JusticeServed debates if Cancel Culture has gone too far when a woman is fired for threatening to stab Mayos.

1  2020-07-10 by misu52


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These people are so fucking dumb. Obviously no one feels threatened by some zoomer on tiktok, she wasn't fired because someone felt threatened, she was fired because she's a fucking moron.

It’s called an analogy, sorry they didn’t teach that in your hick school before you dropped out maybe look it up on Khan Academy or something Karen bye. 💅🏽👀


bro it was just an analogy, chill

bro it was just an analogy, chill

Unironically yes. Cope and seethe rightoid

She literally says "IMMA STAB YOU. IMMA. IMMA STAB YOU". wow what a deep analogy

Wow she LITERALLY SAID IT guise she's totally gonna do it!!

It doesn't have to be deep to be an analogy, but low IQ rightoid agendaposters can't even understand those. Cope and seethe more snowflake

I'll stab you and show you my papercut and say all cuts matter

It's funny she got fired but let's not pretend that she was actually threatening anyone lol

There are a bunch of low IQ rightoids sperging about how it totally was a real threat

Plus, anyone who uses TikTok should get their lives ruined.

She made a threat to a group of specific people, aka a hate crime, you smooth brain.

umm akshually it was a literal hate crime sweaty 💅

She was fired because she's a fucking moron. racist.

Also, I think I read somewhere that she didn't even work at the place she said she worked at.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. JusticeServed debates if Cancel Cul... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Anyone else remember when the future POTUS off handedly said "maybe the second amendment people can do something about it, I don't know." And that constituted an call for targeted violence?

But "Imma stab you" is an analogy

Imagine growing up and being exposed to tik and Twitter constantly in your formative years. We need the prophet now more than ever .

She put herself on the internet tho, and threatened violence towards people. That is not the same as someone dressing up in blackface 20 years ago, or something like that. Degree matters.


She used stabbing as an analogy,


what did he mean by this?

this is some lazy shit linking the whole thread

Lazy but effective. The thread is perfectly seasoned with cøpe and sëęthe throughout

The only reason people have any problem with “All Lives Matter” is because it’s objectively true and they have no counterargument/reason to oppose it, but they view it as something chud ddf members say, but that’s just my 2 cents.

Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean black lives matter. It’s a blanket brand that protects them from accusations of wrongdoing and fundraise.

it’s only certain black lives matter when the brand finds them useful for continuing the work.

You can see this pattern in action when slam-dunk, very sympathetic cases for police reform like Breonna Taylor keep getting sidelined b/c the deaths of George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks were more emotionally distressing by virtue of being filmed.

BLM is a media nonprofit.

Still can’t stand all lives matter retards though. If any of you are here you are a lazy bunch of liars who wait until blm protest. We don’t have “different” opinions you people are just evil

lmao, you werent kidding. so much just seethe posting and name-calling cope

Fuck All Lives Matters supporters- leave it to whites to detract from something that has nothing to do with them- I’m white and I’m embarrassed that whites are literally becoming the Karen of races.

lmao the cringe

Fuck All Lives Matters supporters- leave it to whites to detract from something that has nothing to do with them- I’m white and I’m embarrassed that whites are literally becoming the Karen of races.

I'm embarrassed that I have to be grouped with Yank whytes. Be a Slav and not give a fuck about any other race or even your own people

because it’s objectively true and they have no counterargument/reason to oppose it


No, they have a problem with it because only low IQ r-slurs spout it in response to blm. The only reason you'd respond all lives matter to blm is either because you're very eager to see an invisible "only" in front of blm (for some strange, totally unknown reason), because you're too dumb to get the point, or both

No, they have a problem with it because only low IQ r-slurs spout it in response to blm.

That’s literally what I said sweaty.

The only reason you'd respond all lives matter to blm is either because you're very eager to see an invisible "only" in front of blm (for some strange, totally unknown reason), because you're too dumb to get the point, or both

You’re literally proving my point, yikerinos, not a good look. My point was that since they perceive it as something only ebil raciss say, they oppose something that is objectively true and instead start seething and justifying it.

That’s literally what I said sweaty.

No it isn't. It isn't about whether it's true or not (it is), it's just that it's retarded to use it as a response to blm. It's like if some charity wanted to bring attention to a certain group of people or country or a disease or whatever, and my response would be "well all lives matter? Why do you only care about the cause you're campaigning for?"

The only people people spewing all lives matter are either complete smoothbrains or unironic racists who seethe over blm, so they choose to read it as only blm

My point was that since they perceive it as something only ebil raciss say, they oppose something that is objectively true and instead start seething and justifying it.

You literally have to get triggered by blm specifically to retort with all lives matter. So yes, you're either unironically racist or retarded to say it. Again, it isn't about whether it's true or not, it's that mayos repeat it because they can't stand blm because they disagree with it


Claira Janover

Hapa with Kraut dad detected


That subreddit is for dorks