I wish Republicans weren't so r-slurred on race issues

1  2020-07-10 by CommyMomyIlluminati

Can you fucking imagine what would happen if the Republican party started appealing to black and Hispanic people? Just imagine the redditor when it sees droves of minorities flock to the Republicans under the banner of "We're still socially right-wing as fuck, just not on race anymore".

It would literally be a rainbow coalition of of blacks, whites, Mexicans, Indians, and Asians united by a common hatred of g@ys, tr@ps, and everyone who tries to immigrate to the US after them.




It isn't agendaposting if it's radical centrism

Take your lithium CommieMommy

Lmao imagine eating cell phones ok r-slur πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚


Isn't that the stuff that made the CIA do a coup in Bolivia?



Doesn't work anymore, chadmins nuked it πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”


almost as bad


That was over Coca-Cola, you are thinking of Iran-Contra.

/r/SubSimulator has broken the barrier.


How dare you try to stand where he stood 😀😀😀😀

I can't tell if you're schizoposting or if you have simply reached radical centrist nirvana.

Why can't I do both? It would actually be a lot better for the country as a whole for the Republicans to get able to get a multiracial coalition, even if it's built around social issues that I don't agree with most of the time.


Nobody cares and the fact that you thought that this contribution would be worthwhile is only evidence of your 47 chromosomes.

He does this shit for attention. Just downvote him and move along


Based? Based on what?

Ironic retardation is still retardation

In some Eastern European countries there are parties that are socially conservative and economically left wing. Working classes tend to align with those, with middle and upper classes choosing economic and social liberalism. I could imagine that political parties will go in that direction across other democracies too. You see the beginnings of it with the election of Trump (who spoke more to the working classes than previous Republicans), Le Pen vs Macron in France, UK Conservative party picked up more working class votes this time around, and so on.

Yeah I can see the Republicans becoming similar to that, hopefully with better results than most other similar parties like Law and Justice but it will really just depend on how the electoral math plays out.

Edit: I'm now banned from areslashdrama but when I said that I want them to do better than Law and Justice I meant better policies

Law and Justice are still very popular.

(who spoke more to the working classes than previous Republicans)

Knowing full well he was going to cut taxes on the rich, deregulate business, try to get rid of the Medicaid expansion, etc., so with Trump, basically becoming a more insidious form of the same corporation-boosting party as always.

Which is also why the neoliberal left were more than happy to rail against Trump on identity-based issues while completely ignoring his economic policy that they largely agree with - except on NAFTA, but even then Trump just signed "NAFTA 2.0" which tons of unions opposed.

Still makes too much sense for a true schizopost.

Someone being a schitzo doesn't mean they can't have insights into the world. We used to treat people like that as not being inferior or crazy but rather as having an alternative insights that normal people were oblivious to. Read Foucault.

Read Foucault

Libertarian philosopher


My prediction as a outsider is that the Republicans will accept Hispanics as "white" and have them join the party. Same as what happened with Italians, Irish, Polaks, and other wops and Slavs. They would be unstoppable at that point since Hispanics + white will outnumber black people for a very very long time.

That was unironically the plan until Daddy came along. While he actually did make some gains with Hispanics it's likely that he was able to effectively sway a minority to his side while pissing off a majority.

If they're smart than they'll get Nikki Haley for the post-Daddy era. Imagine if R's are able to get a minority POC as president before the Dems lmaooo

minority POC

uh excuse me sweaty, didja forget about obama and the first black president, clinton? she’d be the first WOC, assuming Biden doesn’t croak like a couple of months after taking office

Meant to say woman POC but I'm r-slurred

Reminder that one of Jon Stewart's last interviews was of Marco Rubio, the then presumptive nominee.

That's the future you shaped and that's a good thing πŸ‘

I hope that this is the end. r/Drama has a unique way of bringing out the worst in people. It really does, I think. The dynamic here is just so fucking toxic and it turns people into the worst possible people they can be.

Drama is an addiction. It should be classified as something more like heroine or meth than a game.

The legacy of Drama has been written large in blood, quite literally. Several Drama posters have committed mayocide, and this place enabled their downward spirals. u/DarqWolff's insanity was made far worse by this place. I've come to the conclusion that the internet, as a social platform, was a mistake.

It radicalizes people by isolating them with other people just like them and so they spiral into the worst versions of themselves. Drama made me a worse person, and it's made most of you worse people. It's been the breeding ground of pedophile groomers, alt-right killers, and suicidal narcissists. This place is a total fucking shithole and I spent three years of my life that I'll never get back immersed in it. It was a total waste and I'm going to regret this period of my life for the rest of my existence as will most of you.

Even the most moral people have been made worse for being here. I think that the fundamental issue with Drama is that due to the way reputations work, betrayal, secret cabals, two-faced bs, and bad faith negotiation isn't just prioritized, it's the only effective way to operate. Being a huge piece of shit to everybody around you and tearing them down like crabs in a bucket isn't just a viable strategy, it's actually the only viable strategy once Drama reached a certain size. It's all just a bunch of assholes circlejerking over how bad all the other assholes are, because it's impossible to do anything else short of outright genociding anybody who poses any sort of threat to Drama's security and dominance.


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yes the blacks should keep supporting the Dems fully in the hope that after 50 years and counting they will do something about the Dem shitholes they live, which are, according to the people there are systematically racist and objectively have failed educational systems.

If you're gonna keep unironically agendaposting I'm gonna either unironically pull out some polisci credentials or I'm just gonna have Lawlz ban you.

