cringetopia has a struggle session over whether being attracted to a minor makes you a criminal

1  2020-07-08 by Corporal-Hicks


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Oh my god

Red pill me on what map means 🤔

It's an old GPS

minor attracted person

🤮 why do they have some woke terminology? Back in my day we called them pedos

To try and escape scrutiny.

boomer Google maps

/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


  1. cringetopia has a struggle session ... -,*

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I always shit on anime but thank god it exists so that the pedos can release their pent up sexual frustration into a tissue watching some 14 year old anime girl fight a demon rather than actually venturing out of their mom’s basements to try and lure kiddos 🤢🤢🤢

14 year old anime girl


but does the pedo come first and then the anime, or does the anime make the pedo?

I think we can draw a straight line from the Manhattan Project to anime to rising pedophilia in the First World. We should probably get rid of science classes.

Dangerously Ted-pilled

I think being absorbed in it just makes them want to do it in rl that much more. Someone into porn with drug addicted women faking orgasms from anal probably makes them want to sodomize their gf even more and not less.

Sometimes the booty is just so cute you wanna cum inside it you know

Bussy yes, but having sex with a wom-n at all🤮

Assuming that a MAP haven't submit to their darkest desire yet, why in the world would you admit that you are attracted to children, and why the hell would you say it out loud?

Now, I'm not an American, so can any dramanaut confirm: If a company has information that one employee is a MAP (kid diddler by definition, who haven't diddling kid yet), is it enough for termination?

id imagine if you admitted youre a MAP on a social media platform youd be fired from your job simply over the backlash.

Lmao imagine if there's backlash of the backlash from admitting that you're an MAP.

The drama energy would be Nuclear.

Usually pedos who are actually in treatment are told to stay the fuck away from the internet. It’s manipulation. Stop being mean and we’ll get treatment. Meanwhile this is some plan they’ve cooked up on their pedo boards to start normalizing attraction to children. Guarantee.

and if you have thoughts like this on a frequent basis, you can get help managing these thoughts from a therapist.

Hi, mr therapist? I need help. Why? Oh, I told a Redditor that pedophilia is bad.

Can we start calling pedophiles cartographers



End the oppression. Legalize child cartography.

Hmmm time to open Google Maps.

Fine by me.

Abusing them with hatred can make us even lower than them

Genuinely hoping that’s satire


didnt cringetopia spin off from CringeAnarchy? if that comment was posted during the peak of CA it would have 100% been top post

Pitifully untrue. Abusing them with hatred can make us even lower than them. Help them end the behavior, not encourage it with abuse and stress!

Jesus christ🤢🤮