After hitting record high cases, Florida governor Chad Desantis says “Fuck it, re-open Disneyworld.” Doomers mad x24

1  2020-07-12 by reptilia987


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Maybe they'll be fine.

Either way, we get an interesting case study on what happens when the virus is allowed to roam free.

All the successful lock downs have kind of taken the excitement out of it.

The Europoors can try to stay locked down in their little hidey holes forever but the reality is this virus isn't ever going away. Chad burgers are taking it on the chin by killing off all our old folks and fatties to build up our herd immunity.

burgers are taking it on the chin by killing off all our old folks and fatties to build up our herd immunity

Dem super majority incoming.

Pretty much. It seems like all the virus deniers are Trump voters, many in sub-optimal physical condition. This virus will literally kill them. It's actually sad and horrifying, but comical in a way.

I know I'm not the only one who will be comparing corona deaths and vote margins in November.

But most of the dead are poor(redundant I know) blacks, and elderly living in deep blue states?????????????????

Red areas of blue states

You seriously hurt some Trump humpin' feelers with this comment.

Meanwhile it's killing minorities and people from cities.


You could just in blanket terms say “people who don’t fall for msm bullshit”

To be fair a lot of the deaths are concentrated in Democratic areas and polls have Biden winning boomers anyway, unless anti-mask trumpists are enough to make up for it.

All your voters dying vs all your votes coming from dead people

Its wiping out Blacks and Hispaniards more than anyone else.

I've been meaning to post on unpopular opinion on an alt that the virus is never going away and you either survive it or you don't but everyone will be exposed eventually so might as well do your thing and hope you don't die.

I've been very cavalier about it and have just been waiting for my turn. It sounds like it sucks to get it but my friend is back to her office and people there have gotten it so I figure she will spread it to me eventually. I hear it sucks to get it though. I'm hoping I'm asymptomatic and already exposed.

They literally said basically this exact thing at the beginning of this whole thing and it's like people just didn't pay attention or something. There is no scenario I see where the US was going to eradicate this shit like China did and that was never the plan anyways.

The plan is and has always been most everyone will catch this eventually. Flatten the curve means flatten, not fucking eliminate.

So sick of loser redditors stuck in their shit downward spiral where every answers ends in "doom."

Don't lock down? Economy doesn't matter because we all die?

Lockdown? Economy falls apart and people die of hunger.

Lockdown with UBI? Deficits cause collapse of Petro dollar and we all die in a landwar with China or some shit.

I fucking hate these Losers

Bet you want be saying this when it's YOUR grandma who is dead.......smh do better sweaty.

My grandma literally cannot wait to die

My grandma did die from this and frankly it was a blessing Alzheimer's didn't get her like it did her mother.

We went from "smash the curve bros, 2 weeks indoors" to some towns threatening jail time for not wearing a mask.

I think was the case until the vaccine became a possibility.

At least public perception wise.

Yeah, as long as I can keep running my 5Ks, I feel safe for now lol

How fast is your 5k?

Not fast. Outside I average 9min mile but on the treadmill I set it to 10min mile. I’ve been doing intervals these days to speed up. I started at an 11 min mile so I’ve gotten faster but would like to get to an 8 min mile.

Imagine bringing up that you run 5ks and that’s your time. My god man have some dignity.

ok fatty

Only a fatty would say this.

The fatty that’s faster than you, even taking into account your inferior gender.

only a fatty would larp like this.

Ah yes I’m the one larping, when you tell people you’re a runner and can’t do a fucking 8 minute mile.

You know the dramatard lingo doesn’t do anything when it’s objectively a loser saying it. You only get to be a sarcastic asshole when you are actually better than other people.


That’s pretty cool you shaved off 2 minutes. I hope you reach your goal. Just out of curiosity are you a man or a woman because 8 I’m almost positive would be a 100 for a woman on a military PT test.

That’s pretty cool you shaved off 2 minutes. I hope you reach your goal. Just out of curiosity are you a man or a woman because 8 I’m almost positive would be a 100 for a woman on a military PT test.

I'm a filthy foid 🤗

Thank you, friend.

I’ll simp for you on arr slash drama to the toxic males attacking your run time

lol thank you. I got a chuckle that I trolled him into posting a pic of himself.

like China did

imagine believing this when china just shut down beijing for "round 2"

Just because everyone is going to get the virus doesn't mean it's a good idea to get all at once. Go ahead and look at Florida's ICU capacity over the last couple months.

No. Let's get this shit moving. I ain't spending the rest of the year waiting on grandma die.

Just use a pillow like a man.

Florida's ICU blah blah blah months

No one cares about that circumcised cock of a state

Unfortunately we live on the same contenent and lots of people visit Florida and we have to life with their retarded consequences as it spreads to the rest of the country. Same thing with Texas.

The unfortunate truth

Don't forget to visit your parents to make herd immunity a thing.

Already did. And sister and her in-laws lol

That's not just an opinion, is it? Spanish flu went away after a couple waves but we're keeping a huge portion of the population prime for infection.

I don't know what's being reported because I stopped paying attention to it. I realize my undergrad studies doesn't stand up to a PhD but from my basic studies I just think staying home is prolonging the inevitable. You either die or you don't but you'll be exposed eventually.

The point of limiting exposure is to stop hospitals from being overrun so more people can be saved that require hospitalization. It's also to protect vulnerable populations, making them stay inside while the healthy hopefully build up some sort of herd immunity.

Who will give tik tok nurses their purpose though?

