An ex NFL player also reveals his true power level over twitter and r/NFL discusses; tweet links inside

1  2020-07-08 by ShemaleSmasher


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Between this and DeSean, I'd say the NFL is going to work wonders for the value of DramaCoin.

Fuck hoteps

What the fuck are they? I see so many prominent black Twitter accounts named 'x hotep' or 'hotep x' but I've no clue what they're about.

these guys are specifically black hebrew israelites who believe they are actually the native people of israel and God's chosen people.

probably some we wuz kangs tier schizo stuff

we wuz jews specifically in this case

They're the #WOKE "nice guys" in the black community that always push weird pseudo-science and pseudo-history. Regular black people are embarrassed by them.

I'd be hard pressed to call them woke. They're often very conservative with women and gay people.

White people stole #woke from black twitter where it was meant for more afrocentric stuff that later devolved into hotep stuff.

They're literally the original definition of woke. Woke originally referred to black conspiracy WE WUZ schizos, then the wh*te devil culturally appropriated the term, just like with Karen

Why does anyone care about the social media ramblings of a man who's entire career is based on being repeatedly hit in the head?

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. An ex NFL player also reveals his t... -,*

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I heard football causes brain damage.

Aw fuck, he went to my college.

Lmao must suck to go to such a shit college, call me when your school gets into the single digits rankings like a real university 😘

What is fucking 12 years like?

He has 3 excuses to be this way:

1) Went to Penn St 2) Unfortunate case of CTE 3) Based AF
