G4mers don’t believe 4chan leak of a game they want to like and s33th3.

1  2020-07-11 by hackfraud199930


if "daytime extended" doesn't immediately tell you it's a shitpost you're beyond help


because complaining about a cyberpunk game being too bright and sunny is a meme on /v/

imagine being so online that you know this 🤢 🤢 🤢

mask off

"half of those weren’t “removed” the devs just confirmed them to not be in the game"


When the cope hits just right 👌

Can you remove features that were never advertised? That's like complaining it doesn't come with a free blowjob.

"it's not that it was changed to be bad, it was always intended to be bad"

This game not living up to the hype is the most predictable g-slur drama since the Atari landfill.

Its not even drama. The way those losers are in love with something made up in their mind just makes it obvious theyre gonna be let down. Open world games always suck ass. Even something as pathetic as a gamer is gonna have to accept that its the same garbage product they get in movies these days.

I can't wait for the release. If it's good, we get another good game to distract us from the collapse of our civilization. If it's bad, the seething will be great.


Also I'm sure there's going be plenty of amazingly shitty blogs about the politics of the game being too rad/too centrist.

i hope they go full antifa so gamingcirclejerk and company have to start defending it

The game has been in development hell for 8 years, it's gonna be shit and feel last gen.

Not sure why this is a surprise, the recent gameplay looks embarrassing.

I can still remember this exact cycle happening for watch_dogs except it didn’t take quite as long

Yeah but watch dogs let you play sweet chess puzzles to compensate for the abysmal vehicle mechanics

I spent way too much time on those. Love me some chess in between hacking atms and shooting police

Its gonna have to be butchered to run on PS4/Xbox One

No way those consoles can handle the crowd density we saw in the trailers

I bet it's essentially gonna be Fallout 4 with a big city and more neon lights.

Member to get watch doggy 2 free tomorrow

why would i want to own a video game?

Bcuz everyone is getting it sweetie


People still believe 4chan "leaks"?

They've been right about everything these days, I believe them more than google scholar

Every copy of mario 64 is personalized

4chan iceberg memes are a great source of humor

Lurk more

yes but you can play as a heckin' valid trans-cutie so it is the best game 10/10 game of the year

For real tho Last of Us two got shitted on for pandering to troons but every character in this game looks like a Vox journalist

I'd rather be trans than work for Vox.

It's literally the same thing tho.

They're the same picture

funny quote? someone said funny quote from funny show? i must also say funny quote *clapclapclap*

general kenobie... i have the high ground!!!

No way...he said the funny prequel referencerino

But what about when that fuckhead orbiter with no personality was mean to his autistic desk mate?


The trans-pandering was the least of the problems with TLOU2 lol.

Retsrds mad that joel died are the same retsrds who think mcu is great and orginal starwars is good story telling

I would actually maintain that Polygon, as shit as they are, pointed out the largest problem with the story: "The main characters get away with too much while slaughtering hundreds of people." Yggdra Union did the same idea but their plot actually made sense.

I mean you can play it and barely kill anyone, the amount of people that die is truly up to the player so I dont see that as a valid criticism

Aren't the dogs at least mandatory targets? It's also not like Dishonored where you really can avoid killing anyone.

if you keep moving you can avoid the dogs and there are certain times where yes, you have to kill but basically the game is set in these little levels and once you reach the next one the enemies in the past one dont pursue you usually because your character bars door or something similar. Personally I didnt play like that but it's very possible

Hey you accidentally double-posted


Can we talk about the golf club?

The whole setting is supposed to be about surgically altered trainwrecks, how would this game not be filled with them?

It didn't, she's wasn't trans just buff, based off an actual chick. But gamer mayo's believe anything if I it's on 4chan and has "sjw agenda" in the post.

Just your average buff chick that looks like the rock.

She gets enslaved, emaciated and looks like a skinny ass broad at the end

She's pretty avg for a buff chick yeah.

What kind of foids do you hang out with? I’ve literally never seen any like her in my whole life and I’ve been going to the gym for many years.

Buff chicks exist, like the one she was modeled after. In terms of buff chicks, she's avg. In terms of regular chicks, she clearly stronger. Pretty forward thinking.

Theres a trans character but it's a lil trans chinaman running from a cult because they tried to marry him to some old dude. It drives the plot, makes sense and doesn't feel forced at all


Jajajaja They want it to be GTA V 😂😂

I'm fine with that if the game is good. I've been playing RDR2 and could use a good GTA style game after I finish it.

Problem is there gonna fail miserably. By trying to appeal to both they're gonna appeal to neither.

Yea I'll just wait a year or two and get it for free on a game pass or promotion.