First off, I am cruize control on a minimum of 4 levels of irony at all times. Second, I will dominate your fake psuedo science polysci bs with logic and reasoning from my actual science training. Thirdly, if you think Lawlz will ban a fellow duexchad for your dumbass I think you will be disappointed. If he does the ban, which I doubt he will, I will appeal to rsrfy, who asked me to join his cord because of my OG bearmoji posting skills.

Dems fully in the hope that after 50 years and counting they will do something about the Dem shitholes they live

We could fix them real quick by not giving all our extra money to the state to pay for the rurals who don't even break even.

If you wanted to fix them than you'd actually need to make it so that cities have competitive elections. Most cities have their government decided on by 10-15% of the population and the government exists to serve those who keep it in power. When a government only needs a small percentage of its population to remain in power than the government will only consider that small percentage of people when crafting policy.

If you need receipts I can provide them πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜ this is also why I want Republicans to create a rainbow coalition of reactionaries, I'd take competitive politics even if it meant a few L's on social policy

If it wasn't for abortion and race, Republicans would just be Democrats with different spending habits

if it wasn't for difference on irrelevant bullshit then the only differences between the parties would be the actually important shit

oh wow

The miscalculation you're making here is that the bulk of the Republican base (rural whites) would vote Republican if the GOP wasn't so retarded on race.

The race stuff is a feature, not a bug.


Economically most rurals actually support left-wing policy (or at least democratic policy, more generous social safety nets, healthcare, etc etc.)

The way the GOP separate themselves from the left is to pander to racial conservative rurals along identity lines.

No shit r-slur did you even listen to it? The Republicans do the race baiting because it's easy and expedient, the issue is that it's an unviable long-term strategy. The only way that the Republicans can maintain political relevance in the long-term is by either

  1. Making the system as tilted towards minoritarian rule through unfairly tilting the electoral odds (current strategy, not working very well. Also what Dems do in cities, but that's another story)

  2. Making outreach to minority voters through shared social conservatism. Is this going to alienate some racists? Sure. Who cares, they don't have a viable alternative, you'd gain more in the long run (especially considering demographic change. This was, to a lesser degree, the Bush Strategy in 2000).

Parties and politicians are, for the most part, not a individuals or groups of people who make decisions on the basis of morality or ideals but actors with minimal agency that respond to incentive structures that allow them to keep their positions. Go read The Logic of Political Survival before replying to this comment, I'm tired of your room-temp IQ, surface level takes, you're unironically areslashdramas knockoff of Destiny which is the worst insult I can imagine.


No shit r-slur did you even listen to it? The Republicans do the race baiting because it's easy and expedient, the issue is that it's an unviable long-term strategy. The only way that the Republicans can maintain political relevance in the long-term is by either

And I think you're missing the point. The GOP doesn't care about long-term viability. They care about rapid short-term gains for the wealthy elite that run the party. They give not 2 shits about 30 years down the road, nor is there any way they can shift their message at this point.

Politics is generational, every recent generation is rapidly anti-GOP and that isn't changing.

Making outreach to minority voters through shared social conservatism. Is this going to alienate some racists? Sure. Who cares, they don't have a viable alternative, you'd gain more in the long run (especially considering demographic change. This was, to a lesser degree, the Bush Strategy in 2000).

There's no way they can do outreach. The entire party is based on white identity politics, if they drop that white idpol they literally will lose every election by double digit margins.

This isn't even about racists - it's about rural whites and their perpetual victim complex. They want to be told they are disadvantaged, they want to be told those ethnics are why their lives suck. This isn't even so much racism as it is victimhood seeking.

The GOP runs on this, they can never flip the script and do minority outreach because the second they do, the rural whites (which must be the biggest victims on earth at all time) will simply stop voting, and that demographic makes up some 70% of the Reepublican voter base.

Parties and politicians are, for the most part, not a individuals or groups of people who make decisions on the basis of morality or ideals but actors with minimal agency that respond to incentive structures that allow them to keep their positions. Go read The Logic of Political Survival before replying to this comment, I'm tired of your room-temp IQ, surface level takes, you're unironically areslashdramas knockoff of Destiny which is the worst insult I can imagine.

You're just poorly educated and don't have a firm understand of American political dynamics or strategy in general.

And the fact you're talking about "surface-level takes" while not only greatly over-estimating the social conservatism of minority groups in America while you throw out moronic arguments like "COME ON GUYS IMAGINE IF THE GOP JUST WASN'T BASED ON PURE WHITE IDPOL" as if it could ever be anything else.


Unfathomably based. Brothers of all races need to unite to btfo the t-slur menace

We have removed your post for excessive retardation.

tbf Trump passed criminal justice reform and nobody gave a shit.

Quiet wingcuck radical centrists only

Quiet wingcuck radical centrists only

Says the leftoids agendaposter

wants the Republican party to become an interracial coalition of gay bashers and women haters



By Trump passed criminal justice reform, do you mean he signed the law Republicans had sunk during the election for political reasons?

Because you realize the DNC and Republican house were pushing through criminal justice reform in 2015/16 and it had enough votes to pass in the senate, and Obama would have signed it.

The GOP decided to sink it because they were afraid it'd hurt them politically during an election.

Trump then agreed to sign the very same law for the most part and tried to take credit for passing it.

It never ceases to amaze me how delusional Trumplicans are.

This is actually why I like Trump. For all of his retarded bluster, he's the epitome of the previous administration and the deep state. For example, very early on he poo-pooed TPP. You know what he latched on to a couple months later? TPP. That was to be symbolic of the rest of his administration.