successfully got my ban revoked by claiming to be black😂

1  2020-07-09 by TellMeToStudyPls

That has given me some ideas for my future bans. 🤔


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. successfully got my ban revoked by ... -,*

  2. -,*

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 But what kind of r-slur posts on blursedimages?

saw it on /r/all and decided to shit post in the comments.

What kind of r-slur browses r/all?


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ask him to capitalize Black or report to admins

Do it OP, post results and I'll buy you emojis.

what kind of emojis are we speaking of?🤨

Le heckirooni reddit kind.

Just do it, you n-slur.

I was gonna correct you with j-slur, but that's jnnie, not jgger.

Is it just me or are slurs running into a pigeonhole problem?

Wqs thinking about joo

Do it, you bundle of sticks

lol fuckkin reddit.

This website is a festival of AIDS.


Reddit means Feast of the AIDS and Cancer in ancient Greek


U guys think this will this get me unbanned from srd?

would be worth a try, post the results then.

We should start a service where black guys provide pictures of hand holding paper with username and timestamp on demand, for a small monetary reward or maybe just for the lulz if they too think that this is a bit tarded.

Why not just make a good photoshop template for everyone?

Is fiver still up?

He need that black dude who made the post about colored people vs people of color to do it, he's on our autistic wavelength

what post you talking about homie?

This one. Weiser-posting at its finest.

oh shit, that one. He's incredibly based and black pilled.

Sadly it’s all mayos here

Are you lumping r/drama's proud and thriving Latino community into that mayo count?

Lol I’m genuinely a Latino tbf

You’d be shocked at how many there are on this sub.

Latinos and homosexuals have fiery temperaments that make them naturally attracted to drama.

It's Latinx you Latinophobe!

Yo también güey

Gross, I'm not

Based libright

You can tell it was a white guy replying to you as well 😂

It's all good, my homie!

(Don’t worry, he speaks jive.)

I hope you understand why we have to gotta take precaution on that ✊🏻


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lmao. That wall of text he wrote just because you said you were black. Normally they'd just mute you. This site is fucking hilarious.


I mean honestly, he sounds nice enough. But you're right. I guarantee you I'd have simply been muted if I tried to fight the ban any other way.

Claiming I was black made them backtrack immediately lmao

I'm sure he is a nice guy, it's just the bending over backwards for minorities on Reddit is hilarious.

What did you get banned for?


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but he's black

the thread in question there's not much to see because all of it got nuked, and removeedit doesn't seem to work for me.

Anyway, like you can see in the screenshot, I said "chill out my n-word[had to censor it for automod :(]" to some m*yo who was freaking out about something pointless.😂

HAHA of course it was BelleAriel who deleted it, what a hag


I’ve been black on fb for a while. My mayo accounts kept getting suspended for memes. Other than antifa trying to doxx me being black on fb basically makes you untouchable. Trick is to find non reverse searchable photos

A long time ago I played a popular MMO and my character was a huge black dude and I was in a large guild, so I decided to roleplay as black on the voice server using a voice changer to give me deep sexy voice. I was the coolest motherfucker in our guild.

I had to stop though because I was getting too much black privilege while being awful at the game like leeroy jenkins or somethin, also people started asking me for black person advice.

Way back when I played WoW I made a dark skinned human paladin named Rashid or something and LARPed as a holy servant of Allah.

Eventually the LARP bled through the character and before I knew it the entire guild was convinced I was a devout Muslim and I just sort of went with it.

As-salamu alaykum brotha ✊

Please tell me you're using "black privilege" ironically 😐

Lol it was black privilege in the sense that I got reverse racism'ed.

Like I said, despite being terrible at the game and at raids and stuff, once they thought I was black I was suddenly welcomed into the upper tier of the guild because they wanted more diversity or some shit, joke got old after that though.

Oh ok lol

LARPing as a cute white girl is a golden ticket too. The shit I was allowed to say using a blurry picture of a mannequin would make you stomach flip.

Wrong wordage.

You should have said you identify as Black.

Then you would have been moded.

Oh no, not THE WORD!!

Mods pin this immediately

it was nice of them to capitulate while dumbing down the explanation for you


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Make him APOLOGIZE!!

kiss the boot


I'm almost offended "Homies" worked. Meanwhile I'm black but because I don't sound like a stereotype people just assume I'm a mayo. Sometimes I have to toss in n-g-a just to remind mayos that I'm bl*ck and the new top of the food chain.

Speaking properly is internalized white supremacy, sweaty.

Do better.

Mayo's only call it proper because they can't come up with cool slang.

What can I say? I'm wearing my digital black face well.😏

uhm excuse me sweaty but no real PoC would type that cogently. You're clearly performing virtual blackface do better be better


I'm dead lol. That's funnier than saying snowflakes(no not the sjw meaning)

cum and balls

wooo wooh phew

Upvoted, great comment sir! cum and balls

Haahahahah got me chuckling. Keep it up!

hahahah epic

Dude please can I post this back to r/BlursedImages? I'm sorry I'm going to anyway the urge is too strong hope you don't get banned again.

you're a conspiratard, you should be locked in the basement, for your own safety. But I can't stop you in the end anyway.

Who knows, maybe my shtick will work twice.😊

I want to see If they will ban me as well, I'm half black so maybe ill get away with it.


I'm sorry my dude I got banned too. At least we got to see the outcome of the experiment.

I could hear the swallowing of hotpockets as I read that.

That jannie's response should be a snappy quote

I tried this with Twitter once, didn't work.


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never talk to me ever again.


the absolute state of mayo j*nnies 😂😂


You should switch to hard r next

My boy desperate for his n word pass :(


"wtf I'm trans myself, me and the homies call each other abominable mentally ill crossdresser all day

No one snitch on this guy. That would be a sin.


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My god, African Americans seriously need to let go of the word “n-gga.” Everyone uses it. I love rap music and say that shit daily, purely out of love for my black brothers. If wh*te people could say it without fear of getting smacked from the nearest black dude we’d have the most progressive society in the world


Stop fucking around and FUCKIN’ STUDY.

This is so fucking pathetic holy shit

Jannies aren't people


I often catch bans for people thinking I'm white (I'm black) because I don't share far left values that people demand of black people.

Make it make sense

'It's all good''


ffs lmao

LUL I tried my luck there as well, I'll post update if I get anything interesting out of it.

Imagine having to be a certain race to use a word, Orwell and Bradbury were right we truly deserve this

Imagine desperately wanting to use a certain word

Janitors! Janitors!

Barely even human!

You and the homies. Pure gold.



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Gullible mod is dumb

This is funny but I have to dislike you for pretending your black : P

The state of the mayo in 2020 🤣

Dude this is low on both sides