Vote suppression and voter fraud as liberals face off against each other in a Berkley Highschool

1  2020-07-12 by 804-929-4988


So basically homeboy committed vote fraud because he didnt think the freshman were smart enough to cast their votes and if they were they'd vote for him...basically how Democrats treat black people in real life

If a tree was going to vote but no one was there to cast it, does it create a fraud?

Dead people lining up to vote in alphabetical order, a Chicago specialty.

I like how you tried to attack dems here for being against racial voter fraud, which has been proven in federal court multiple times now.

Regardless of any of that dems think black people are too stupid to get ID to vote. Acting like most liberals aren't pretentious fart sniffers who are subversively racist makes you the retard, pizza

The Neo liberal ‘race realist’ is truly the ultimate example of American decadence.

I actually love this argument, because it's absurdly easy to shut down by pointing out the following:

A) Voter suppression laws involve more than simple ID requirements. They often cut early voting days, surgically remove alternate IDs used by ethnic minority groups, and gut registration.

B) It's not the democrats that believe black people are too stupid to get IDs, it's the Republicans.

How else would you explain them constantly trying to pass these laws with the very obvious intent of suppressing voters?

They clearly think the laws will be effective, so what other explanation is there other than Republicans believe what you think democrats do?

You actually think the democratic party isn't subversively racist, that's cute. See, your problem is that you try to frame everything in a liberal vs conservative picture but that just makes you look stupid because in reality both parties are racist and its obvious from the laws they've passed in the past. The major difference is that the Democrats pander to black all the while supporting s racist justice system and private prison industry

Yes. the DNC are the real racists and clearly just as involved in passing very clearly racist laws as the Republican party is.

Both siderism is truly the bread and butter of the politically illiterate.

TIL being politically literate is making yourself beleive racist politicians aren't so you can stick it to Republicans. Tbh I'll vote for Biden but I'll hold my nose when I do it and do it with the understand that we as a country aren't making much progress, we're just getting an absolute retard out of the driver's seat

There is literally no coherent way to conclude this is a case of both sides while being informed of current events.

Sure there is, just one side is more overtly racist and proud of it

No, there literally is not. I can think of only one party engaging in widespread racial gerrymandering/voter suppression and I can think of only one party that keeps getting busted doing shit like this:

Hofeller did not follow his own advice. Before his death, in August, 2018, he saved at least seventy thousand files and several years of e-mails. A review of those records and e-mails—which were recently obtained first by The New Yorker—raises new questions about whether Hofeller unconstitutionally used race data to draw North Carolina’s congressional districts, in 2016. They also suggest that Hofeller was deeply involved in G.O.P. mapmaking nationwide, and include new trails for more potential lawsuits challenging Hofeller’s work, similar to the one on Wednesday which led to the overturning of his state legislative maps in North Carolina.

Hofeller’s files include dozens of intensely detailed studies of North Carolina college students, broken down by race and cross-referenced against the state driver’s-license files to determine whether these students likely possessed the proper I.D. to vote. The studies are dated 2014 and 2015, the years before Hofeller helped Republicans in the state redraw its congressional districts in ways that voting-rights groups said discriminated on the basis of race. North Carolina Republicans said that the maps discriminated based on partisanship but not race. Hofeller’s hard drive also retained a map of North Carolina’s 2017 state judicial gerrymander, with an overlay of the black voting-age population by district, suggesting that these maps—which are currently at the center of a protracted legal battle—might also be a racial gerrymander.

Do you have worms in your brain?

Show me the DNC doing this.

Assuming both of your points are true, why do Democrats want to pass laws to allow voting without IDs then?

Because Republicans have repeatedly tried to use voter ID laws to suppress voters and IDs don't actually prevent fraud.

Andy Samberg went to this school


The coder was smart enough to break into his classmates's emails, but too autistic to mimic human voting patterns.

I used to really like reply all, but they've gone off the rails recently. There's an episode about how to properly give money to black people for being black people

By buying good and services from them?

Reparations I guess

When I lived in Los Angeles I would buy from black-owned businesses regularly. There aren't very many black restaurants in the bay area for whatever reason.

You'd have more luck finding them in Daly City, Richmond etc.

On a side note if you're in SF proper 2 of my favorite restaurants are Don Pistos in North Beach and Cordon Bleu kn The TL. The former is a high end mexican restaurant but worth the money and the other is a hole in the wall Vietnamese spot that cheap as fuck but has my favorite plate of food in the world. Order the #5 at Cordon Bleu, add an extra imperial roll and if you're still hungry go across the street to Swan's Oyster Co. Without the oysters it's like a $12 meal but fucking amazing

All right. I'll check it out.

I thought the whole point was don’t give money to black ppl bc it’s weird and performative white guilt that makes black ppl uncomfortable

Although I do agree it’s been off lately