Crippling Alcoholics mock weak AA drunk noobs

1  2020-07-10 by correct_the_econ


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Crippling Alcoholics mock weak AA d... -,*

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These people only have morality because society guilts them into it

Yeah so I blew a .54 while DUI then begged nurses for benzos

I'll take the guilty degenerates over the disturbingly proud ones any day.

the shame that your doing something wrong is most of the fun anyways

True, my bf abuses my backdoor often

your doing


Don't want to spend your entire life working at Wal Mary because there are no good jobs anywhere? That's Sexist. Check your privilege.

Don't just want to sit back and watch finance parasites consume our entire economy without ever being held accountable? That is literally the most ANTISEMITIC thing I've ever heard.

Wish that Healthcare and housing were not luxuries and you could afford them on a normal salary. Dude, I don't know about your gut it sure smells like RACIST in here.

Do you just keep a document full of this random Chapo shit somewhere or do you actually type this out yourself? Also, maybe keep your shitposting topical.

Do you just keep a document full of this random Chapo shit somewhere or do you actually type this out yourself?

Your comment smells like poor, gross.

One of the best things I ever found on the internet was this huge website made by some guy who was absolutely livid at AA. His goal was to prove that it was a cult, so he had hundreds of pages about various cults, what cults have in common, and how AA is like that. But somehow over the years I lost the bookmark to it and now I can't find it anymore because there's so much other crap on the internet arguing about whether or not AA is a cult.

Anyway, I dunno about AA but Synanon sure got into some fucking wacky territory before they got shut down.

Narconon is run by the Church of Scientology. It's a great way to recruit vulnerable people into your cult.

Yeah, I've seen Scientology leaflets promising that they'll help you get "clean". It's only after you join that you realize they mean getting clean of alien ghosts. 😒

It's only after you join that you realize they mean getting clean of alien ghosts

A worthy cause.

I believe it is. I knew the dramanauts could help me. 🤗🤗🤗

Alcohol is the shittiest drug to get addicted to, it doesn't even feel good to get drunk really, at least not in comparison to any real drugs. Get a debilitating coke habit like a man.

Did it ever truly begin for poorcels?

If you have a salary under 100k per household earner you should be hanged

Coke is a dogshit drug lmfao, you pay out the ass for a garbage high that lasts 10 minutes. If you're gonna do stims, be a fucking man and smoke some meth, and if you just wanna show off how rich you are, start sipping lean

You don't do coke for the high. You do it to show off that you can afford it.

Most 'coke' poorfags do these days has almost no coke in it and yet these retards still pay hundreds for it 😂

As the radical centrist in this situation, I'm gonna say that regular amphetamines are the true patrician's choice.

Regular amphetamines are for pussies, just shoot meth like a real man

It's cheap, can be used for fun or for work, can even get them legally and for free with insurance like an upstanding citizen instead of a degen illegal drug user. It also doesn't make you smell like shit and be universally seen as a huge, huge loser like weed does. Literally only valid drug tbh

As the only actual qualified radical centrist and drug expert I would say a steady diet of dextroamphetamines, Valium, and oxymorphone is a true patrician of drugs choice. There’s a reason rich people only really do prescription drugs.

Are you the new kat_bot alt?

Cakejerry_bot *

no Demerol or desoxyn

This guy does not schedule II


Stop being poor and get proper coke

it doesn't even feel good to get drunk really

The first few drinks are the best but then you try to sustain that perfect buzz and everything turns to shit.

My key is to go be to bar and quickly down 2 vodka soda doubles, maybe do a shot with friends. Then switch between vodka sodas and soda water all night.

That's classist, bro. Not everyone has your privilege to be able to both acquire and afford a debilitating coke habit!


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Hard drugs like meth, crack or opiods like fent and heroin are worse health wise, but I agree, Alch and cigs have the worst high to misery ratio.

Eh it feels great for a couple hours and is completely legal, socially acceptable/glorified, and cheap as shit. Unfortunately when you're an alcoholic that fun level of drunk requires a liter of liquor and a hangover that can literally kill you

Getting shitfaced at parties in college or tailgates were my best drunk memories.

Drinking alone sucks ass

b-but I'm drinking while talking to my friends over xbox live!

Getting buzzed is only fun with friends. Getting drunk just isn't fun ever imo

Fuck that, get a lsd/xanax/coke cocktail you plebe.

lsd/mdma is the patrician combo

Its all about your brain chemistry. Alcohol euphoria hits me better than opiates when I hit the sweet spot.

At first I was going to seriouspost about how with any kind of addiction, tapering usually is the far healthier option, that cold turkey attempts really can kill you, and that from what I've seen AA relies way too heavily on religion rather than fucking medicine but then I saw this shit;

They are baby alkies!

