r/pics gets riled up by wedding pic mentioning the friend zone. Little do they realize the OP is either the woman or more likely just a karma farming account

1  2020-07-11 by rakrakaon


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im just impressed that pics upvoted a couple that isnt interracial

I’m impressed they didn’t ban ginger photos

The Blacked pics I spam on there never get upvoted.

I should take some normal interacial couple sfw pic, put a blacked tag and try posting it.

he looks kind of r-slured

god seeing other people have fulfilling relationships makes me so angry

This but ironically

Yikes sweaty are you an incelerino?

this but unironically

no worries she is probably cheating on him right now.

pics are just for karma and making other hoes on FB jelaous.

There’s no such thing as the “friendzone”, only men being disingenuous with their intentions behind a relationship. “Getting out” of the friendzone is kind of a gross expression, as if to say “my duplicity paid off”.

Even the term is almost exclusively used by beta male orbiters that don’t have the balls to initiate a romantic relationship, and project their inadequacy as bigotry towards the woman, as if to say she bares all the responsibility of the relationship. “Here’s my balls, let me know if you want to use them”.

It’s fucking gross.

That’s a looooot of s33thing right there lol

Even the term is almost exclusively used by beta male orbiters that don’t have the balls to initiate a romantic relationship

That doesn't even remotely make sense. By literal definition, being friend-zoned is when a woman tells you that she's only interested in you platonically, which is a conversation that will only occur when you try to initiate a romantic relationship.

This bitch is beyond retarded.

Sometimes it's beyond obvious what the guy wants but he's always too afraid to talk about it with her.

Thats not being friendzoned, that is being a giant pussy.

Friendzoned again😢😞

Extremely low IQ

women don't owe you anything sweaty, they can reject you for any reason. Her body, her choice

right, so she isn't interested in me and only views me as a friend, you could say she friendzoned me

RRREEEEEE incel incel incel stop being creepy oof yikes fucking misogynist

There’s no such thing as the “friendzone”, only men being disingenuous with their intentions behind a relationship. “Getting out” of the friendzone is kind of a gross expression, as if to say “my duplicity paid off”.

"one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him just "a friend" and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"

-/u/ Josephine _ Gobelles

Jesus Christ reddit.

The level of cope foids are capable of amazes me. The absolute state of the modern woman.

I've mentioned this before but it's crazy how angry that term makes people. There's all this fucking emotional baggage attached to it on reddit when I even know women who use it as shorthand for a guy interested in a woman who isnt


I like everyone in there saying that she looks uncomfortable or must have reluctantly agreed to marry him. Redditors really can’t fathom the idea of someone having a successful relationship can they?

Straight white couple

This isn't Facebook

Pansexual black lady marrying transgender Asian man

oh my god beautiful

The only people that complain about incels are incels in denial.

Male feminists immediately take shots of 'incel' at normal men to meh response. When people started calling them simps, those guys wrote essays on twitter on how 'simp' is problematic, violates a man's "right" to compliment women, and definetly doesnt hurt them personally. Every flimsy word they throw at others describes them which theyre scared of acknowledging because they think its the only way for them to not be betas. A permanent state of cope.

Who the hell cares about some random people? /r/pics is a cesspool.

Fuck r/pics

So brave

I made r/pic because r/pics is so shitty

Their kid lost the shnoz lotto the day their dad didn’t pull out.

Is marrying your best friend the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than marrying your best friend. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, confiding in and being an emotional punching bag for a girl for at least 18 years while she gets ravaged by other men. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - letting her sit on your shoulders at concerts, holding her purse while out, picking her up after 1 night stands, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole before you do.

Befriended the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with you and isnt your friend. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night without eventually putting up with her shit. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality while she vents about him to you.  As a man who married his best friend you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 10 years of your life planting seeds while some other dude bangs her. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Gingers are the blacks of the whites except they really deserve it this time


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Just a few hundred years ago every other play Shakespeare wrote involved unrequited love -- some young idiot pining after someone that just didn't seem that interested or just wanted to be friends.

Shit, how many stories are there through time of the manipulative femoid or the sleazy conman that leads on a poor boy or girl for personal gain?

What kind of drooling idiot do you have to be to believe that those dynamics...don't even exist between people? Not only that, but to believe that these concepts were invented in the last couple decades by...incels? Is that the idea here? That incels just invented the notion of manipulation or unrequited affection?

I'm actually worried for people that believe that; that manipulators and opportunists somehow just don't exist. Someone that stupid is going to make truly awful decisions for themselves.