r/NFL continues to be amazed at the existence of black supremecists

4  2020-07-09 by hyphenjack

Here a user posts a comparison of the reactions to two separate scandals: Drew Brees saying that people should respect the flag, and DeSean Jackson saying that Hitler was right. Take a guess which one got the most outrage

Here some fans make the astounding discovery that racism is everywhere, not just in the lands of the mayo

It seems that the subreddit custodians (who, if you remember, did this lovely piece of ego-stroking which has one of my favorite comments) have been removing lots of posts about the whole situation. One brave member of the thin gray line defends himself

Here a fan tries to say that Drew Brees simply chose the wrong time to say something bad, and the context of Jackson defending Hitler explains the discrepancy because social media wasn't telling people how to think about it

Here someone defends treating Drew Brees like a fascist stormtrooper for being patriotic

Was it because Brees is hwite?

We did it, Reddit!


This past month has been a hilarious ride of white people learning about black people.

Last month they learned about Juneteenth for the first time ever, now it seems they are getting a lesson in the fact that yes, black people are human and can also be prejudiced against others. I'd bet if you pulled the average black Southern Baptist point of view and attributed it to a white person Twitter would try to cancel them for homo/transphobia.

I married into a black family, we always get drunk and get into involved conversations about race because I'm a politics junkie and also on average the only white person at the barbecue. Shockingly, as far as ignorance and hate goes, they are pretty similar to everyone else. WHODA FUCKING THOUGHT?!

black people are people just like everyone else

I'm literally shaking how could we not know this, I thought the nation of islam was just for liberating black people from oppression

weird that suburban America has never thought of blacks as being human beings and not some weird caricature of noble savages/ white savior complex target.

I have no issues believing in systemic racism, but that’s mostly from the fact that suburbia will treat Black people like some sort of charity they can donate to right up until the time a black man goes door to door selling shit, then it’s calling the police.

I don't see how you can watch a football game and not become a black supremacist.

The backlash against BLM has started. Black people were feeling too confident and thought whytes would just go with everything they would say

End police brutality!

Hell yeah fuck the police!

Black lives matter!

Hell yeah I love my chocolate brothers!

Hitler was right!

Hell yeah Hitler was... Wait what? Sweats Umm okay what he meant was that systemic racism and words words words please someone buy this bullshit

The jump from wanting to end police brutality to claiming Hitler was right has by far been my favorite ideological evolution in 2020 so far.

Can't wait to see what wild shit they come up with next.

The drama God's have smiled on us this year

4chan was ahead of its time.

They fucked up and went after the OG oppressed minority. I don't believe in the conspiracy that the Jews run the world because there are a lot of Asians and Pasty M@yos that have just as much power as the Jews. I do believe they have the strongest lobby in the world. Do you remember the Sony emails that were allegedly leaked by North Korea (cough CIA cough)? The execs were bemoaning the fact that Scarlett Johannson and Natalie Portman weren't sufficiently pushing Jewish causes.

BLM and the wider Black commmunity made a huge mistake with anti-semitism. The Jewish lobby doesn't fuck around. When you come at the king, you best not miss.

They targeted Jews.


We're a group of people who will work for hours, days, even weeks on end following some of the hardest, most mentally demanding laws. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than remaining faithful to the law of Moses.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because YHWH told us to.

We'll spend most if not all of our cooking time making sure we don’t accidentally break any of the ancient structures about boiling a lamb in the milk of the mother

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the Law, all day, the same scriptures over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such rabbi nirvana that they can literally quote these verses blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many regimes have tried, racists have attacked, atheists sneered and spit at us? All to later be referred to as a holiday?

Jews are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; you’re just another goyim.

The execs were bemoaning the fact that Scarlett Johannson and Natalie Portman weren't sufficiently pushing Jewish causes.

wut. do you have a link? hollywood Jews are the biggest bunch of self-hating and anti-israeli jews in the world. would like to see this

Bro, that was one guy...rich and connected, but still one guy. I mean OK? She even asked to get off the email chain. Im sorry but you dont know hollywood at all if you think its remotely pro-israel compared, to say, southern evangelicals.

