Complicated co-parenting, son seeing biased counselor, custody court. Etc.

1  2020-07-12 by 1safeplace2loves

Sorry for the novel. But I'm so frustrated. Apologize in advance if I repeated myself a bunch.

I am a mom to a son age 5 and his dad and I have been winging it co-parenting since our son was 1 when we split. He has been a difficult co parent the whole time. He got married last year, and has been with her since immediately after we broke up. I am a stay at home mom and have a significant other of 3 years and he is the financial provider for our home. My significant other and I have a daughter together as well.

So monthss back I got lawyer to get a parenting plan rolling. He then got a lawyer as well. Our lawyers have been communicating for us about custody schedule to avoid a court hearing, but no agreement from either party. If we can't agree then court will be in late August. About 2 months ago courts made us enter an interim plan (a parenting plan in place while we wait for a hearing) We then agreed to the exact residential schedule we have been doing. K no prob.

Son has some minor behavioral issues that are likelyy due to anxiety and possible ADHD we have learned. But we decided to get him a counselor back in February to see if it's beneficial. His dad and I then started looking around for a counselor and he found one set an appointment without discussing it with me, even though I communicated I was waiting for a call back from the highest rated family counseling place in town, Then his dad went to the initial appt without telling me, the appointments were all schedule during baby dad's parenting time. Mindd you my son's medical (medicaid) is under me. But I had given him the policy number at some point so he used that info. Second appt comes and he informed me about it and I went, of course. Step mom there as well. The counselor happened to be my son's dad's old counselor for years when he was young. The first appt she was showing clear bias towards my son's dad but I figured this was for my sons mental health so I ignored it. At the beginning of my first appt present the counselor completely broke HIIPA laws of patient confidentiality by talking to sons dad, step mom and I about past patients of hers, (who are son's dad's mother, and two of his aunt's) saying she used to see them and talking about their mental health issues they used to have etc. I was shocked and concerned right then but continued the appointment where counselor asked our concerns about son. Then step mom and I had what I thought was a good chat about past stuff and moving forward (baby dad and son left the room for this) Anyways then counselor asked about custody arrangements and we mentioned we couldn't agree and had lawyers and planned on having a hearing soon , then the counselor, my son's dad and step mom kept pushing for me to get rid of my lawyer and not do court and just agree on 50/50 etc etc. I immediately said I wasn't comfortable talking about this at all and counselor kept saying stuff and then would bring it up and try to talk about it with us for multiple appointments. I eventually did a little bit but kept it short. There were several things about this counselor that made me uncomfortable. She was unprofessional and we spent the WHOLE next appt after that with the counselor making random small talk about random stuff including her friends kid, her opinion on vaccines, and a bunch of random stuff not pertaining to anything relevant to us or my son. Anyways after 4th or so appointment son saw her without parents present 2/3 times, then the covid stuff happened so he didn't see her for a few weeks ish until they resumed via video chat sessions THREE appts before telling me. Once I found that out I immediately got involved in those. But then it was mostly just the counselor, step mom w/ my son, and me. Son's dad was working during this time. Counseling started being less about son and more like counseling for step mom and I. And son's dad a little. Not what I signed up for but I thought it could benefit us a little so I kept doing it. I actually almost liked doing it for awhile, thinking it was helping step mom and i's relationship... But no step mom started being very mean, accusatory and taking charge of the whole sessions even when my son's dad was in the calls every so often. One time I swear my son's dad said two sentences the whole hour while step mom also talked over me and talked way more than my son's dad and I. But Ive kept being involved because I'm trying to do what's best for my son, even if it isnt making me happy to do the sessions and I wasn't feeling like it was beneficial to son I kept trying to see if it might. Counselor was still showing signs of bias towards them. Son's dad and step mom are very eloquent when speaking and super manipulative. I'm not either of those things so I probably ended up looking inarticulate or like an inferior parent. At least my anxiety feels that way. I'm sure the counselor thought that though as well. During appts step mom would frequently say things like "____ said ___ ____ ___" regarding something negative son said about me or whatever during my days with him. 99.9% of the time it was a completely untrue statement and I would obviously shut it down and assure them it wasn't accurate. But they (mostly step mom) did this all the time with tons of different things. Idk if my son actually said these things or if they were just being manipulative to build a case against me or trying to make me look bad. Sometimes my son said things to me or people that were just made up, completely inaccurate, or even just lied. In the past there was some things I brought up to sons dad but usually I just shut them down when son said them, considering he just turned 5 and young children say untrue things sometimes. Some example of things brought up in the sessions that step mom has said my son supposedly said that would be concerning and that are obviously not true... That I sleep all day and he's alone, he takes care of his sister (sibling