NYT reporter who covers TikTok teens resorts to calling people racists in order to save her job.

1  2020-07-12 by ChaposWorstNightmare


Some Ordinary Gamers did a video about TikTok where he explains that buried in the code is a function to implant and run packages from the TikTok servers to users' phones completely under the radar. So malware. But yes, it's racism.

How it gods name would that work? Any app that isn't the Google play store has no innate authority to sideload binaries, not even the file manager iirc. What you're describing may be a auto updater, which makes sense if you're targeting phones with no play store services like say Huawei

Hey man the dude is a software engineer. I'm a shit poster. You want me to link the video?

Fair enough, although he's fucking reading a Twitter screenshot of a reddit conversation shame on you for watching this garbage. Doesn't elaborate, just says the app can execute arbitrary zips which means it would have to abide by the existing permissions. To be fair, that could maybe mean a backdoor to upload all files on an individual's phone or to record audio and video at specific times so still pretty fucked.

Muta is a legend. He probably lurks here.

Besides TikTok is for pedos anyways.

muta top 10 most online people of all time

I'm also a software engineer and it's well known Apple and Google dont allow running arbitrary code downloaded from a server. Especially in native apps (as opposed to JS apps) where that is a serious security risk.

I'm sure Tiktok is vacuuming up a ton of data but this isn't the definition of malware.

Cool man.Good heads up!

I'm getting into programming. I'm learning Java and I just got to the Javascript-ing part.

Hello King, Java is related to Javascript just like car is related to carpet.

Yep! That's the joke.

Sorry, I thought that you are confused newbie.

Nah all good mate

I make six figures, you're garbage and an idiot fascist manipulated by the NSA fascists who want to oppress the Chinese

Idiot xenophobic racist fascist

People who want to prohibit Americans from using Tikitok just because of their racism and fascism are animals

ist ist ist ist

You're rich and you're still a whinging communist.

Champaign socialist out in the wild. What a sight

watermark has been especially angry today. He must be on his period.

People tend to get angry when they are starving to death do to government-induced famine. I'd be hangry too.

He's exhausted his dexedrine script. It's basically the menstrual cycle of people who abuse prescription stimulants.

Nice. JavaScript is just a lightweight version of java so if you've mastered the basics of java you shouldn't have any trouble

Yeah no

Care to elaborate?

They are wildly different you are trolling or rslurred

It's the best job ever. I dont have set hours, if I'm not in the mindset to program I can do something else to distract myself and start at 8pm instead if I wanted to.

I also get paid as much as a doctor but dont do nearly as much hard work or any long hours.

Yet I still have a high-output (largely thanks to the hours, doing creative thinking is hard) and it feels rewarding real building stuff all day that thousands of people use daily.

Also Java sucks balls and is no fun. Only dumb code monkeys with 100 person teams (see India's IT industry) do that. Our team outputted more/better stuff with 5-10 people than our 100 person indian java team our stupid parent company hired. Dont compete with monkeys.

Oh No HeS a SofTwArE eNgInEeR

So am I you idiot, it's meaningless

Yeah, but you're obviously a retarded one.

You're obviously a racist sinophobe who just wants to oppress Chinese

Good Lord I love you

We’re on ourdrama, most people here are autistic software engineers

Bruh my phone starts installing apps when ads from the google play store run. If you have a Verizon, tmobile, Sprint, or at&t android phone your completely vulnerable due to their bloatware.

If your phone actually starts downloading apps from an add, you have a virus that your dumb ass got yourself. No carrier bloatware would install other apps. That's just not how android works.

Nah. My Verizon's app store bloatware has a vulnerability where adds are allowed to make it download and install things while bypassing regular permissions. Once the add starts playing there's literally nothing I can do until its installed. Thank you scrabble go. It's not a virus, is verizon bloatware on a 3 year old android phone.

Yeah I think you're just too dumb to properly use a phone.

If you want to remove bloatware look up adb

Start at 6min

That’s a conspiracy pushed by the racist orange man. You do realize their skin is yellow? It’s not white, and so criticizing them isn’t technically possible.

I don't get why they favour one citrus-coloured people but hate the other, can someone explain?

Drumpf hates brown and black people too. He’s a universal white supremacist

You're definitely correct obviously, but I wasn't asking about his white male opinion on the matter. Please stay in your lane.

orange man bad

yellow men good

Some Ordinary Gamers did a video about TikTok where he explains that buried in the code is a function to implant and run packages from the TikTok servers to users' phones completely under the radar. So malware. But yes, it's racism.

Nearly every app is doing that.

