Womxn is thrilled she gets to cancel guy streaming with blackface

1  2020-07-10 by RyPzoR


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Found the full stream

saw some nasty stuff. a guy was shilling his collection of books on how to make auto mac **ns for the r*** w**

He was ruining her chances to see male torsos furiously masturbating.

Wasn't nearly as much pearl clutching as I expected from public freakouts.

8 hours and only 900 upvotes? Something isn’t right here.

It's too funny for reddit

Im an African American, and i found this hilarious.🤦🏾‍♂️😂

White liberals don't really care what you think. This is about them.


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Womxn is thrilled she gets to cance... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Lmao imagine getting mad at stupid shit like this.

"Greetings, I am a one dimensional caricature of everything you hate."


fumiest vid I have seen this week

I is a trans n-slur

dude had a few drinks having some fun and shit

of course gussy cant compute what is going on.

I kid you not, the scientist turns himself into a n*gga. He calls himself N*gga Rick.

Funniest shit I've ever seen.

yes and when he said

I am on youtubez, but he was on Omegle.

dude you cant make this shit up

This guy is clearly trying to make people mad, they're just playing into it lmao

you think?

I do think you stupid twink

ay papi why so mad

You could see the elation in her face; she wasn't offended, she thinks she's about to go viral and get her next dopamine hit.

She tried to grandstand and virtue signal but came off as stupid as him. Foids, not even once

Funny that the only people offended in that thread are whiteoids

According to this article from the Atlantic, the only group where the majority approve of "political correctness" is primarily made up of rich (earning $100k+/year), white post-grads. Outside of that, across races, ages and yes, even the majority of "liberals" in general, especially those who are less wealthy, disapprove of it.

I myself hate "cancel culture," etc., but I'm still behind policies like Medicare for All or tuition free public college that plenty of other wealthy developed countries have, for example.

you probably already know but if not, let me guide you towards /r/stupidpol

sub full of rightoids that are like "hello my fellow leftists".

Yeah, I kinda forgot about it though, so thanks for reminding me - I actually just posted something similar there after you pointed it out.

I do think it's pretty funny that basically, wealthy college grads/post-grads - who I'd say most would agree have historically had the power - are trying to define who's right/wrong, dividing people up by identity, etc., but doing so under the banner of equality.

tuition free public college

do you really want to churn out more "politically correct" mayoids? At least limit the free majors to useful shit like medicine. If you want to study Seethe History you gotta pay up. No refunds

Did I say I want that, or for poor kids to all get weird obscure liberal arts degrees? I'm not sure if you're aware, but the hyper-pc, identity obsessed stuff isn't primarily coming from Structural Engineering and Molecular Biology professors. I think kids from poor backgrounds should be just as able to become doctors, engineers, chemists, etc., as ones from rich backgrounds if they have the desire and most importantly the ability, but right now, it's not nearly as much about your ability in America as it is how much money your parents have when you graduate high school. This is both cruel and a waste of talent, so it harms society overall.

Tons of people coming from poorer backgrounds if they even manage to somehow make it to college, and then graduate (which is much less likely, statistically, than those coming from the top 10% of incomes, with the #1 reason by far for dropping out of college being financial in the US) tend to choose more obviously useful and applicable degrees, because going for something less guaranteed like art or "______ studies" can lead to you being in more debt than if you hadn't went in the first place.

Even then, why the fuck do only rich kids get to go to school to study English to focus on their writing, or Art to become photographers, while also gaining the social connections you do, without tremendous stress because there isn't the cost of a modest home hanging over their head? I don't think just because there's some fucked up, hyper-PC liberal arts campuses, which even Bernie Sanders decried for doing things like not allowing Ann Coulter to speak - that this means that we should be getting rid of the idea of having specialized, post-high school education as a whole - or that this idea always naturally leads to hyper-PC bullshit, rather than it being a specific and fairly recent cultural phenomenon. As it is, it's clearly beginning to receive significant backlash, with even Noam Chomsky co-signing a letter saying regressive anti-debate leftism is cancerous and dangerous.

Basically, unlike tons of other developed countries who allow you to attend college based on ability instead of financial background, there's countless people who could have became brilliant scientists, doctors, and so on that never did because of the insane cost college in the US. Instead we've got shit going on like the children of celebrities and CEOs who could care less about the cost of tuition, but instead how to find the right people to bribe or to pay to take the SAT their kids are too fucking dumb to.