with my current boyfriend), that his sister is in her crib all day (she's never been in her crib lol), that i don't play with him, he stays at his grandparents all the time, when we visit grandparents I always take a nap and he hangs out with them. Stuff like that, I personally don't think he said all those things because they are very much not true and lately he only occasionally said/says things to me about his dad and step mom or his time there, usually it was stuff I knew were simply untrue or just silly, but if I had any concern or question I would mention it. (If son really did say those things about me to them I do understand as a parent why they would bring them up or be somewhat concerned) but they have no faith in me or any trust. Even though they are awful I still have a little bit of faith and trust in them. So it's just sad they think I'm so awful. Things son would say were just a twisted version of reality or just my son's truth, like the comment about he takes care of his sister, because he's a big brother he LIKES to help "take care" of her by handing her bottle or bringing her a blanket etc. And I'd say things to him like awh you're such a good brother taking care of your sister. Or talking about me "napping" all the time, he's probably talking about everyday when I handle his sissy's nap time WHILE my daughters dad is home and hanging with my son, id lay down with my daughter and pretend i was asleep so she would fall asleep and son would whine about it sometimes (jealousy I presume), or me napping while we go to his grandparents cuz I've done it a couple times for a short time, which does not make me a bad parent. so when they said son said something about me I would always explain my thoughts as to why he would say what they said he said and assure them of the reality and that it wasn't true. And sometimes if son was present while they said he said something id ask him why he would say something untrue and tell him lying wasn't nice or good. Sometimes when I did that son wouldn't admit he was lying and get upset that I said that never happened. But a few times he did admit he lied. Me being chill and not mentioning during the sessions the times son has said untrue things or silly stuff about his dad or step mom to me has ended up biting me in the butt, because step mom and occasionally son's dad, would bring up every little thing son supposedly said and would always do it during the sessions therefore, making me look bad. I don't claim to be anywhere near a perfect parent but I know I am a good one. Son's dad and step mom think they are better than me in every way Every session we would talk about how our time with son had went, how his behavior was, what we did our days with him etc. I had been saying for a few appts that son was being better, tantrums were less and he had been pretty well behaved for me etc, step mom those times was saying son's behavior wasnt better at all and sometimes was worse even. During a session with son's dad there as well step mom said his bad behavior etc was clearly an indication he wasn't getting enough attention etc and saying I wasn't giving him enough attention or spending enough time doing things with him and the counselor agreed with her that his behavior indicated lack of attention and then talked about things I should be doing blah blah (all directed towards only me and not step mom and/or son's dad) all while I had just been telling them he's been good and what good things I'd been doing with son etc etc. So I finally stuck up for myself this time and said well yall just said his bad behavior indicates lack of attention and I've been saying how he's been better during my time and yall are saying the opposite, so if anyone's not doing enough with or for him maybe it's yall cuz he's been better/ pretty good for me. Counselor immediately shut it down by saying okayyy now let's regroup blah blah and then neither step mom, son's dad or counselor touched on the comment I had just made about step mom very obviously contradicting herself. Basically every session was accusatory towards me and my parenting and that I was the source of his issues. Eye roll.... I'll take any suggestion or tip with grace because I want the best for my son. But when I'm already doing what you're saying it's very frustrating to be told by them I'm not doing it. My family and friends kept telling me son should not see this counselor because the bias and I did it anyways because if I didn't I would look uninvolved and like I didn't care about my son's issues, and they would just continue seeing her anyways without me so I thought better to be apart of it and know what they are doing with son and try to help him. But no....
Got a message from my lawyer earlier stating son's dad is using the counselor as an "expert witness" during court. The email to my lawyer stated counselor thinks son's symptoms are better managed in dad's home due structure and consistency. And she believes in my home son exhibits more anxiety and adhd which is less structured and consistent. And that she recommends this fall when son starts kindergarten that son reside with his dad during the week days so he can have the opportunity to be successful in school.... Unbelievable. Step mom and counselor literally contradicted themselves bad by saying what they said above... How could that be her professional opinion when he is improving in my home and not theirs?! I am shocked and so upset.

So again... i'm wondering

In our interim parenting plan it states "non emergency medical and dental work must be approved by both parties before proceeding, including but not limited to routine medical checkups and procedures, included but not limited to, physicals, well child check ups, immunizations, dental checks, teeth cleaning etc." Not exactly sure what that translates too or has wiggle room for, but to me it sounds like if I don't approve of the counselor that they can't proceed with seeing her? Appt with my lawyer Monday and will ask that question obviously. Jw what y'all think.

