"just give your shit away to the robbers you idiot, youll be fine"

1  2020-07-10 by Corporal-Hicks


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I hope every last redditor gets their funko pops stolen at gunpoint

god i hate funko pops

Funko pops are for children who get $10 a week for allowance, anything else and you should snip your testes.

Fuck off, my wife's boyfriend gives me 40$ a week AND I get a section on the top shelf for my Funkollection.

Ask for $5 more so you can get Japanese Nendoroids instead.

I'm just gonna give him that one

lil old dude should get all the funkpops he wants til he passes

Sounds like he protected himself just fine. How would his having a gun helped the situation? Would saving his calculus textbook been worth killing someone?


These people act like human life is super fucking valuable or something. Like there's 7 billion motherfuckers out there and it increases every day.

Imagine if there were 7 billion Mona Lisa's in the world. They wouldn't be worth shit.

Correction: killing 3 of them

no one who has ever been robbed talks like these redditards

You're better off 99.9% of the time just giving your shit to a mugger.

The vast majority of these events do not end in injury, and escalating it is just asking for it.

I care more about my life than 50 bucks.

The only time I'd escalate to lethal force is if I knew, without a doubt, I'd come out on top. Let's say I'm walking down the street and I have my gun on me, let's say someone starts robbing me at gun point.

I could draw and maybe I'd win that exchange 50 or 60% of the time. Statistically, if I just give him my stuff I know I have a 99% chance to walk away fine.

Just give them what they want and shoot them in the back as they leave.

Statistically speaking, the one robbing you would be a melanin enriched individual. Anyway, all you would have to do is call him a racial slur and he would whip around immediately and you would then shoot him without having to worry about looking like you shot him while he was running away.

This is the correct answer

Can you actually legally do this?

No lol. You can only use lethal force if you believe your life or the life of a innocent is at risk, the situation has de-escalated if the dude is walking away

Lmao imagine living in a country where you can't shoot your robber in the back


Generally no, shooting someone in the back tends to fuck you.

What's even the point of the second amendment then

somebody got away with doing it to seth rich or some shit

In Texas you can at night

Pizza you never go outside so you'll never have to worry about being mugged.

Yo homie, that my briefcase?

one of the greatest scenes ever

I care more about my life than 50 bucks.

You shouldn't. 💅🏿

Give them your wallet and phone then shoot them in the back to take their haul for the night like GTA hookers.


are you trolling? I bet i could show you no less than 5 youtube videos of "urban americans" just barbarically and violently injuring/killing a victim even after theyve taken the money. Because its not about the money you fucking mong

Source- I saw a youtube video

Probably a euphemism for "confession tapes from my vigilante days"

Would you like to dive into this and look at the available data on how often street robberies turn fatal or deadly in general?

We can gladly do that hicks, I will gladly dumpster your ass like every other time I've encountered you.

I can even explain to you what the term "statistically unlikely" means so you know it doesn't mean "100%."

so you're point is just to give up and not protect yourself? If someone decides to kill you then oh well, nothing you can do about. Lmao

Let's do an exercise here hicks, it's one I find helps people of low cognitive ability understand risk assessment.

A) Do you get in a gun fight which is very likely to end in you shot/seriously injured.

B) Do you give him what he wants, and increase your odds of avoiding injury to near 100%.

Think about these questions very hard and give me an answer.

to near 100%


Fucking pathetic. Once someone takes a single penny from you their life is forfeit.

Imagine letting a fucking penny thief live lmao. Absolutely and undeniably sad and loserpilled.

There’s a reason the rest of the state hates northern VA. I’m glad I live in great falls and not Arlington or some other asswipe town where people post like this

They also got hit hard as fuck by corona.

Meanwhile down here in SW VA shit's pretty calm.

I was just down in SW VA. Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, and Abingdon; no one was wearing a mask and it felt fantastic to not put one on for once.

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. "just give your shit away to the ro... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I think it’s funny that even when presented with a situation in which having a firearm could save your life and property, these wingnuts activate maximum overcope and scream “NO THERES MORE OF THEM SO YOU CANT USE YOUR GUN YOU WILL LITERALLY BE SHOT IN 2 SECONDS” instead of admitting they might be wrong

I don't see how having a gun prevents you from being mugged unless you have it out at all times and point it at anyone who gets within 10feet of you

We’re talking about home invasion aren’t we?

Idk the op is about mugging and I didn't read enough to see people start arguing about home invasions instead

Oh I only really skimmed the actual post and went directly to the comments, but my point still stands imo. They seemingly got really upset when it was suggested that carrying a firearm could discourage someone with a broken spoon from shanking you.

An armed society is a polite society.

do u not already do that? weird

have it out at all times and point it at anyone who gets within 10feet of you

If you do this you will not be mugged.