Lmao but they made geraltdo 3 how can they do wrong!?!??

Witcher was always too boring to me.

It's a good game, but it's in the rankings for the most overrated game of all time. The story is great for an open world game, but every other element is mediocre or sub par. The combat is worse than skyrim. The world, outside of the cities, is pretty dull and lifeless. It's just woods and a few boring ass caves. There was no attempt to be creative or tell stories in the world design. Then there's crafting which is utterly pointless and half the side quests revolve around getting recipes that you'll never use.

The combat is worse than skyrim.

How do you figure? I thought both had bad combat but TW3's melee is >>>>> Skyrim's melee.

Imagine playing a melee build in Skyrim.

I don't particularly think "stealth archer" or mage were that great either. The only good thing about stealth archer is you can get the shit combat out of the way really quickly.

Coolest outfits

Okay, whatever you say... GIRL. 🤭🤭🤭 Maybe you should play a Barbie game instead.

They're both boring left click, but skyrim has shields, useful bows, and useful (but boring) magic. The only pro about TW3 is that you can dodge. TW3 has no variety and what it does have is boring af.

Oh man I'm gonna nerd out over gaymer shit on /r/drama finally


You can parry and IIRC block with your sword in the Witcher. Shields wouldn't add anything and you can't even time parries in Skyrim.

useful bows

You forgot "boring".

Can agree with the lack of variety though.

All the parts of combat are pretty equally bad, but variety is the spice of life.

I feel like i haven't seen a game nail it's open world as hard as Witcher did. Felt really believable and i rarely had to suspend my disbelief compared to Todd's games.

Dude 1/3 to 1/2 of the map is pointless and have no interesting quests, dungeons, or locations. Boring ass world. Worst combat of any Modern fantasy open world game. Swaths of useless mechanics. TW3 doesn't nail open world at all.

Witcher 2 is far superior to Witcher 3.

Everything in the second game is bad jank, at least the first game was fun jank.

Tbh I got bored pretty quickly in the second one.

I'm sorry to hear about your mental retardation

The story of the Witcher games is absolute dog shit. Gaymers think it's some high form art shit, but it's just your typical fantasy war nonsense with shit voice acting and tryhard tropes. TLoU2 blows it out of the fucking park, and its storytelling is at a disadvantage for being fragmented to all hell.

Don't even get me started on the Witcher books, which are just some white supremacist's drivel about how many white women his self insert can fuck.

keep seething gaymers 😂😂😂

TLoU2 blows it out of the fucking park, and its storytelling is at a disadvantage for being fragmented to all hell.

TLoU2 is a linear movie game with like 10X the budget lol.

TW3’s story is better if only because it actually tries to be interactive (since, you know, it’s a game) instead of just being a 15-hour movie.

People are actually taking the bait on this, lmao

Gamers aren't people so its to be expected

I've seen enough "The Blood Meridian / Schindler's List of gaming" that I now get unironically triggered in all TLOU2 discussions.

Man you sound retarded. The story is fine. It's an open world rpg, not a story driven linear walking simulation. No video game has an amazing story, but the Witcher's is pretty good for a video game.

You sound like a fucking gaymer. Disgusting.

lol go play mount and blade limp-dick

I only play TLoU2.

No video game has an amazing story

Rad Dad’s Redeployment 2 says disagree

This is probably the most blatant trollpost I've ever seen.

witcher 3 has the best world i never want to explore cause there's nothing fucking interesting to find. All the loot is shit, combat is repetitive and easy, world lore is uninteresting. It's very pretty and made well but there's zero incentive to explore other than sight-seeing.

Gamingcirclejerk is gonna be confused over this one

Maybe they'll realize that people clung on to CDPR because they made a good RPG in a time where a lot of old stalwarts (lol Bioware) were faltering badly and not because Geralt was a white male but that's pretty optimistic on my part

Wtf you gotta tag your comment with a /uj brooooo

/uj /uj /uj

because Geralt was a white male

Wait is that actually what they think? I know GCJ is like far left and full on contrarian retard but have they actually said that in a popular post?


The reason they clown on Witcher is because it was a huge circlejerk on r/gaming for a long long time after its release.


God what actually happened to Bioware? Everything they've done over the years has either been a disaster or has been forgotten.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was decent but we all know DA4 is gonna take like 5 years to develop

Mass Effect: Ending debacle for MA3 plus Andromeda was a disaster and forgotten about.

KOTOR: Turned into an MMO cashgrab monstrosity and milked to death.

MDK: Forgotten completely.

They got bought by EA in 2008 and released their last good game, Mass Effect 2, in 2010, while they were still the same studio for the most part but with access to more funding. Then it was downhill from there.