  1. Son's medical (medicaid) is under me, can I put a stop to our insurance paying for this quack of a counselor??

  2. Can custody court really use counselor as an expert witness when the counselor was my son's dad's old counselor for years? Also if you didn't know expert witnesses get paid (and paid pretty well) to testify for a party in court.. making it even more f**cked.


OP... you should post in other subs that can actually help. We here at r/drama are comprised of sexually frustrated autistic man children who sperg out over petty internet drama and scream at each other about who has the tighter boy pussy.

lately we've been having random people posting here about their life stories thinking were like this gaggle of Karen's waiting patiently to dissect your life's occurances.

I'm not experienced with reddit here, so my bad. It's dramatic so thought I could post here. Oh well haha


Why is that?

WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS posting without a TLDR is literally worse than genocide.

I'm not experienced with reddit so that's my bad.

Get out while you still can, to be honest.

Oh cmon I'll learn lol

Oh no, I'm not doubting that you can. I'm just letting you know that Reddit is a hellhole to the highest degree, and you should leave now.

Yeah, my brother warned me.. hahah.

I like a lot of stuff on here I just typically don't interact much but thought maybe I get get something out of this post but I realize I completely effed trying to explain and wrote it poorly. Ima try to shorten and edit it down and post in the proper places.



Is this a meme? A copypasta? There was no punchline at the end.

Checking her history, she’s actually serious. Can someone point her to a better subreddit?


Okay, so you posted this in like 20 different subs. And having read this vomit of a post, I've come to the conclusion that your son is probably better off with his father.

Go post on /r/advice, /r/relationship_advice and maybe /r/legaladvice

Just keep in mind that the average age on reddit is like 14-18.

So don't expect any good advice.

Also this sub you're in right now is filled with retards and degenerates, just so you're aware. We don't take anything seriously on here.

Non experienced Reddit user here. My bad haaha.

So that we can help you better, please could you consider shortening your post by about 3/4 and including paragraphs?

Yeah Im sure I can do that. Thanks.

Look you seem nice. That's why you're gonna lose custody of your kid. Watch A Marriage Story act, like the cunt mom.

Yeah pretty sad that being nice would f*k my shit up. This world is fcked.

But I forgot to add to the post his dad and I talk tomorrow to try and agree. He still wants 50/50 but we will both be away from our son longer. But I'm just gonna have to agree and that's fine. It's just messed up that the counselor did this.

And haha okayy


Based on what?




You're dealing with a bunch of degenerate internet weirdos

If you're a woman you're the one in the wrong.

Simple as. 😎

R drama like most of reddit will be useless because we aren't women or have children.

Use mumsnet or some other mom forum.

Also can you please send us your bf asshole?

My baddd. Not experienced here. Lol


And ahha 😜 he's a good one.

And ahha 😜 he's a good one.

Let us vbe judge of that. We are expert es bussy.


First listen to your lawyer and don’t try to anything without clearing it through them. Nothing.

Second if they are going to call your mutual family therapist you may want to discuss with your lawyer ways to counter that and prepare in case your asked questions. You don’t want to give this version even if I think you’re right. To long and to wordy and accusatory in the wrong way.

THIRD see one and don’t just drop the counselor before have through discussion with your personal lawyer.

First listen to your lawyer and don’t try to anything without clearing it through them. Nothing.

Depend of the lawyer.

Second if they are going to call your mutual family therapist you may want to discuss with your lawyer ways to counter that and prepare in case your asked questions. You don’t want to give this version even if I think you’re right. To long and to wordy and accusatory in the wrong way.

Therapist diagnosed a 5yo with mild anxiety and adhd, better get ride of him asap before he/she start prescribing pills 💊

THIRD see one and don’t just drop the counselor before have through discussion with your personal lawyer.

tl;df Do the exact opposite of this post.

Therapist diagnosed a 5yo with mild anxiety and adhd, better get ride of him asap before he/she start prescribing pills

ADHD is diagnosable at around that age. I got diagnosed at 6 and they weren't wrong. 😥

ADHD is diagnosable at around that age. I got diagnosed at 6 and they weren't wrong. 😥

But you have Tourette

My friends accuse me of having Tourettes. I'll repeat a certain thing a lot but I can stop anytime i want.



