Racism Test: We NEED to talk about AnTi-RaCiSm

1  2020-07-08 by dramaticunt

It has come to my attention that y'all a bunch of wonderbread 🍞 worshippers waiting to start the next h*locaust.

During these sensitive times, we need to use HaRd science aka Sociology aka Math-is-sexist to reduce the amount of unacceptable racism.

Here is a test.

Please post results in comments and please be prepared for a struggle session to beat the racism out of you.


We should keep an eye on you in case you decide to Hitler things up

I’m surprised you still got rejected from art school with marks that high...

62% total racism without even trying

These questions are absolutely retarded, remove the obsession with "non-whites" and you're left with "Is it ok to teach history?", "Is it ok to compliment people?", "Is it okay to portray people as dumb in commercial" and if you even think of answering yes they stamp your ticket for the KKK rally

Ummmmm excuse me? This is HaRd ScIence πŸ§ͺ- all seriousness, the questions are loaded like the gun that shot Arbery (Too soon? God I hope those fuckers who killed him get whats coming).

The virgin social scientist vs the Chad statistician


Heh 54% total racism based on honest opinions.

By the way how the fuck is it racist to say that a black person looks like another black celebrity? I’d think that would be pretty flattering, especially if you say they look like a really attractive celebrity.

Guess I’m just too racist and not woke enough.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Racism Test: We NEED to talk about ... - archive.org, archive.today*

  2. test - archive.org, archive.today*

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Sweet, 35% total racism. I can probably get that score up a few points if I study

30.9%, but those questions are pretty r-slurred

Who is the moron who made those questions?

They kept changing frame from "Is it good to do X?" to "is it bad to do X?"

50% general racism but these questions are r-slurred because they break everything down into questions about non-mayos. "Is it ok to stereotype non-mayos?" Yeah but it's ok to stereotype mayos too. "Is it ok to ask a basketball-American to teach you basketball?" yeah if they're good at basketball. If I want to know how to be an annoying c-slur I'd ask a mayo foid.

Where's your degree? Why don't you call yourself a sociologist and make us a better test then hmmmm?!!!!

They should have asked how we felt about mayos as well.

It is offensive to tell non-Whites that β€œthey speak English so well.”

Where am I going to get my validation if I can't be told this?

Edit: also 56% "Perpetual Foreigner Racism" as a first-gen immigrant lol

I changed non-whites to non-asians (since asians are superior ofc) and got a good 63% 😎😎😎

Unimaginably based.

I'd rather punch myself in the dick than take a racism test.

Well? Punch yourself in the dick.

Crying right now.

55% general racism. But I don't think USA is a western country and consider their whites as non-european.

Literally buzzfeed tier tests