Local r-slur baits D list politician and adds more wood to drama fire (an efforpost)

1  2020-07-08 by molested_by_clowns

Meet KW Miller , your dumb hick politician who thinks everyone is up to get white people , the man is running for Congress also , he is your old school there are only two genders , old school type background and democrats are a satanic cult created by Soros , ya know the usual stuff

So far he has made Nicki Minaj fans mad https://mobile.twitter.com/KwCongressional/status/1280949292384030720

Kpop fans. BTS - Big Time Socialist https://mobile.twitter.com/KwCongressional/status/1280816785827258368


AOC conspired with the bts to boycott the campaign https://mobile.twitter.com/KwCongressional/status/1280641525483999238

His knowledge of rappers like pusha T, big Sean , two Chainz https://mobile.twitter.com/KwCongressional/status/1280549044515934210

Still don't think the guy is the greatest thing ever? Welp , this is my favorite one : Beyonce is not even black , and she is part of the Soros Deep state https://mobile.twitter.com/KwCongressional/status/1279562816324763648

And that's just the surface , the man is a true drama machine

So I thought, why not add my grain of salt to the mountain, what do I have to lose? I'm just an account with little no no activity and 3 followers ( https://mobile.twitter.com/LeashSatan ) , will this Drama god notice this peasant? So I gave it a shot :


The results : https://mobile.twitter.com/KwCongressional/status/1280994114138451972

In conclusion . It doesn't matter your follower count but the potential of your drama ,you don't have to believe the crap that you are posting and that I agree with everything this man says and mod him already .


A for effort F for caring


I feel like I somewhat earned his trust, what should I bait him with next time ?