Niche drama: Californian drum and bugle corps affectionately named for chinamen CANCELS partnership with racist CEO of racist company, rookies and age-outs duke it out in the comments

1  2020-07-11 by ConnieP_XI


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god i hate liberal sacramentoids. STOP MOVING UP INTO THE HILLS!!!!!

Imagine living in Commiefornia lmao

i live here for the mountains and forests. got land in nc i can escape to if need be.

Can someone help me understand how calling a group that loots and burns down buildings, defaces memorials, and burns the American flag a hate group is racist?

The BLM movement/group isn’t about the looting and raiding, it’s about gaining equality for black lives and to end the discrimination that has existed for many, many years. This country was built on stolen ground by enslaved African Americans controlled by white leaders. Memorials mostly celebrate racist white men who have mistreated black people like they were lesser than them, when that isn’t how it should be. The American flag is supposed to represent peace and freedom for all, but that’s not how it is. If you don’t support the movement, you’re racist because you don’t support the equality of black lives, and the lives of people of color in general.

the logic here is undeniable. criticism-cels btfo

Californian drum and bugle corps

The state of w*stoids.’m a grown ass man that’s downvoting you. Talk shit, get canceled. It’s that simple. No one is stopping anyone from saying what they want, but best believe there are consequences.

reddit moment

The only worthwhile marching arts groups are from the Midwest or Japan.

Midwestcels coping with the fact that they've only won a single championship in the last 10 years.

Blue devils haven’t been good since they stopped playing jazz

good take