/r/relationship_advice: where you need 5 different types of therapist to cope with a threat that no longer exists, but not wanting your kid to be next to a 100 lb animal is ridiculous and entitled

1  2020-07-12 by ItsSugar


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A group of people who tell you to cut off relatives at the drop of a hat get very offended when cut off themselves.

The sister-in-law is just trying to resist the temptation of doggy.

šŸ¶ šŸ’Š šŸ˜§


This story is even more fake than most relationship advice stories

If she dies, she dies

He's my safe space

Yes, famous words spoken before dog gnaws her face off.

That little girl is probably safer with that dog than without him. If he sees her as a pack member, then he would defend her with the same loyal ferocity. +645

Thank god most redditors don't have children.

Dogs donā€™t attack without reason.

My family has owned multiple pit bulls throughout my life and this is the most r-slurred shit I've read in a while.

Uh oh little baby pulled on funny dog tail ha ha

I ain't reading that. Someone give me a direct injection of the seething

"my dog attacked someone unfamiliar, now sister-in-law is concerned about leaving her 3 yr old child near it"

OP Iā€™m going to give you a cold hard truth. You SIL doesnā€™t give a rats ass about you, your well being and your emotional well-being. If she did, she wouldnā€™t be such a c*nt about your dog that has literally saved your life.

She literally has no other evidence of aggression of your dog other than the fact he defended you, and your home when an attacker arrived. Has the dog ever even growled at your niece? Likely not from what youā€™ve mentioned. Sheā€™s being completely irrational without any logical reason. I donā€™t fault her for wanting to keep your niece safe, but she has virtually no reason to fear your dog would harm your niece. Sheā€™s being completely unreasonable and not willing to compromise. Sheā€™s attempting to control you and youā€™ve been through enough.

I know you love your niece no doubt, but do not compromise your safety to placate this bitch. Tell her thereā€™s no room for negotiation. She can either accept your very fair and reasonable terms or no longer be welcome to your place and you will no longer go there. Your SIL is a colossal c*nt.


Dear God this is infuriating. You should always be very cautious with kids around dogs even if the dog is an angel. It's perfectly reasonable to not want your small child to be with a dog that has recently attacked someone. God i hate redditers.

she has no evidence of aggression from the dog as long as you ignore the time it almost killed someone

Sound like a fake karma whore

The same OP made a post 3 weeks ago about her dog growling at her niece and how the parents now want the dog to be put down.

It's all bullshit. Which is why reddit believes it.

Why hasnā€™t anyone suggested that she just hang out with the brother and in-law without her niece?

Cause she probably wants to hang out with her niece

Because there have been plenty of helpful comments already regarding what to do with Thor (great name!)

I hate r*dditors


I donā€™t want to list what they found in my stalkerā€™s car after they caught him (and Iā€™m shaking a little as I type this) but Iā€™m sure he was going to bring me somewhere and kill me. It looks like heā€™s going to prison for a long time though, so my nightmare is over.

How do people fall for shit that's this obviously fake?

$50 says cujo is a fuckin pitbull

Nobody puts so much effort to make up a story like this, and it's not real either. Pretty sure she is a massive schizo