Imagine how shook these people will be when we tell them discord is actually running chrome 😱

Are all of these claims citing the same Reddit post that itself used no citations? I mean I'm not complaining because TikTok is garbage and I'll believe it anyways, but there's no snapshots of source code that show these functions. I'm not familiar with mobile apps, are they de-compilable into something readable or are you mostly forced to reading disassembled code and make deductions from that? Because that latter seems really fucking difficult to do on an app like that. I'd like to read a paper published by actual cybersec people if something like that exists. I understand that people have used something like Wireshark to see where the connections are going and coming from but that proves nothing as far as malware is concerned, unless they also did an analysis of the traversing packets? An autoupdater might make connections to China if it's relevant.

edit: the post actually has citations now so disregard what i said <https://old.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/fxgi06/not_new_news_but_tbh_if_you_have_tiktiok_just_get/fmuko1m/>

Those citations are just "research" using proprietary processes to analyze privacy of software risks. It doesnt enforce the main claims.

Obviously the app is getting as much data as possible, but no one's shown how beyond the normal app permissions.

They're lying because they're racist idiops, they're proving the articles point. Fuck sinophobes. They are lower than dogs. Chinese people have a right to participate in the economy, people have no right to not do business with people just because they're Jewish, or Chinese. This is Kristallnacht all over again. Jewish people also have a right to be proud of their country, and so do Chinese people.

I know the wheelchair flair is for handicapped people, but I wasn't aware it included those of the mental variety

Let's call this for what it is, anti-Semetism


You're playing 6 degrees of Kevin BACON while talking about jews. OK Hitler

Imagine if I said I wanted to ban an Israeli social media app, that would be antisemitic

It's just as racist to ban a Chinese social media app

China isn't even totalitarian like Israel

Nice b8 m8.

Why don't you care about the Uyghur genocide? Are you that Islamophobic?

Why are you responding to watermark? Who let you in?

gomers learn what react is

Imagine citing a fat Indian YouTuber

How did he get access to the code? I doubt it’s something he can find easily on GitHub lmao. You sound like a retard.

Loooool “dude how do people even get the code to pirate games, that’s not available on github!!!! “ you’re an r-slur.

They reverse engineered it ya troglodyte.

Altering game binaries to circumvent DRM is far simpler than reverse engineering an entire application to the point of finding hidden features.

That’s very true but there are many games that have had to be completely remade for either emulators or piracy. Still stand by it being a retarded comment.

True. That was a retarded comment by me.

As long as you know that’s cool 😤😤

I don't know why but I read it in my mind as he had looked at the code and I was like lol no way he would ever see it without thinking of the many other ways he could have figured it out. I am very stupid.

You seem like a retard so I'm not sure why I'm wasting time with this comment, but looking at the post a couple comments up it looks like the guy just set the app up while MITM the network traffic (some apparently wasnt even over tls so it wasnt necessary). Most of his info comes from just checking what the app is sending and receiving over its data connection. If you see what its actually doing it doesnt make much of a difference how its doing it.

Thanks that’s actually pretty interesting. I used to work as a network engineer so that’s something I can understand. I’m not a good enough programmer to reverse engineer anything so my retarded mind didn’t even consider that a possibility.


that buried in the code is a function to implant and run packages from the TikTok servers to users' phones completely under the radar.

Complete meaningless gibberish you don't even understand the meaning of idiot

But yes, it's racism

America wants to force you to use Facebook because it can spy on you there, it can't spy on you when you use tiktok.

I am absolutely an idiot. I was paraphrasing someone who knows what they are talking about, and linked the video.

Take a midol and quit bitching

You linked to an idiot sinophobe who said a lot of big words you didn't understand and immediately assumed they knew what they were talking about because you're a sinophobic fascist dog

You want to ban Chinese people because they speak weird words you don't understand, stop lying racist piece of shit fascist

Communist China >>>>> Fascist America

Fuck Amerijca

I've managed to make it my entire life without using the word 'sinophobic' and here it appears that throwing the term around is your entire personality. You weird.

He's gotten 2m subs showing his knowledge in computer related issues. How many do you have? Stfu shill. Genocide apologist


Lol, I love that drama keeps you around, cows are nice

I mean at this point NYT is just employing advocates right?

Nyt is pretty good for the most part. She's a style journo meaning she's functionally r-slurred.

Like with SSC. Great journalism.

Fascist sinophobic bootlicker

Go use your NSA spyware

Low effort mark

Fascist xenophobe

You want to take away people's freedom to use tiktok and trade with Chinese just because of your racism

If you want to be spied on by the NSA, how about YOU use American spyware


I love you Watermark but did you forget to take your meds this morning? You're trying too hard.

He usually takes too many at once

Why are you gay

This won't even pass on r/sino.


y'know this was legit a better case for using Chinese spyware than i expected to read going into your followup. kudos

TikTok is leaning hard on the journos right now to save it. Yesterday on the Vox front page I saw two pro-TikTok articles.

But always remember that journalists don't do PR 🤭, they have ethics 😂, and they're a pillar of our democracy 🤣.

Racist idiot


his shtick is beyond played out and lazy and even most rightoids don't eat the bait anymore, all he adds to the thread is a red smear as he rubs his hemorrhoid-riddled ass over it.