Luckily his dad and I are very against that. One thing we agree on. But his counselor has also been saying she thinks it could just be anxiety. I've heard before from an actual professional as well that anxiety can look a lot like ADHD. I don't really think he has ADHD but it's possible. His dad did when he was a kid. But I think my son is just being a kid as far as overactive symptoms. And his dad and I both have anxiety.

It's normal to be hyperactive at that age. Odds are he could not have it. Is he in kindergarten yet?

He starts kindergarten in the fall.

Or he's supposed to. With COVID19 everything is uncertain.

Yup I made sure to do that. And we definitely will prepare. But his dad and I are actually both trying to avoid court still and we talk tomorrow to hopefully come to an agreement. I forgot to add that part into the post. Derp on me. And I know I don't want to give this exact version because it's worded awful. I'm not good at explaining things and I was super frustrated when I typed it. And gave too much info probably. Lol

And my lawyer has said from the beginning it is not okay or appropriate for Curtis to have chosen his old family counselor or for my son to see that counselor. But like I stated in the post he would've taken him anyways so I figured I'd give it a shot. That sure fxcked me tho.. and that if/when we go to court he's sure the judge will agree on us picking one without any ties to anyone.

Expert witnesses seem to make bank, as I learnt listening to a true cime podcast this evening. How awesome is the burger court system?

Speaking of which, you should just get rid of your ex. Save you lots of court drama and other shit. Practice fake crying, lots of people fuck that up by not actually producing tears, idiots.

Very interesting right.. like that's motivation right but but also kinda understand why they'd get paid for their time buts it's all f*cked. And haahha wish I could so bad. I won't need to fake cry though they will be real and lots of em 😭

Man this in an Islamic subbreddit.

ma'am this is a Wendy's


Girl, I ain't reading all that unformatted shit. Bring it to your lawyer and explore your options there. None of us here could pro bono your case.

Serious answer. I think at this rate you are goofed. You did not let your son feel welcomed and loved with his new family, and why is he having anxiety at 5? Also I swear every kids in the United States had ADHD, why is it? Do you feed him sugar instead of milk when he's smaller?

I am going to bring it to my lawyer Monday. It was just the weekend so I decided to post.

And how did I not let my soon feel welcomed and loved by his new family? LOL. That's completely inaccurate. I've done nothing but try to get along with his dad and wife. So you don't know what you're talking about. And I don't know why. Maybe he has anxiety because he goes back and forth between two homes, that is hard on a child. It could be a lot of things. Plenty I've wondered about myself. But anxiety is also genetic, and life factors influence it as well of course. And nah he ate good. Have a nice day.

And how did I not let my soon feel welcomed and loved by his new family? LOL. That's completely inaccurate.

If he's having anxiety, saying you (possibly) take care of the sister more than him, then he is having issues. It may have stemmed from him not feeling he's really in the family.

I don't know your family, and I frankly don't care. If you want him to stop spouting bullshit about you, talk to him directly.

Maybe he has anxiety because he goes back and forth between two homes, that is hard on a child.

Have you talked to him about it?

Plenty I've wondered about myself.

I guess not. I used to think all kinds of dumb shit about my parents too, and so did they. Nobody knew what the problem is until one of us brought that up in a conversation.

Have a nice day.

Yeah you too.

Him saying that wasn't true. He LIKES to help. He doesn't ACTUALLY take care of his sister, he is a child, and I'm not a POS. Lolol He has never been unincluded. He is very loved.

And of course I talk to him about everything. He's a kid he doesn't know how to express all his emotions but we are working on teaching him how.

Why did you post this here

Lapse in judgement. Not experienced with reddit.

Yeah I read your replies after I posted

Although I didn't read your post I can tell you're serious and looking for advice so I just want to give a serious answer and tell you that many redditors are socially inept, some form of degenerate, or literal children, so keep that in mind when you seek advice from here. No I am not joking


Not experienced with reddit that's my bad posing here.



Because it's dramatic asf. Lol. But I'm also not an experienced Redditor so. But Idk my bad ha

Well we're a bunch of jackals feeding off the blood of those who's deep in drama. We're not exactly good company to have around.

Dramatic yes, but this is not the dram we're looking for.

I found that out. Haha.

But you're right that was silly of me hahah.




Idk I thought it was pretty dramatic 🤷🏻 hahah


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's


Why'd you and your ex separate?

He was an nonfunctioning alcoholic, who went out and partied more than half the week who wouldn't work, with infidelity issues, and an asshole.

Oh I forgot HUGE compulsive liar. About the weirdest shit.