Why are you acting like I am arguing with you?

act like? argue? why are you getting emotional?

dont know what to tell you but that wasnt multiple "execs" nor was it some big hollywood push to get actors behind Israel. You said it, not me. You made it out like Israel's lobby was behind some major program. It sounded really weird to me, having grown up around those people. And lo and behold... They are profoundly made up of bleeding heart liberals.

But OK man, mossad infiltrated Hollywood and are brainwashing brainless actors cuz this one email chain from one dude. whatevs

Leave it to a Joo to keep harping same old

The whole thing really sucks. No one comes out the better.... except for white racists who hate both blacks and Jews.

Jews did this


  1. r/NFL continues to be amazed at the... - archive.org, archive.today*

  2. Here - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. Here - archive.org, archive.today*

  4. this - archive.org, archive.today*

  5. one of my favorite comments - archive.org, archive.today*

  6. One brave member of the thin gray l... - archive.org, archive.today*

  7. Here - archive.org, archive.today*

  8. Here - archive.org, archive.today*

  9. Was it because Brees is hwite? - archive.org, archive.today*

  10. We did it, Reddit! - archive.org, archive.today*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Yes (((we))) did 😎

Can I get a job as your goytoy?

You just couldn't help yourself.

I love you

oh no

Das rite

roflmfao famalam

Spare me, sentienent overlord!


Based and sentientpilled

they robots know shut it down

It’s because Drew Brees is white lets be real....

This comment was upvoted, gentlemen and gentlemen. I’m actually pleasantly surprised that the post isn’t just one SRDjerk.

We all know how SRD would take this drama if they even post it.

They posted it. At least twice



Their focus, of course, is on two things:

  • What the dude said was anitsemitic

  • It sucks that conservatives are saying that the left on reddit is being hypocritical about it

What they're not saying is:

  • The left on reddit is being hypocritical about it

Which is like 90% of the internet drama about this. So of course they wouldn't be interested in talking about that. What are they, a drama sub?

They're the hypocrites and they lack the self awareness to figure that out.

Holy shit, their obsession with "bad faith actors" is starting to look like actual witch hunting. Although I'm glad someone did point out the "silence = violence" hypocrisy.


So of course

I read this in cenks voice

That dude is one of the most annoying people on God's green Earth.


You're goddamn right

The racial conciousness of the mayo is growing, we must strike quickly.

Most varieties of black racist movements haven't historically caused huge problems, a lot of movements accused of racism like the black panthers were mostly oriented around self defense.

Black Israelite views though are literally inspiring murder of Jews, it's the dumbest shit.

This is the most beautifully succinct thing I’ve seen you post afaik. Nice.

It's because uninformed voters voted for Uncle Joe instead of his Jew.

It’s impressive how quickly the Black Israelite 2019 Jersey City shooting was forgotten

Right because there have been several hundred shootings since then by all sorts of people.

Yeah but the ones by t-slurs, commies, and Popeye's Chicken Sandwich Americans get memoryholed.

Yeah well it's hard to complete with the rightoids when they're constantly posting new high scores.

Idk, out of the top three deadliest mass shootings in America only one was mayo- the other two were middle eastern and Asian.

They're starting to catch up.

Doing the jobs white Americans won't

Yeah but were they rightoids or leftoids? Let's be honest here, leftoids are garbage at pew pews.

Can you imagine how different the world would be if the 2017 Congressional baseball shooter wasn't incompetent

can you imagine a world where Bernie bros can accomplish anything

I cannot

notice the correlation between racial IQ and how successful they are at mass shootings


So what exactly do the black Israelites think of Hitler? They seem to glorify the Holocaust because it targeted the "fake Jews", but do they treat it as a broken clock right twice a day affair?

Yakubspawn won't tell you this, but Hitler was actually black, just like Jesus.

This but unironically.

It's because they advocate the same White Nationalist "Ethnopluralist" autism, all races need to be segregated in their own ethnostates.

The Nation of Islam was pretty friendly to the Amerimutt Nazi Party and the KKK, as both of them hated Jews and advocate that races should form their own original homelands, such as what Marcus Garvey taught that Blacks should return to to Africa and White Amerimutts should return to back to Europe.



I wonder who mods the sports subs