Video of actress Naya Rivera and her son arriving at Lake Piru and riding away in a boat before her disappearance released by Police

1  2020-07-10 by beniejack


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Video of actress Naya Rivera and he... -,*

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Time and place, Snappy. 😔

She will be remembered for her parking skills.

literally who?

Actress from old show Glee that was popular some years back, pretty creepy cause like half the main cast is now dead. All under tragic circumstances.

I wonder if it's going to be like Smallville where the two main actresses were in a sex slave cult

No, they are all dead from unrelated circumstances but all tragic. From suicides to accidents, like i said pretty creepy.

Wasn't glee Bryan singers thing? And he is basically a confirmed nonce now?

Wasn't glee Bryan singers thing

I've never seen it

One got outed as a pedo who had over 50k pics of cp, hung himself in the woods before he went to jail

Another OD'd on heroin while watching sharknado (seriously)

And now this lady

Also there's been other stuff too but who cares

They said the kid survived by returning with the boat, how?

They rented a boat.
Didn't return it after their designated 3 hour time limit elapsed.
Boat landlords went looking for the overstaying rentoids.
Found the boat with the child on it, asleep, mum nowhere to be seen.
"mommy hasn't come back from her swim yet"

You know, I didn't think there was much left online that could phase me but this really did hit me right in the heart.


Those poor boat landlords will never get their late fees now.

rentoids really do b doing everything not to get evicted

will never get their late fees now.

why not? bill the kid!

"mommy hasn't come back from her swim yet"

wow man, that's really rough

They can make money back by letting people rent the boat that Glee Lady was last seen in.

I hope she at least left them a decent tip.

Oh this is sad