I'm not convinced that people who brag about being such hardcore alcoholics are all that committed to getting clean. One of these 200 IQ ethanol brains actually uses the word 'gnarly' to describe his past benders.

A couple of these dudes talk about fucked up shit as if if they were frat bros partying, rather than ruining their fucking lives.

Guess the question is whether I let sleeping dogs lie or have one more bloody mary and bullycide him about what a raging softass pussy and hypocritical useless fuck he is. More than 10 upvotes on this post and he gets the treatment.

I want to break the rule so bad and upvote him but even by my standards it's probably pretty fucked up to egg on someone this far gone with alcohol.

Holy fuck that thread brings up some bad memories.

just don't drink moron

I know, it's difficult but I managed to do that for 6 months now almost. I decided to dedicate 3 days for a bender in the future, which may or may not happen.

I decide to get back into crippling addiction

I thought people saying dramatards are retarded were exagarating.

Nah, it's like a thing I wish I could do, but I keep postponing it and has worked so far. Before I couldn't go a day without drinking

Why not this week? You might actually not make it to next is short have some fun 🍻




No really, you're coping

I've never seen that approach work but I (sincerely) hope it does for you. Good luck

Thanks Debbie downer!

Lol my b :D


I'm not convinced that people who brag about being such hardcore alcoholics are all that committed to getting clean.

/r/cripplingalcoholism isn't for people who want to get clean. It's just a place for alcoholics to chat. Fuck, just read the start of the sidebar:

Crippling Alcoholism is a group for people who accept their lifestyle choice and don't want to be interrupted by underage, weekend-warriors posting about puking at the beer pong tournament they had when Ricky C's parents went to Aruba last summer.

Why's that guy texting his sponsor for support if he doesn't care


Of course drama retards in here are acting like these people are supposed to give a shit.

It's legitimately sad. They've deluded themselves so much the only way to break them out is to let them go almost over the edge and see what they've done to themselves.

The problem is, in my experience, that they usually just die.


Most of the people I know in aa are drug addicts, so by default they’ve been through way worse shit than alcoholics go though. It’s pretty common to hear about people overdosing multiple times in a week, or ending up on a ventilator and then having their dope dealer in the emergency room. Aa isn’t a religious program, Churchgoing members are actually a minority here


are alcoholicoids even people

Does alcoholism make you too stupid to realize that the things you boast about actually disgrace you or do you just have to be that ret-rded to become an alcoholic?

FYI, those people aren't boasting. You're viewing their community from the outside. There's a shared understanding between all of them about the torment of addiction and they know that what they're up against is an absolute beast. It's why they think the AA people are so silly because AA claims that all you have to do is accept jesus into your life and then you'll be cured.

Hence the "baby alkies" are cured by AA because alcohol wasn't the crux of their problem. Whereas the people who are physically dependent on booze and have used it as a major crutch in life may need more than going to church to get over their problem.

Trust me, the cripplings are full of shame, self loathing, confusion... they're happy/envious for anyone that can escape that lifestyle. What you see as boasting is really just them joking with each other.

That’s a lot of words for “sub full of retards”

No worries dramatard, I assume you're being disrespectful in the spirit of this sub. I hope your naive innocent little mind never truly understands what those people are going through. Hollywood might make alcoholism look glamorous yet real life is a different story.

I’ve been white girl wasted before so I think I know a little about drinking buddy

Lol, it really is cute how innocent your comment is. Stick to getting drunk occasionally and thinking that you have any idea about dealing with heavy alcoholism.

So you’ve had a hangover before? Nice, you have an inkling of how sick it makes them. Of course a wide swath of people must all be simply retarded for damaging themselves.

What a god awful font.

AA is great for hard drug users because when they want to relapse, they have a network of people who know where to find hard drugs. Many such cases. Whereas if you just shut the fuck up about it and stopped hanging out with a cult of recently drug-addled degenerates, you could maybe move on with your life.

Doesn't matter whether you join AA or how you stop being a pathetic alcoholic as long as you learn some goddamn self control.

These people never will.

That thread is insanely interesting, I’ve never done AA but reading about it through these people is fascinating. I always knew it was a scammy cult.


In this guide to vomiting blood the crippling alcoholic recommends that if you don't want to see a doctor you should stick to drinking beer. "Do not drink soda nor coffee nor juice, etc."

Thanks CA!

Alcoholics are probably the worst drug users on the planet.

They are always so insufferable, BuT mY DeMoNs ect.

I would rather run into funny ass tweakers or see you in a gutter nodding on heroine than talk Talk single alcoholic for any amount of time.

Time of the rope when?

I too prefer getting shanked in the spleen and then robbed of the $40 in my wallet by a heroin junkie sneaking out of the alley than to have to have a conversation with an alcoholic.

There's no comparison to stoners. I've never heard an alcoholic claim that alcohol could cure cancer in children.

What is a sponsor in this context?