Lady A sues Lady A

1  2020-07-09 by Shubard75


Your title really undersells the irony of the situation.

"White band changes their name to that of a black blues singer because of BLM, proceeds to sue the singer."

more accurate

> be white band with black-appropriating name

> change name because BLM

> changed to "Lady A", same stage name as existing Black singer

> Black singer is named Anita White

> White BLM-loving band sues Black Ms. White whose name they stole

woke af dawg

“When we learned that Ms. White had also been performing under the name Lady A, we had heartfelt discussions with her about how we can all come together and make something special and beautiful out of this moment,”

What is this?

Means the black lady spoke like a white person on the phone and told the band to fuck off and because the band is racist didnt realize black people dont have to speak in ebonics.



On June 11, the band announced it was dropping the name Antebellum from its name after reflecting on the Black Lives Matter movement and in an effort to be more inclusive.

Country group Lady A, which dropped the word "Antebellum" from its name because of the word's ties to slavery, has filed a lawsuit against a Black singer who has performed as Lady A for years.

Is there a better way to show you care about black people than stealing a black woman's name? Why, suing her when she tells you to cut that wh*te nonsense out, of course!

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Lady A sues Lady A -,*

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Good thing nobody gives a shit about antebellum anyway.

What's with Americans and ruining random words? Antebellum literally means "before the war" lmao.

Antebellum south = slavery in these people's minds

Honestly all this is is just a witch hunt for the wokes to cancel literally as many people as possible

It's the context. In the US, usage is almost exclusively in the South in reference to the pre-civil war era.


nashville mayos currently starring in an episode of "when publicity stunts go wrong"

White women: not even once.