Rose Twitter gets betrayed by their leader

1  2020-07-09 by employee10038080


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Rose Twitter gets betrayed by their... -,*

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That’s a nice morning pickmeup. Thanks OP.

Rose Twitter in shambles

Biden plans to take guns away from the most marginalized of us, PoC and the poor, right as neo Nazi white supremists are instigating their hoped for second Civil War. I'm voting Green Party, deliberately against both Biden and Trump.


not voting for Kanye

Whhhhhy won’t the guy who easily won the primary adopt ALL the policies of the guy who’s lost the last two?

It's funny how the American left is perfectly divided between those that want things to change, and those that want things to go back to the way they were (pre-Turmp). Pandering to so many people at once must be backbreaking 😓😓

It's not perfectly divided, one side seems to be winning all the primaries

Primaries don’t matter. He admitted he’s stepping down and giving the presidency to his VP eventually.

Which is an amazing statement considering every candidate is either a total fuckup with their current role or couldn’t even break 4% of their own party’s primary before dropping out.

Nah the American left is divided between people who vote and people who virtue signal

Most people who like Biden aren't lefties, they're liberals. You know, normal people who don't cry and blame the world for their lack of success, like lefties and righties.

nothing will fundamentally change. -joe biden

Yeah that's the point dumbass.

The really funny part about Bernie Bros grasping to that quote is that it was him saying he was going to raise the taxes on the rich because they're so rich that paying a lot more taxes won't change their lives at all. If Bernie had said the exact same thing they'd still be washing his balls over it.

Critical thinking requires more than one synapse and doesn't always end in a dopamine release like pushing send tweet does

Normally I don’t click on twitter links, but it’s astounding that those people use so many emojis

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he has 100% sold out an dis ocmplelty ilrelvent. biden progressiv elol doe she think we are all crazy.

lol, based stroke-poster

DO NOT 😡 attempt to silence or belittle users of RAVE (Ret@rded American Vernacular English)

Biden plans to take guns away from the most marginalized of us, PoC and the poor, right as neo Nazi white supremists are instigating their hoped for second Civil War. I'm voting Green Party, deliberately against both Biden and Trump.

doom posters out in force too lol

Bernie makes them seethe so much every time he praises Biden. It just keeps on giving 🤣🤣🤣

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