The one armed hooker is also a drug addict

1  2020-07-08 by Feanorfanclub



The perfect broad.

One too many arms tho

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. The one armed hooker is also a drug... -,*

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meth is not a fun drug imho

Gets you high off your tits though, and it’s relatively easy to make if you know what you’re doing.

yah but i like to go do things on drugs, social things. Meth just makes people stay inside it seems.

Obviously you’d stay inside you don’t want the helicopters to catch you

Do you not enjoy cooming for 12 hours?


I have no idea why anyone has cared about her ever, let alone who she has a sizable hate and non-hate following

I just figured she was American. So it was safe to assume she was going to be addicted to either boozes, drugs or food.

It's a fair assumption.

Much love from Kazakhstan

There's gotta be more than one armed hooker

There was a burn victim girl on Tinder who was prostituting because apparently a lot of dudes just wanted to fuck her for the novelty of it.

Thats unironically kinda fucked up.

Anyways she wanted $300 for a creampie and that was too much for college aged me.

Yeah, might as well get a normal hooker and burn her yourself.

A business man I see

i'm sure most of them carry mace at least, so yeah

So she was actually riding high as fuck when she hit the sign that took her arm

I once met a one legged stripper in Los Angeles. Her loss of leg was her own fault.

Same with this girl. Lost her arm driving drunk on a scooter.


4 years clean from opioids

smoking some meth to celebrate 🥰

Wow. Just wow.

Let's be honest she quit because she lost her arm, it's hard to shoot up with only one arm.