Leftoids attempt to dunk on recently fired right wing ghostwriter freakshow for being fat and ugly. Fat and ugly leftist advocates respond.

1  2020-07-11 by ThisIsSyriaous


Eyyy buddy, can we not do appearance-based insults? Maybe consider that when you do, a lot of good people get caught in the crossfire. 🙄

very very occasionally fire just be fight with fire; the abuser often has the weakest ego... try to understand his insult is not about us, it's about teaching a lesson to other evildoers. it's a "one off"

"its ok when we do it since we're the good guys and they're the bad guys" - just incredible levels of brainpower from the checkmarks as always

You do understand these white nationalists do this, picking every single chance to poke fun at people who aren't them, right?

These ghouls deserve to be shamed physically, mentally and spiritually.

Sorry if that offends you. It doesn't offend people like this guy.

almost as smug as srdines holy shit

The thing I hate about Twitter lefties isn't even their brain dead ideas, it's how smug they are about their brain dead ideas and supposed motel moral superiority.

motel superiority

Air BnB supremacists rise up.

Fuck you, holiday inn gang 4lyfe

not having Marriott as your bare minimum.


Um, Holiday Inn is a hotel, sweaty. Not a motel.

We have established my distaste of motel supremacy. Hotel power.

“Regardless of who leads it, the professional-class liberalism I have been describing in these pages seems to be forever traveling on a quest for some place of greater righteousness. It is always engaged in a search for some subject of overwhelming, noncontroversial goodness with which it can identify itself and under whose umbrella of virtue it can put across its self-interested class program.

There have been many other virtue-objects over the years: people and ideas whose surplus goodness could be extracted for deployment elsewhere. The great virtue-rush of the 1990s, for example, was focused on children, then thought to be the last word in overwhelming, noncontroversial goodness. Who could be against kids? No one, of course, and so the race was on to justify whatever your program happened to be in their name. In the course of Hillary Clinton’s 1996 book, It Takes a Village, the favorite rationale of the day—think of the children!—was deployed to explain her husband’s crime bill as well as more directly child-related causes like charter schools.

You can find dozens of examples of this kind of liberal-class virtue-quest if you try, but instead of listing them, let me go straight to the point: This is not politics. It’s an imitation of politics. It feels political, yes: it’s highly moralistic, it sets up an easy melodrama of good versus bad, it allows you to make all kinds of judgments about people you disagree with, but ultimately it’s a diversion, a way of putting across a policy program while avoiding any sincere discussion of the policies in question. The virtue-quest is an exciting moral crusade that seems to be extremely important but at the conclusion of which you discover you’ve got little to show for it besides NAFTA, bank deregulation, and a prison spree.”

Still unemployed, huh?


which part of your manifesto is this from?

You do understand <x>, right?

God I hate Reddit/wokie smug lingo

You do understand I don't care abvout your seeth, right ?

It's called punching up sweaty, so it's ok and a part of praxis

Maybe read a book and educate yourself?

i cant read

i envy you


Equality and fairness for all except people who hold an opinion I disagree with

I've always strongly suspected that the average person was a total moron but the last few months have confirmed it without question

"We're literally the Avengers and they're literally Voldemort from Harry Poter!!"

Mayos aren't people, retard.

The truth is we all secretly hate fat and ugly people. So when a fat and ugly person does something we don’t like, we are allowed to use their fat and ugliness against them. The moral is that if you’re fat and ugly you better act like an angel or we will make fun of your fat body and ugly face.

This, but completely unironically




This, Aristotle said humor is about feeling superior to ugly people. It wasn't until the Enlightenment that people started coming up with excuses like incongruity ("why are these people afraid of the white gene pool diluting?") to justify mocking retards.


But yeah fat is way worse than ugly.

The truth is we all secretly hate fat and ugly people

not really. i dont hate ugly people i pity them. and i dont secretly hate fatties either, i hate them openly like the discusting subhuman filth they are

Based and red-pilled

When I look at this strapping young cisgender white lad, I see some of him in me.

(No homo)

Is it the hair line that you see ?

No I imagine him vigorously masturbating his white penis and think "hey he's just like me!! 😌" (No homo)

Physiognomy is real, ugly people have ugly thoughts so its fine since they are probably secret nazis anyway

The humor is in the incongruity of anyone wearing that husk looking down on others. It's not the husk itself that is funny.

El monstroso

That is one ugly mayo

Uggophobia at it again


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First caught wind of this when I noticed all the uproar about gendered insults towards liberal women, but conservative women get called all the names in the book.

you are a fucking idiot
