Replaying My Shame or how I learned to stop worrying and use feminism to excuse my bad decisions or Gawker turned on m once I was out of the club or Trumpet is my mirror but I refuse to acknowledge what I se

1  2020-07-11 by 911roofer


"Because I understood that shame was used to control women"

If only she understood that it's used to control everyone, as a way to enforce social conformity and encourage socially appropriate behaviours

But no, it has to always be about them 🙄🙄

Shame isn't a social construct, god gave us shame by making our sexparts flap around when we run

She for absolutely raked in that interview because her points are smooth brain.

But she was right about the direction media was going and it's funny to see Kimmel lament non fact checked media and invasions of privacy.

How, then, to explain why, at the exact same moment when first-person art by women is more culturally ascendant and embraced than it has ever been in my lifetime, the most rapacious, damaging forms of structural sexism are also on the rise? I have tried to come up with various explanations for this paradox, but none of them are satisfying. If this is the patriarchy’s last gasp, it’s a long one that shows no sign of ending.

Women shame other women because it gives the shamer more power in society. Always fun to watch reddit tier explanations of how things are how they are tho. It's a good example of that stick in the bicycle wheel comic.

The video if anyone's interested:

I think the tube might have been a sex toy sent to Gawker’s porn site, Fleshbot, for review, and we were all passing it around and goofing off. Nick had somehow found the video, sent it to an employee with instructions to post it, and then the staffer did, probably because Nick was his boss (it’s since been taken down, and Denton denies that he directed the staffer to post the video). In 2008, I didn’t know how to contextualize what I was experiencing. Now, we have a term for this: “revenge porn

The dumb shit doesnt even understand the words she uses.

And it calls itself a writer. Incredible.

This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. Replaying My Shame or how I learned... -,*

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words words words

Umm not reading all that sweaty. Tl;dr or bust

White women nonsense. "Trump is acting exactly like I used to back at Gawker but I don't want to acknowledge my narcissism and immaturity, so I'm going to hide behind my vagina. "

How can someone be such a combination of fragile and callous?


Actually read the article, I do feel bad for her, she though she could actually just walk on TV unprepared and she didn't realize Jimmy Kimmel was out to accuse gawker of trying to kill precious celebrities and using her of the face of the site. Which is ironic, because more celebrities have been killed by their own helicopters, heroin, and private jets then actual stalkers since the mason murders 70 years ago.

more celebrities have been killed by their own helicopters, heroin, and private jets then actual stalkers since the mason murders 70 years ago.

Normally I'd make a crass remark about how we ought to get those numbers back up and make stalking great again, but since Reddit is dead-set on reducing itself to an unfunny, advertiser-friendly shithole, I'm pretty sure that one or more of our unpaid Reddit staff members would misconstrue my irreverent comments as literally advocating violence. And you know I'd hate to force one of our beloved jannies to do any more work for free.