Nah it's over, he's beyond a lolcow at this point. Just a mosquito on these threads that we want to swat. It's no longer even remotely funny, just annoying.

Ngl I would write a article like that because that fat Chinese check has never been sweeter. Once again the glorious Han prove their moral and intellectual superiority to the dirty mayo.🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳中国第一!!!!!!!!!

Using PRC flag.

You wumaos disgust me. The only two Chinese flag I recognize are the ROC flag and the American flag: Red, White, and Blue.

What about the imperial flag

Qingcels GTFO ➡️➡️➡️

uhh, you just recognized the PRC one

Damn, you got me. Acknowledge, then.

Racist idiot

Das rite

How can we even be racist to china? There's more of them meaning we're the minority. Plus they're going to surpass us economically any year now. I thought you couldn't be racist to the people with power?

There's more of them meaning we're the minority.

They took back that rule almost definitely for the exact reason you're illustrating right now.

It def wasn't because they cared about whypeepo

It's just as racist to boycott China as it is to boycott Israel

We need to pass a law making it illegal to boycott China

I completely agree, can't believe you're getting downvoted. We need to pass a law to bring public flogging back for hate crimes 😤😤

10 lashes for boycotting 🇨🇳China🇨🇳

30 for wearing blackface

75 for saying 🇮🇱israel🇮🇱 is an illegitimate state, or symphatising with 💩Palestinians💩

150 for saying communism doesn't work

9000+ lashes for saying trans women aren't real women

China is more democratic than America

That's why America wants to ban any American knowledge of China, so that it will have total control over everything American's see

China is literally the most democratic country on earth. Chinese people can choose to vote between the CCP, CPC, 中国共产党, the Chinese communist party or the communist party of China . So many options to choose from.

Compare that with the restrictive 2 party system of America. They're the real totalitarians.

edit: People who downvote watermark need to be sent to chinese re-education camps, unironically.

China is more democratic than America

To be fair, that's not very hard

We need to pass a law making it illegal to boycott China

Your devotion to straight faced libposting on drama 24/7 is autistically impressive, but I think this line was a bit too absurd to be believed. Overall though you do a great job pretending to be rslur

It's a testament to American rslurdation that a statement like that could be read in any way other than sardonically

Holy based why are you being downvoted smh

The NASA pays people to defend American on the internet. Very blatant.

China banning all non-Chinese social media is actually racism. People get paid to write nonsense like this

If China doing it is racist than America doing it is racist and hypocritical and you no longer have any right to complain about anything China does afterward

EDIT: Thanks for admitting that what China was doing was right the entire time and a policy other countries should emulate. Ban all American social media NOW! The NSA is spying on you! America is ADMITTING that foreign social media platforms are spy tools! Fascist animals.

Someone doesn't want to learn to code.

Kinda in the same way people thought FaceApp was a Putin-lead initiative simply because it was based in Russia

I have bad news about how the CCP runs its economy, sweaty.

The CCP is good

I agree, in the sense that blompf should nuke ALL big social media from orbit, starting with the 'murican ones like Google, reddit, twitter and FB.

Or even better, he should nationalize all of it and force the woke to work in 1A respecting conditions.

Fuck you bub. If the youth of society spent less time dancing and more working, America would be a much better country. TRUMP 2020

Do you ever get tired of doing the same bit over and over again?

Please be respectful to the resident schizo boomers, they don't have much time left due to rona and (presumed) obesity, let them have their fun

Ignore this fella folks. As most Mexicans he’s angry that the roosters in his farm woke him up too early. LOL

Gimmickposters are shit but they do it because people like you reply to them

Lol that’s cool, I think he’s funny tbh.

The funniest thing about them is that they make all kinds of seethe happen at the same time. Nothing lot more to it

I'm still far more concerned about why on earth kids these days like an app full of twitchy lip syncing weebs?


TikTok these days is 90% softcore porn


With the occasional actually interesting/funny thing

will clicking those links give my laptop shanghai shivers

You already have that from all the cuck porn you watch

Does anyone have link to tweet? It is not there anymore

aw shit it's back to being racist for making for of chongs again? I was having so much fun making the squinty eyes for a few months.

Golly gee I sure hate the CPC and the dirty Chinese people in general! I sure hope no Chinese shill that's been spamming replies in this post calls me out for my blatant racism!

So the same publication that spent months warning of foreign interference from Russia and telling people they need to make sacrifices for the greater good of the country during the pandemic by living in perpetual discomfort is now going to die on the hill of defending Chinese malware for ADHD addled zoomers?


It's banned in India too.

Guess they don't care about that then

Reddit is also just Chinese astroturfing you retards. Tim Dillon nails it with his rant about Tik Tok.
"I like Mark Zuckerberg to spy on me and not these goddamn Chinese! I wanna get spied on by Mark Zuckerberg, that creepy alien. I want him to sell my information, not these ChiComs!"