ME2 one of the best games of all time. Fucked hella alien hoes

Man you're gonna list Bioware's failures without mentioning Anthem?

Honestly shocked they're still going, though imagine one more flop and they're gonna get the axe from EA.

I honestly forgot Anthem existed there for a second.

I didn't even know it made it to release, only thing I remember is everyone making fun of the scripted voice comms in the reveal trailer.

They'll always have Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Andromeda was a disaster but gamers are literally some of the dumbest people in the world. They can just reboot the series again and those dorks will preorder it day 1.

I weep for what Mass Effect could have been. 2 was good but it was trying to be gears of War with babby's first rpg mixed in and 3 just went down the same path. Never played Andromeda.


I cant even begin to tell you how proud I am that I dont know any of those titles.

Most people on the sub like witcher 3 they just think its overrated and jerked off to death

Which is funny cause the first two were disliked when they came out.

They're both pretty dull and were out of date when they came out. The first one came out after oblivion and the Witcher's gameplay suck compared to it.

People got all hyped about witcher 3 when it came out. Thought maybe I should play 1 and 2. Got stuck behind a table in the first hour of the game and said fuck it.

"they" being completely different people, CDPR is staffed by b*rgers now


But your character can have huge tits and a 10 inch dong

No clit and labia customization tho, 2/10.

Ufff refunding my pre-order 😠😠

Are they still taking preorders?

Lol, after the Last of Us 2 had leaks that turned out true, they are really acting like this is going to be false?

Most of the 4chan text leaks about TLOU 2 were false

Only the leaked cutscenes themselves were legit

4chan wasnt the only leak, ya dunce

For ever correct TLOU2 leak (there were multiple bullshit ones that people forgot about) there are dozens of leaks that turn out to be completely made up.

Doesnt change the fact that this leak reads legit. And Cyberpunk has been endlessly delayed and run into issues

day time extended meme reads legit

Based retard.

This, but unironically

I am still buying Cyberpunk 2077.

Imagine thinking this game will ever come out

You're thinking of Star Citizen. CDPR doesn't have the luxury of brain-dead whales to keep them afloat. The Poles have actual investors that expect to get paid at some point.

I bought star citizen when i was just a kid. Now I'm an adult in college and it's still in ALPHA.

i coped for so long but i can't even keep that up anymore

how is it a leak lmao, it's a post on 4chan about stuff that has been said publicly about the game

Tourists are some of the dumbest people on the planet, that's how.

As someone who could never into MMOs/RPGSs, even as a teenager, I'll never understand people who crave this much "customization" in a game.

Like, who gives a fuck? When I want to play a video game I want to sit down and kill people for 2 hours while I take a break from seething at something I saw on Reddit. It isn't fun to me, at all, to spend hours customizing a virtual character no one will ever see.

But maybe I'm just soulless. Whatever.

I remember years ago on r/pathofexile some foid complained about not being able to pick a female character and customize it to her liking

I couldn't understand why the fuck she cared and I still don't. It's an ARPG about killing thousands of monsters in huge droves, what is the point of wanting to make an uwu cute character? It's not the Sims. These sort of "girl gamers" are the ones who play games for the "social aspect" while completely ignoring the main point of the game

This is why foids need to be kept out of vidya

90% of people who use female characters are dudes

>it's on 4chan therefore it's real

Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. G4mers don’t believe 4chan leak of ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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If a game is good, then good. If it's bad, oh well, good thing I'm not part of that production company then. Getting all emotionally invested in something pre-release I've never understood and it happens over and over again.

no verticality exploring

Half the fun of the cyberpunk genre is the verticality lmao

Guess it's back to playing through Red Dead again

Half the fun of the cyberpunk genre is the verticality lmao

i dont necessarily disagree but i would like you to point out one (1) example

in neuromancer when the agent has to work her way up and through the satellite city mansion that the team is infiltrating

I don't understand why people had such faith in this in the first place, considering CD Projekt has yet to successfully develop a single good game.


gaymer """"drama""""


Sounds like what they did to Destiny except maybe worse because there is no way this studio will be as loyal to this game as Bungie is to Destiny.


I already knew it was gonna be trash but not nearly this bad.

the shazam ssssip anon must be so proud

I’ve been shitposting that Cyberhype 1488 was going to be a neon GTA clone for months. Glad to know I’m psychic. :dab emoji:

>They show some gameplay

>If you pick the rich lifepath at the start of the game you're some overly angry fuckbag

>The character kills 2 guys because they complained about you almost crushing them while playing basketball

>you don't have a choice to not kill them, you don't have a choice to land in a proper landing pad
