Gimmick account that talks like a pirate posts about a child suicide, it is not met with good applause.

1  2020-07-08 by TeeEssDoubleU


That's actually a good idea for a troll account. Make a silly gimmick account of some sort and make horribly awkward inappropriate posts in serious subreddits.

What, it seems like good advice. Better than you could hope for from that subreddit.

People forget that posting here is functionally the same as walking to your local bus stop and asking the nearest group of 14 year olds their advice on your life’s problems


YARRRR Petition to make arrrrr/drama a dedicated pirate posting sub 🏴‍☠️ no landlubbers allowed!

My HECKIN sides

🎶What do you do with a dead teenager🎶

🎶what do you do with a dead teenager🎶

🎶what do you do with a dead teenager🎶

🎶earl eye in tha more nin🎶

no aita/r_a garbage

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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Gimmick account that talks like a p... -,*

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Mod him.

Your shtick is awesome. Keep it up.

But while I have you here, what do you do with a drunken sailor?

Let NFL Flims use the melody for highlight movies?



Is it true that pirates respected the bussy?

absolute king


Do you consider it offensive that they would respond so negatively to your accent?

Whenever I come across gimmick posters with a post history like yours I always wonder what the person behind the account looks like.

I imagine if I just check the photos on a southern state sex offender registry site i have a pretty good idea

That applies to all of Reddit though.

might have to actually sub to your subreddit, go off matey

I want to see the modern pirate equivalent, an account that just roleplays as a somali guy who keeps his family alive by ransoming foreigners


Feanor is right about Valar

Imagine not having a posting gimmick.

I can't.

I wish I was AOC's podiatrist. Love the username

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez goes into a podiatrist’s office, and the podiatrist’s office says, “What seems to be the problem, libtard?”

AOC says “What’s the problem? Where do I begin, man? I go to work for the Democratic party, and all day long I work. Honestly doc, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know if the Democratic party knows. They only know that they have power over me, and that seems to bring them happiness.
But I don’t know, I wake up in a malaise, and I walk here and there… at night I…I sometimes wake up and I turn to some old white man in my bed that’s on my arm. A whitey that I once loved, doc. I don’t know where to turn to.
My newest proposal, Green New Deal, it fell in the…in the senate a couple months ago. The senate took her down, as it did many of other proposals. And my other boy, and this is the hardest pill to swallow, doc. My boy, Bernard Sanders, I no longer love him. As much as it pains me to say, when I look in his eyes, all I see is the same social democrat that I… that I catch when I take a glimpse of my own face in the mirror.
If only I wasn’t such a coward, then perhaps…perhaps I could bring myself to reach over to that make up kit next to my bed and apply foundation to make myself look white once and for all…Doc, sometimes I feel like a bourgeoisie, even though I’m from the Bronx, just barely hanging on to my poor person identity with an ever growing wealth underneath me.
I’m not feeling good. And so the doctor says, “Alexandria, man, you’re troubled. But you should be seeing a psychiatrist. Why on earth did you come here?”

And AOC says, “‘Cause your net-worth is too high.”

What were you hoping for by writing this?

Implying I wrote this

I literally put in like 5 sentences you mong

Nah I would just suck her toes and get sacked. Absolutely worth it

"this isnt a podcast?"

Thanks Norm

i dont get the punchline

She's coming after the rich or something idfk


Based and normpilled.

All podiatrists are foot fetishists. Think about it logically. It's the worst specialization after proctology.

Cope seethe based cringe it's over

It is tho it really is.



that guys submissions are 80% of him sniffing his own farts in his own subreddit



A man of culture

Once again the pirate drag back the seeth we deserves.

We be sailin' on the high seethes now me bucko

Put on yar wizard cap and talk sexy like a pirate lass


I wish there was actually a dead child, just to make his reply that much better, but I’m almost 100% sure none of that shit happened.

Watching everyone screech like you stole the last banana from a pack of gibbons made it hilarious

Who the fuck writes a diary in the 21st century

The wife murdered the daughter, obviously.

Imagine waking up after a xanax induced 6 hour coma to see that your pirate LARP caused all this. Whew thanks OP this is hot stuff

suicide is never a rational thought or option

Sometimes it is.

Thoughts? Only time it's reasonable is if you're terminally ill or gonna be captured by the enemy in war.

Or if the local game stores sold out of your favorite Funko Pops before your mom could bring you into town.

Sounds like a rentoid problem.

They don't pay rent to their parents 🤭

Pedo island billionaires caught by the FBI ironically would.

Its reasonable whenever you don't want to live anymore, dying is kind of the point, life has no inherent meaning or value come @ me

This but unironically

Only point of living is to reproduce. The rest is completely auxiliary.

Incels on suicide watch.

To paraphrase Doug Stanhope, life's like a movie, if its shit in the first half chances are it won't get much better in the second.

Idk, I just opened 4 pounds of vaccum sealed shatter and it's all fucked up. So fucked up that for me to salvage it it will take at least half a day. I feel like medium sized inconveniences are reason enough to take the big dive

or if you're just really old and life is boring now, like hunter S

Imagine failing your daimyo in honorable combat and not killing yourself

Jannies the pirate poster is trying to post here but his account is too young

The Department of Claws appreciates your report, Comrade Romulo.




Holy shit, I genuinely haven't had a laughing fit due to any comment on reddit in years!

Imagining some R-slur doing this IRL made me laugh so fucking hard lmao.

Sometimes reddit is good.


why did OP spill his beans?


I lost my shit for a solid minute when I started reading his response 🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴

Literally the ending of dodgeball. Let him be a fucking pirate