And don't get me wrong, I wish autodidacticism, when it results in the same or greater level of knowledge as you'd get with college would be more respected in this society, but there are fields like medicine and so on that college makes sense for structurally, and in that case, it should be open to whoever has the best ability for it.


wow that's a big post my dude

Yeah, I'll admit that one was particularly long, because I was kind of pissed by how dumb his thesis was, but it's funny to me how most people treat writing multiple paragraphs on Reddit, probably thanks to things like Twitter, and greatly shortened attention spans in general nowadays as if you just posted the "The Grapes of Wrath" or something, when in reality I can type really fast and write posts like that with decent enough grammar and links in like a minute or two. It's seriously like a dozen sentences, not fucking Moby Dick.

I get most people want to think and debate in little soundbites, but that's not my style. It's always nice when I come across someone who wants to actually go in depth instead of writing the equivalent of, "That's stupid" and expecting, "No, you're stupid" in response.

but I'm still behind policies like Medicare for All or tuition free public college that plenty of other wealthy developed countries have, for example.

Next time you can just write "I'm fucking stupid." It's fewer keystrokes.

Yes, they're all "fucking stupid" in Ireland where they have tuition free public college and a noticably higher average per capita GDP than we do. They're real fucking morons in Canada, or the UK, or Australia, etc., where despite having similar issues with obesity, etc., they have universal healthcare and higher life expectancies than in the US, and all while paying half as much or less for it without a single person going bankrupt for daring to receive treatment, because they don't shovel any money toward health insurance executives who have zero to do with providing actual medical care, but who still get paid orders of magnitude higher than your average well-seasoned doctor.

Meanwhile the US life expectancy has been lagging behind comparable countries since the 80s, and actually has been dropping the last few years, all while suicides and drug overdoses have been rising - and this was all before the pandemic hit - to the point our life expectancy is now slightly below the life expectancy in Lebanon, where they earn 1/6th on average what we do in the US. A man without a college degree could earn $50k/year in today's dollars in 1970, while it's less than half that by now, so it's no surprise the suicide rate of those in middle age without college degrees has doubled in recent years, while it's barely moved for those with them.

Since you had no counterarguments in the first place, you went for the boring, predictable insult, and you're certainly not going to have any for this either, so go ahead and do it again just to prove my point. At the end of the day, it's clear America has been experiencing an empirically obvious decline that can still be reversed if we're smart about it, yet I bet for you, anyone who critiques the fact we have a system that allows things like 3 people having as much wealth as the bottom 150 million while 1 in 4 of our fellow Americans with type 1 Diabetes are rationing their fucking insulin because of the cost, means they're a fucking evil "Marxist," rather than someone deeply concerned about the country, haha.



I know you're just trolling or whatever, but your response isn't unique and made me feel bad for early humans who were just trying to find better solutions for survival, when everyone was getting mauled to death by predators or dying from a cornucopia of now easily preventable diseases, only to have the prehistoric equivalents of you be like, "that's fucking stupid,"

The ones trying to put forth pragmatic solutions for survival would be like, "No seriously, listen, when people eat stuff without cooking it, they get sick and sometimes shit liquid 'til they die - so all we have to do is spend a little time gathering resources for fuel and make sure to cook our food like those other tribes, and a lot less of us will die horrible early deaths!"

And prehistoric you would be like, "BORING"

And prehistoric you would be like, "BORING"

Good, pragmatic solutions and their consequences have been a disaster for human race.


longposting to burgers on drama

Not gonna work. Just call them retarded mutts living in a third world shithole then move on

I don't mind - it'll sound like a humblebrag but whatever, I can write multiple paragraphs with decent enough grammar really fast, so it's not much effort at all. I also look at it as writing and debating practice that other people might read who perhaps will glean something from it they didn't know before, or give them new ammunition for their own debates they might not have had before if they agree with me.

Finally, there's a small chance that if this dude falls on random hard times, like has a health crisis, loses their livelihood, and ends up homeless, they'll remember all the people who tried to convince them pulling up your bootstraps isn't a solution 100% of the time.

Ah, white guilt and virtue signalling on steroids.

That video is hilarious. You can see her trying so hard not to laugh.

Hey its Nick Fuentes boyfriend

You gotta be doing something right when 3 most viral pics/videos of you are

-smiling at your hispanic white nationalist BF

-deepthroating a dildo

-calling yourself a transni**a while doing blackface

Such variety lol.

i was gonna ask if that was him

nick mullen finally went all out this ep

Why is everyone so mad at this future Canadian Prime Minister?

The best part is she wasn't mad, she was overjoyed she got to threaten him with a cancelling


Sounds more like a governor of Va

When did being a tattle-tale become cool. The campaign to stop bullying has doomed us.

Wait until she discovers /r/transracial