Supreme Court says the popo get Daddy's tax returns

11  2020-07-09 by The_Homocracy


Both of his appointees fucked him over, he really knows how to pick them

Oh man I have all these lifetime appointments to fill with my guys they'll all be under my thumb for life!

Oops turns out that someone who's appointed to a life term can just do whatever the hell they want after you appoint them, doh

Not even a daddy supporter but this tax thing is one of the most r-slurred things to come out of 2016. There was literally no law saying that he had to reveal his tax returns like most candidates do and we all know that he's only hiding them because he's not as rich as he pretends to be.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Supreme Court says the popo get Dad... -,*

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And so does congress lmao. 7-2.

This is going to be nuclear Daddy drama.

The Supreme Court said "Naw we ain't touching this shit" and sent it back to the kiddy court to figure out


I wanted drama though

nooooooo Daddy supposed to be in jail!

Err I mean, but drama tho

Homofragility, lol

But imagine the seething if Trump went to jail

Lets say he does go to or committed a crime worthy of the sentence

It'll never happen.

At worst, he'll be subject to house arrest....

At trump tower.

The arrest will be enough to make the DDF seethe

Dude got impeached and nothing happened. Any normal taxpayer of the republic should be seething at the amount of time wasting has been generated.

This but unironically

soon bb

the next few months will be monsoon season for tears on every side

🙏🏾 Inshallah 🙏🏾

Lol they changed the title. Could this be...fake news?

Nothing will come of this

We already have dâddy s33thing on twitter about it and thats all that matters.


It's the drama we made along the way

Can someone explain to me in r-slur terms why getting his tax returns would be good or bad?

It's the left wing falling for a media interest trap the same way the right wing did with Obama's birth certificate. I'm just hoping at this point the whole shebang doesn't result in some retarded checkmark entering politics and turning all our elites into gibbering baboons like it happened last time.

turning all our elites into gibbering baboons


fine, revealing. You can't deny the mask dropped post-Trump.

It's been sort of tradition for presidents to release their tax returns for the purpose of transparency for the past few decades. Trump was the first to refuse to do so, and he had given a series of evasive and contradictory justifications for this. So people pretty much just assume that there must be some good shit in there he's trying to hide.

Yes he's a billionaire and probably has complex finances. But Ross Perot and Tom Steyer were also billionaires and didn't have any trouble releasing their returns. This was a big issue in 2016 and it was close and he still wasn't willing to divulge them despite all the negative press coverage over the issue, so, again, people pretty much assume there's something in there that will hurt him a lot. Maybe he's not nearly as rich as he thinks he is, maybe evidence of criminal activity.

If there's criminal activity, wouldn't that already have been investigated by the IRS since they're his tax returns?

Lol rich people don't get audited.

Mitt Romney didn’t release his tax records, he got an accountant to certify his tax rate

Probably evidence that he's a Russian and/or Chinese laundry.


If they show irregularities or something fishy, they could be used as evidence in court etc. Could get Daddy in actual trouble, it maybe they just show that he's broke. Whatever it is, Daddy doesn't want them out so it's likely something is fishy.

Gotcha. I suppose if you ask me for something and I lose my shit over it, you're probably on the right track.

If they show irregularities or something fishy, they could be used as evidence in court etc. Could get Daddy in actual trouble

You mean, it might get his tax preparer in trouble.

I hope no one sincerely thinks that he files his own tax return. Like he goes down to the post office and picks up a 1040EZ and fills it out at the kitchen table while Melania makes some mac 'n cheese for Baron or some shit like that.

I was more thinking it showing him devaluing property for tax purposes. He's been busted for that before but the SOL was up so nothing could be done


I think you're really underestimating how retarded Donald Trump is.

The guy was directing illegal hush money payments via a mob lawyer and thought NDAs would protect him.

There is no universe in which Donald Trump or his family survives an in-depth look at their finances.

I have heard from some tax expert on 538 I think that it doesn't really matter, that these records wouldn't show anything juicy really, at worst they would embarrass the orange man, implying how he's not as rich as he claims to be, so if you wanna a billionaire president that's actually self-made, vote Kanye

tl;dr Kanye2020

Trump is most definitely a billionaire since he took office


Because poorcels think if daddy isn’t worth billions but only worth hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars that would be an epic own.

Also Trump in this instance, if he were worth hundreds of millions of dollars and decided to break the tax return tradition just because of that, it would in fact be Trump who considers it a huge own that has not in the billions, such a huge own that he'd rather deal with years worth of controversy over the subject than just admit that fact.

What if his tax returns show that he's actually a trillionaire and the reason he doesn't want them to get out is because he doesn't want to embarrass poorcels even further.

What if he was a good guy all along.

The typical redditor thinks it's a good thing since they think tax returns show everything you own.

The typical NY politician is wanting them released because people in real estate show very little income and have scary things known as "shell corps" which to the typical constituent means tax avoidance.

Blue Lives Matter
