Cringe normie teens mad at orange man bad for trying to take away their Chinese spyware.

1  2020-07-10 by MIke6022


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Just how do you become so god damn fat, how can you look at yourself in the mirror each day and think "yep, that's me"?

No shame I guess

But he's not mentally ill, he has eyes, I just can't fathom it.

Some things are beyond us drama r slurs

It's just the average burger state of mind

He thinks exercise is bad for you because it "depletes the finite amount of energy stored in the human body." That can't help.

he's not mentally ill

Man, literally everyone has been warning against using tiktok though.

Maybe Reddit was right all along.

This will be daddy’s downfall


Yep, d@ddy lost the zoomer vote with this!


So their plan to get back at Daddy is to leave bad reviews on his app. But they promoted the app to the second place in the app store because you have to download it to review it. So they unintentionally helped Daddy 🤣

They’re being helpful in their own r slur way

Yet again, r-slurs become the heroes we deserve.

Did they do something to that photo to make his hands look smaller?

It’s just Chins using fake news to doctor the photo

Tiktok and its consequences have been a disaster for the zoomer generation

Zoomercide NOW

Zolocaust when?

"TikTok teens are going to war against Trump"

the type of headline that can even make the fiercest anti-trumper cringe their pants

Mine fell of l cringed so hard

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Cringe normie teens mad at orange m... -,*

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Banning Chinese software will be one of the few good things daddy ever does.

I tried to call him daddy in the title but it wouldn’t let me

The mods are kink shaming smh

Jokes on them, kink shaming is my kink.

Your kink sucks baby

Harder, shame me harder.

Your tastes are so bland you couldn't get a Mormon girl off missionary style.

I actually am Mormon. So I know this is true.

Imagine being from a cult that manages to make having multiple wives boring.

Yeah we really make things boring

So when os reddit going to get banned

Id rather be censored by the CCP than by woke twinks in California.

Making zoomers seethe is a reason all on it's own.

It’s what gives me a reason to live

He nuked a generation from orbit for supposedly fucking with his rally.

If he bans K-pop I'll join team Dåddy

Instagram will also soon be the province of 20-40 year olds. Teens are on TT more so than any other platform.

I'm going to spěrg for a moment to ask, why do r*dditors unnecessarily abbreviate short words so much? Is TikTok really so hard to type that this guy had to shorten it to make it easier?

IANAL so YMMV but I'm pretty sure when you're seething at that level you need to economize your words in order to avoid carpal tunnel, CMV.

TLDR zoomer (let's call him John) talk many.


Oh yes I (M14, OH, ANAL) am.

When I first started coming here I was wondering why everyone was proclaiming their love for anal

I (F21/INFJ) didn’t like your (AMAB37) post. What are my legal options without telling my CB Nparents?

You're (NB12, PR, (T) USA) going to wanna talk to a real lawyer, LAOP is full of shit and they're not gonna be able to tell you WITT without you getting fixed and INTA for that.


If it’s not an emoji Redditors can’t type it.

I honestly could make a big reeing long post about reddit's overuse of acronyms but I like to think I have better things to do.

It’s ok to pretend to be productive

So like me all day at work?


Great comment, can't wait to show my SO.

y u f, ct u un?


It's a college thing. Or at least that's what I read in the lib

TikTok actually is pretty annoying to type. The capitalizations, plus I always forget if it’s one word or 2 words.

Never heard “TT” till now. TT is cancer yo

WTF are y'all in this /r/ rly dat dumb? AYTA?

Where will all the hebaphehehepaheieiphiles go now?

Just call them Libertarians


Probably r/politics or some other low tier sub


Ban Reddit while we're at it, too

But then where will I get my drama

4channel,, Tom’s hardware, Linus tech tips

None amount to Chungus 420 breathtaking Reddit

Nooooo China can't spy on us! Only we can spy on our citizens!

Yeah but when we do it it’s cool

Everyone should ban foreign apps so you can prop up your own countries industries and companies. China literally has banned basically all non-Chinese internet services and has rules that mandate that every company that wants to do business in China has to do it through a joint venture with a chinese company.

Why give Chinese any leeway, ban their shit and companies from doing business outside of China and make them follow the same rules they set up for their own country.

This comment made every hedge fund manager and bank screech.

I agree hiwever

Rules for thee but not me. The attempt to make China friendly by giving them free allowance into our economies that the Yanks thought would happen has failed. Cooperation is a two way street and the Chinese have never shown any willingness to be fair

Another example, if you are not a Chinese citizen, basically impossible to buy property in China and getting Chinese citizenship? Lol less then 100 people per year get it. But our countries bend over backwards to accommodate the Chinese

Worked for Star Lord too, and he was up against Ronan with an infinity’s crazy enough that it might just work.

Three comments in and we got a cape shit reference. It's all so tiresome.

I'm baffled anyone was able to finish that movie. Was literally dripping memes and reddit gayness. I can usually stomach capeshit, but this one was offensively bad.

And Dr Strange literally annoyed a villain to death

TikTok is probably the vid sharing platform out right now. The app ain’t just dances and pretty people.

Hopefully something comes to take it’s place