Daddy's favorite cuck gets commuted

1  2020-07-11 by The_Homocracy


Ohh boy this is going to be good.

Twitter....... the seethe is enough milk for decades

Stone is a political jackal, but he didn’t do anything illegal and basically got fucked by the partisan Russia conspiracy stuff.

Personally I’m glad drunpf did this bc stones Twitter shit posting creates major drama.

Yea but he reminds me of the Penguin from those capeshit movies so he deserves to be thrown into the Brazen Bull.

Imagine not believing in conspiracy theories

You'd've thought Father would have waited till Nov. I can't figure out the timing.

Roger was scheduled to report to a prison with a coronachan outbreak Tuesday.

Schrödingers Corona: Both safe enough for schools to reopen but too dangerous For Roger-kun.

Daddy doesn't care about teachers and shit but Stone knows too many secrets

I really can't figure out if Daddy is afraid of what Roger Sempai knows or just really really likes him. Either way next week should be good for arr dwama

Probably both? Love him or hate him he's good at what he does and he helped Daddy and stayed loyal.

I feel like it would be weird to be endeared to a guy who is basically blackmailing you... but then again they both are weird dudes.

No this is actually sensible. Kids are asymptomatic but old people die from it.

TIL there are only children at school, no teachers, or adminstrative staff. And kids sleep at school and don't go back to their families each day. Thanks for the great info wrinkly brained person!

You can't transmit it when you are asymptomatic.

Burgers say the darnedest things

You’d have thought Stone would have just looted a Walmart or destroyed a statue of Lincoln. Can’t go to jail for that.

Isn't daddy handing out 10 year sentences for that?

He says they will. Doesn’t seem like very many people have been arrested for it.


I believe daddy just gives you a stern talking to that includes the threat of 10 year sentences, but the actual crackdown never seems to come.

Roger was threatening to spill the beans.

Strategically I think it would have been better for trump to do this after the election; win or lose.

"law and order" president lets free another criminal.

Liberals complain for the first time when inmate is released early.

I'll admit to seething a bit but this comment is hilarious

Tbh I'm surprised it took this long, I assumed literally the only reason he commuted Rod Blagojevich's sentence last January was to seed justification for Stone.

there's literally no one trump could pardon that would make him worse than clinton and obummer

Yeah, pardoning racial extremist cops that try to frame teenagers multiple times is no big deal.

who gives a fuck about teenagers?

Obama pardoned a literal traitor. Clinton his brother. There is no possible way trump could abuse the power worse than that.

This isn't my opinion, it's objective fact.

Lmao are you seriously trying to claim a person that leaked information the public needed to know is a bigger offender than a cop that violates the rights of the public?

Trying to claim? No, I am telling you objective reality that you for some reason insist on denying.

And I'm not asking you to take my word for it. Compare the prison sentences for fucks sake. 6 months vs 90 years.

No coherent person thinks this is reality bud.

A service was done for this country with those leaks. All Stone did was help elect a mentally ill racial demagogue that has turned the country into a shit show.

No coherent person thinks this is reality bud.

Well if you deny reality, then there's no point in continuing the discussion. Thanks for admitting that you are lunatic.

How is exposing war crimes carried out by the US government a bad thing?

Trump pardons Assange

On his last day in office Clinton pardoned a woman convicted for refusing to testify about crimes committed by Clinton himself, Hillary's brother, and a guy who donated hundred of thousands to Hillary's Senate campaign. The gigacope when Trump pardons himself will be glorious.

Watching Trumptards twist themselves into knots to justify open corruption is hilarious.

He got the commutation because he was going to flip on daddy if he had to stay in prison. He knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak.

Flip with what? It’s basically universally agreed he knew nothing.

Have you been paying attention?

paying attention to what

when the bull lets you out of your cage 😍

Knew this was coming. Stone has a lot of dirt on the GOP in general he could start singing if he wanted to.

Stone did a ton of shady stuff in his career. I highly doubt he would be the one to start snitching. It would backfire very quickly.

Besides, this was always going to happen since the charges were announced.

It's not like he did a real crime anyway. Every person charged during the investigation had to do with the investigation itself. The feds can get you for anything if they really wanted to.

Because we're not the Soviet Union we have constitutional rights and generally speaking Counter Intelligence investigations aren't really criminal investigations and rest on material that usually is inadmissible in court. Stone was super guilty.

Yeah right, he would have been pardoned waaaaay back if any of that were remotely true. Trump only sprung him out now because he had to. Stone was going to start singing like a canary right before an election and poll numbers are in the crapper.

Just the threat of singing right before the election was probably enough to buy his freedom.

What style music d'you suppose Stone sings in?

The thing thats surprising to me is how long it took

He only does something that helps another person when he absolutely has to. Roger was making threats to turn on him so he had to. Otherwise he would be fine letting Roger get pounded by covid-riddled prison cock.

GTFO of the way BLM, Rachel Maddow has a brand new bag...

Called it 😎

Literally no one is surprised by this. The only surprise is that it happened this early.


Who could have seen this coming? It's 2020 so I'm fresh out of outrage

Dude is a living meme legend. Can’t bone the Stone and if you did, he’d probably like it tbh

Its crazy how many mayos have become boomer worshippers out of pure seethe at the college feminists who wouldnt go out with them.

As someone in CA where a shitton on actual criminals were recently released early, this is fucking hilarious to watch the seething.

Incoming GIGACOPE. This is the kind of dramacoin I live for.

Holy shit, this is the definition of "seethe". Excellent jerk off material.

I'm rock solid from the first few comments alone

It’s glorious

Stone is the only political figure I’ve ever heard of who falsely admitted to doing something unethical/probably illegal just for clout

He bragged that he was the one who started the “Brooks Brothers Riot” that stopped a recount at a polling location in Miami in the weeks following the 2000 election. A bunch of GOP aides and staffers sperged out at the polling location trying to get the workers to stop the recount because the process was supposedly unfair. Most news sources couldn’t even place Stone in the city of Miami at the time, and the guy who the media figured out was the instigator later admitted to it

well, the mod invantation is still up I guess?

the russia gate hoax and the resulting impeachment was the straw that broke the camels back for me. it was such obvious bullshit and it was apparent that most of the people involved in promoting it knew it was bullshit to boot but they kept at it.

I'll be pretty clear about this - I think daddy is a somewhere between a mongoloid retard and a fent addicted hobo in terms of qualifications for president, but this garbage actually made me feel bad for the guy.

Honestly, Trump could've just become a likable guy in office and he would win easily. He signed his own warrant by proving the media right over and over to appeal to his base so I don't feel sorry for him

being found guilty on seven felony charges

sentenced to three years and four months in prison

Sounds like it was a joke before D@ddy even did anything.