers or dragged them out of their cars and beaten them. They're not even in the same class as Fox News, they're more like Project Veritas.

i posted here on drama the other that there has been 2-3 incidents in the last month where BLM protestors block the road and when someone drives through they shoot into the vehicle. One dude got shot in the head and still has the 9mm slug in there. There was another one in atlanta where the guy didnt even drive though the block, just around and away from it and the BLM shot into the car as it drove away.

This shit will continue and it will escalate. Reading the shooters responses and its always "oh well i was in fear of my life that this person was going to run me over! So i shot them!".

someone drives through

It's not even just that. If you slow down and stop, they'll surround you and slash your ties and bust out your windows and try to drag you out. If you turn around and go the other way, you're driving the wrong way into 4 lanes of traffic on the freeway. They've turned this into a situation where you have to just remember what you were taught, that when you get ambushed you don't stop in the kill zone, you keep on driving.

So... protestors wanna kill more black people possibly? Lol ok.

The year is 2020. The war between protestors and commuters intensifies, immense casualties on both sides. The protestors so far have been winning but the commuters have a new weapon... THE KILLDOZER

I can see it now: Commuters using a ouija board to contact Mr Heemeyer and get his design... Nothing could possibly go wrong with this plan.

Calling it now, you are definitely reddit's leading futurologist!

Get off the fucking road and post hashtags on twatter. I don't care what you're protesting, just do it in a way that doesn't block me from driving down to get a spicy burrito.

Jesus, all the things I was taught growing up, don't put personal information out on the internet, look both ways before crossing the street, and don't discuss politics/religion with strangers all violated at the same time.

Protestors should block roads and shoot at any vehicles they see in order to ensure their own safety

Isnt this there god given right as an American