Fat on Fat crime when a Bitch-titted man(?) steals 6k from his D&D buddies

2  2020-07-11 by MikealaHunt


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Camera guy sounds like a chub that just ran 5 yards

A heckin' chonkerino

🤩 Wholesome 🤩

It’s a her and she’s out of breath from just standing. Check out her shadow. Everyone in that video needs a diet and exercise plan.

Obligatory “muh asthma”

And OP is the fat in the yellow shirt whose a literal fedora wearing D&D-cel lmao

R*dditors unironically aren't people

Good lord, what an embarrassing person 🤭

"We sat in a circle as friends and shared our poop with each other!"

Le Average Redditor.

its salvageable, he can get a cool serial killer vibe goin

As much as I despise planet fitness, it's $10/month and there's on in almost every city. There really is no excuse.

Exercise isn't even that important. You burn, what, 300 calories? Fatties could get the same result from drinking less soda.

it helps indirectly

With a good workout routine you can eat a lot of shitty food and still maintain a good figure. Doing 3 sets of 10 with weights that are too easy for you and then 10 minutes on a treadmill won't get anyone anywhere.

How do you notice $1k is missing from your account each month and not do anything about it? He kept doing it bc he knew the card owner was stupid enough to let it happen for 6 months.

People in the video probably spend ten times as much on poppers and funkos.

Replace poppers with fast food

Jalapeño poppers

The fuck is a popper? No, I won't look it up, opening a new tab is really far I can't move my mouse that far 😰 Please send the description to my inbox.

  • Me

It's disturbing how little people know of their own bank account balances.

fat on fat crime



Holy shit that breathing lmao and it never stops 😂 get this dude a fucking inhaler

Edit: omg it’s a foid

That’s the most answered question we’ve had about this. He just never checks his account, he’s had multiple times where his money has been stolen, and until the last month, the thief hadn’t made local purchases. When he went to get a new card, it wouldn’t happen for weeks after. The thief was slipping the card out of the wallet while the victim slept.

Given that most Burgers don't have $500 in their savings "he never checks his account"? Burgercel idiocy.

he’s had multiple times where his money has been stolen

Wait, what? This has already happened, but this idiot still only checks his balance maybe once every six months?

the thief hadn’t made local purchases

A cursory glance at your transactions for the month would glean the "hmmm I don't remember spending $100 on a dragon dildo..."

And the transactions couldn't have been $10 here and $20 there if he's burning through 6k in 6 months.

And how old are these people? He's got at least 6k in his account yet he's living with these things? The one is a pug dog.

I am friends with a f🤮id who was roommates with a lgbtq person when she was a nursing assistant on night shift. She'd stop at like McDonald's or someplace on the way home and get a breakfast meal to eat while driving home and immediately shower and go to bed. Well the gay gentleman would get the bag out of the trash in the driveway , see how much she spent and on what , steal her debit card from her purse she kept in the coat closet by the door , and then go out and get the exact same thing she did and would pay the exact same amount she did so it was kind of easy to ignore that something was up. When she eventually found out she realized his fat ass was telling her she needed to eat more before bed because he wanted more food than the McMuffin with hasbrown and sprite she usually got.

Fucking wild lmao

Make $120k for front-end dev -> Every single fucking month forever: $350 for rent and utilities (shower four times a month: cheap water bill); 8 streaming sites; $3000 for latest games on both steam and PS4; 10 regular game subscriptions; $1500 in game cosmetics; $500 unlocks in microtransactions in casual mobile games; $3000 in Funko maintenance, news, rare dupes, gifts; $5000 fast food literally every meal; $800 in grocery-snacks; $300 for new piece of furniture from Ikea cos fatass breaks cheap Nord wood; $1000 in board games and board game expansions; $100 in candles.

"Guys I'm in debt but I don't have time to make a budget what should I do I only spend money on essentials also I'm thinking about getting into calligraphy"

Millennials are only the worst generation ever because Zoomers haven't entered their prime yet. We'll get there, and it will be glorious.

$350 for rent

in silicon valley?

Yea it makes more sense if you just ignore the values of the numbers.

$3000 in Funko maintenance

is probably the only true value in all of those.

A delightful little slice of life

"We sat in a circle as friends and bared our fucking souls to each other!"

Someone please tell me that this is supposed to be a metaphor and that they didn't literally sit in a gay ass circle holding hands.

Dude is a neckbeard that plays D&D all day, guarantee that happened

Fucking hell it breathes like the tardis

imagine the guy an heros and directly mentions them in his sueicide note