Chrîstcůcks and "sěcularists" on nuclear cøpe as Čhad Roaches convert museum into mōsque

1  2020-07-10 by smaltur


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Maybe the Greeks can turn Atatürk's birthplace into an Armenian Genocide museum?


The Greekoid fears the Türk bull.


The Greeks peaked 2,500 years ago. Ever since then, it's been repeated buttrape by Italians and Muslims. What a joke.

Implying buttstuff is a negative thing

Would trade Greeks for Turks.

Athens is a shithole while Istanbul is a great place for vacation.

Why is Athens a shithole?


They never recovered from that Cicero mayor death.

Gayreeks btfod

In highschool we learned about Islamic art and how beautiful mosques and the art supposedly was during the golden age. Our teacher really hyped it up.

Apparently it’s just a bunch of fucking scribbles on a wall. Literally just Arabic letters plastered all over the place like graffiti. Compare that to the absolutely stunning orthodox mosaics that were covered up when the Hagia Sofia was turned into a goat farm.

Maybe Islamic art was a leftist meme all along, so many words words words

Yeah but it happened centuries ago, who cares. I'm Orthodox and frankly I'm only laughing because this will only take away legitimacy from weak crusty mayo patriarch bartholomew

But I’m not orthodox and I do care because I played age of empires and CK2

This crusade needs to happen

the burger convert post

Cry white boy

Lmao at all the seething eurot*rds, they're just upset cause some Turkish people dont accept the globo homo lifestyle most of these m*yo euros adopt.

Cathbol and anti-goat, but this is still kind of based. Awesome to see these secularists whinge about one less soulless tourist attraction.

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Chrîstcůcks and "sěcularists" on nu... -,*

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On the bright side this might finally make Europe go on a crusade again.

/r/islam is having a party

On the bright side this might finally make Europe go on a crusade again.

🤔🤔🤔 lol no

The only crusading happening is the bloody battle between unpaid custodians of wikipedia 😂😂

I hope the Jews turn al-Aqsa Mosque into a Jewish temple, let's see how they react

On the bright side this might finally make Europe go on a crusade again.

Time to slaughter the Greeks again for not paying their debts like in 1204

The Greeks have a history of being unable to pay their debts. The Germans were really just trying to help them out without the bloodshed



I feel like crying. We’ve been stripped of our secular state, I can’t even pretend that we’re secular now. I hate what he and his supporters did to my country, to my life. Change is coming, but I’m afraid he won’t give up easily. He’s cornered right now which makes him more dangerous. This decision was a pathetic attempt to increase his votes. I doubt it will be affective as much as he hopes. But I’m also afraid what he’ll do next.

Economy is dead. Even his supporters can’t ignore that anymore. But the issue for me is more fundamental. Repairing this country won’t be easy and I’m not just speaking economical. I don’t know how we’ll culturally and socially get better. We lost Bosphorus Bridge, Atatürk Airport and now Hagia Sophia. That f***er turned all the beautiful things into an ugly propaganda.

I wanna leave but he made sure of that too. Our money is worth nothing and jobs are impossible to find. Not to mention our reputation is awful in the global scale. It physically hurts me to think about.

lmao at all these doomposters

tbf secularist Turks have a better reason to be upset about the changes to their cuntry than almost anyone in the world

Imagine almost having a decent Turkish nation, and then having Erdogan piss all over that dream.


A lot of foreigners will take this is an attack on Christianity and it's history. Even the r/islam crowd (on twitter too) are acting as if this was a huge pwnage of non-muslims.
Obviously turning Hagia Sophia into a mosque is hurting both Turkey's and Christianity's cultural heritage, but Christianity isn't the thing Erdogan was targeting here. It's more so caught in the crossfire.

This was entirely done to own the kemalists/'secularists' of Turkey; Hagia Sophia's status as a museum was always point of contention in Turkish politics pretty much since the founder of the country turned it into one.

Populists from other countries will pretend this is an attack on them but it isn't. Erdogan has no reason to care what the people of bumfuck balkanistan think about him. This one guy in the thread put it nicely:

This is no "distraction". This is a part of a very deliberate and planned revenge project against the secular republic and Ataturk's legacy. It is a way to sever all ties with civilization and rebuild the state with referances to the Ottoman tyranny. Just because the opposition is scared shitless from being a part of this fight doesn't mean it isn't happening. With that much cowardice when the issue in 5 years becomes the civil law, education law, de jure secular identity of the state, the rest of the republican remnants, our 500iq opposition will keep saying stupid shit like "these are just for the elections, don't take them seriously" although Erdogan has shown time and time again that he is very serious in his agenda of destroying the republican ideals. Pathetic. Islamists are looking for a fight, and the "secular" opposition prides itself in not joining the fight by giving them everything they want. Peace is cheap if you just surrender. This cowardice disgusts me more than the Islamists themselves, at least they know what they are fighting for.


turkey was kinda based in a centrist roach way

It does seem like a pretty cool place, shame about the extremism and all

Edit: well more like shitty vatnik-tier nationalism than extremism

It's literally where middle-east and Roman culture collided. Actually very cool into if you like late-ancient history.

Yeah, I'm hoping to get a trip in before shit really hits the fan. It seems like a really unique place, plus it's a cat-loving country so that's cool too.

I might be able to give you some locations to visit that are off the tourist book, but I'd have to hit some real books.

I'll hit you up if I manage to get there within the next couple years or so

I got the books on my person, just need the motivation to open them back up lol

Are you a turkaboo?

No, I got into this kind of history reading Peter Brown's The History of Late-Antiquity. It was short, light to hold,and jumpstarted academics into looking at Rome (250-800 AD) and its neighbors in a new light. Nearly 30 years later he came out with a real heavy-handed successor book, but I digress.

Late-Antiquity is a study of all the areas that surrounded Rome and got lost in the glare. Turkey is one of those places (being the home of the Byzantium empire). So many places in that ((Middle-East)) country are home to very European ideological hotspots. The founders, the patriarchs, of Christianity called this place home.

Makes sense.

What about the people who like Milo Yiannopolous?

Surely they are more aggrieved.


I am ashamed of my country... such a shame, no respect for historical values, human rights, democracy, nature. Turkey is ruled by a mafia.

Lol. they are letting people hold religious services in a religious building, chill tf out lol

Just pathetic. A world heritage will smell socks now.

> Mosques never smell socks

Yes, They smell fart + socks combined.

lmao i love all these ESL posters

fart + socks combined

1st Coomer Croosade will turn Hagia Sophia Mosque into a Clips4Sale outlet.

Inshallah, not only has the Ummah returned, it has returned under the banner of the greatest Muslims of all time, the Bussyeating Roaches themselves! 🇹🇷

I decree that all Dramautists change their flairs to the Weeb Sheikh just like me and OP in commemoration of this glorious event جيش الصراصير ☝️🕋

I played Assassin’s Creed Revelations so this shit really effects me on a personal level


How dare they turn a place built and historically used as a place of worship into a... place of worship.

Imagine annulling a decision made by the only reason you’re not speaking Greek.



raspberry muffin

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It should be made into a roach motel

Same thing