Joe Rogan subreddit went private after mods refused to remove a video containing blackface and n-word which got upvoted heavily

1  2020-07-11 by 962throwaway


This man is married to la goblina, and no one should ever let him live that down.

Good fucking lord the smell in that room must be atrocious.

la atrocidad ....

doesn't he basically have a harem of really unattractive women living with him?

Can it really be called a harem if it's all prison lesbians?

Oh god why

He has a man bun his opinions are irrelevant

Joe Rogan, Vaush, and Groyper anime catboy

its like the Holy Trinity of fed ops

Gotta love man bunned chubby soy boys telling me what's funny and what is not

Breadtube retards are simply something else.

Its praxis

I got conned into watching like 60 seconds of that shit because I thought he was going to do blackface at some point.

vaush what's going on big guy?

called it like 2 months ago.

inb4 all of reddit is basically r/funny

I looked at the top post of r/funny and it's just security cam footage with black dudes screaming Smash Bros commentary......

Woah black people!!

r/mademesmile r/justlikeus r/wholesome

When you go from woke to /pol/

He took on Destiny's mannerisms intentionally


Thanks for this gem channel

YouTube comment section seethe is so excellent.

Kari Max Can we literally agree that Any Reddit that dedicated to "free speech" will always be a cesspool without proper moderators.

Yea "free speech" is usually "free to be a racist and transphobic"

But it literally is, that's the point. It's the freedom to be openly hateful, to say what you want and when you want, to be an asshole at your whim, to verbally bash those who you want to, to tell people to fuck off, to use your voice as you may wish

Freedom is freedom, how do they not understand that? Who gives them the right to decide what sounds can and can't be uttered?

Who gives them the right to decide what sounds can and can't be uttered?

What’s even more grim is the fact that it’s not just spoken words they’re going against, it’s thoughts.

Thought/sayings/actions of family members is starting

You do realise that actions have consequences?

Wow, really?!?!

I was shocked too, but facts don't lie

Imagine railing against one of the few things the burgers got right. Go live in Bongistan and try to rail against free speech.

sToP hAviNg wRonG oPiNiOns

Get the fuck out of here


Is that the guy who was talking about how horrible it is that woman get raped but as soon as a female mentioned she wasnt raped by whitey he does a 180 and calles her a right wing rapefuge troll?

I still can't tell if that was a meme or if he was serious

Literally an npc that completely changed his response once he detected wrongthink

Yeah it is lmao

I need to see this video. I might LITERALLY die if I do not get linked to it.

Worth watching the whole thing, the build up really adds to it.

Holy shit this is literally a brainwashed person, no rational thought just preprogrammed responses.

No bro this is a leftist intellectual owning right wing chuds

Lmfao 'believe all women' to 'you lying slut' in two hearbeats, that was amazing.

That's too fucking good.


Joe Rogan is a moron, but Chapo-cels who try to regulate what's funny are even worse

At least he’s rich 🤫

No V*ush pls