Which was accomplished. NYC never ran out of beds or ventilators (which don't even work anyways).

yeah which is why opening up more even with cases going up isn't necessarily a bad thing

It's not. Until you start reaching "hospitals are running out of room" then rising cases are part of the plan.

Daily deaths are starting to increase so we could be at the point of saturation in hospitals.

No, you know when you're at the point of saturation in hospitals by tracking ER beds. You could have 5 people with covid in the ER, 3 of them for, and have it be unrelated to hospital resources if you have 50 vacant beds

Good to know. What could be causes for an increase in daily deaths after months of decline?

You track it by ICU beds, you tard. You don't keep people with an infectious disease in the ER. Galaxy brain at it again.

“Sorry bro, we can’t treat your heart attack because some fat boomer on a ventilator took the last ER bed.”

Yeah the studies I'm seeing are saying it might end up becoming endemic.

That would make more sense if exposure granted immunity, but there are a lot of repeat cases

Staying home means getting it once instead of twice

my undergrad studies

Is it too late to ask for a refund?

Maybe when I die from the rona.

Here's hoping.

y so angwy?

I even went to the gym today to sweat out the rona. 😎

Not angry, just looking at a brighter tomorrow.

You're watermark levels of SEETHE tho. Just less political stuff.

Spreading the virus and therefore the lock down to own the libs.

I'm a chad and prolly walking around asymptomatic. 😎

I'm also polifluid, you bigot. I don't care about labels and go with whatever one sounds cool at the time.

Fill out that refund application yet? You definitely have a case if they were willing to admit you to a masters program while ignoring your disability.

I left it in my will when rona kills me.

That's not how refunds work. You have buisness masters don't you 🤣

My masters is in trolling. If there is one thing that triggers people is saying you dgaf about rona and just do your thing. According to the SEETHERs I was supposed to die along with my family like 2 months ago. lol

Okay autist.

Mine was exactly like a mild cold for two weeks except I couldn't smell anything for 3 days. It's a good thing I took the preventative measures of not being a porky beetus boy.

I've been running 4 miles a day for 4-5 days a week. I figure I'll get it sooner or later. I sometimes wonder if I already had a mild case of it in February/March but attributed it to allergies. I know people in NYC who still worked through it but said it sucks because you feel better for a time and then you get sick again.

What is a vaccine you idiot

You are the reason we can't do anything about this, you fascist idiots. God I hate America, the right prevents us from doing anything and being succesful. We need to oppress the rightists.

Vaccines have historically not been very effective against coronaviruses. We legitimately could end up with absolutely no vaccine. Or it could end up as something like the flu vaccine which is only moderately effective. Who knows. But it's highly unlikely we end up with something like a polio vaccine that completely eradicates the virus from society like

What is common cold, avian flu, swine flu, HIV, herpes simplex, and Ebola.

A vaccine isn't a tech tree unlockable you fucking dork. We'll probably never have one.

Common cold is a group of viruses numbnuts, and we have effective vaccine for specific strains of avian and swine flu.

Even if we have to continue developing new vaccines for covid, that's fine if it is effective.

Not saying it will be, but saying it won't be is the real doomer mentality.

The real sooner mentality is thinking Is a particularly bad pandemic

Well, it's the worst one we've had in anyone's lifetime, smooth brain.

We shouldn't even have them anymore, it's all thanks to backwater and ricewater tards that they still exist.

Sheltered generation goes ape shit over things present for 99% of species existence, more at 11

Every living person = sheltered generation. Surely the world won't be disappointed by a lack of more hot takes from this galaxy brain.

Let's go ahead and not worry about economic disasters and famine either because over 99% of our species has experienced it.

Covid is one of the varieties of viruses that causes the common cold. We don’t have a vaccine for the common cold and we never will.

No, Covid is a specific type of virus in the corona virus family. The corona virus family is responsible for just some of the dozens of pathogens responsible for the general disease we call the common cold.

We don't have a vaccine for the common cold because we would need to develop a vaccine for each of the dozens of specific viruses that can cause it to cure the sniffles.

We probably could cure it or at least mitigate it, it would just be a waste of time when there is plenty of other shit actually making us severely sick. It has nothing to do with the corona virus family being particularly hard to vaccinate against. The flu is more difficult and we can manage that.

Sorry meant to say corona, not covid.

It's a moot point regardless.

Not really.

Go on and explain it then, Dr. Phil.


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Guess I can’t call you a giant f*ggot-slur for downvoting. You’re pathetic.


You had a reddit moment.

silence, r-slur

Covid-19 is the name of the strain (two strains now?) in this pandemic

You're in rare form today, watermark. 😂😂😂😂 y so mad?

I had it. Some mild shortness of beath (only symptom) and my lungs are healthy, lasted 10 days maybe. It was very mild honestly if I didn't know about corona I probably whould've ignored it. Also it was not bad enough to impact my day to day life, could jog just fine.

Post it in your main, you coward.

nah, it'll ruin the SEETHE because it'll be considered a troll post since I post here. My last relationship_advice thread got 1k upvotes and made lots of drama from an alt. 😎

either survive it or you don't

They're nowhere near guaranteeing that you cant get it multiple times unless I'm mistaken and have missed something

I admit I haven't followed it since April but I believe you can get it multiple times. I have no idea if I had it in Feb/March but had symptoms and attributed it to yearly allergies. I only had a stuffy head and that's it.

A client of mine got it, recovered and about 1-2 months later she's feeling sick again.

Well ackshually, no one really knows yet. Some studies suggest you can, others say you can’t. There haven’t been any documented cases of reinfection yet though.

Ive definitely read that like 10% of people that gwt it and show symptoms are having lasting effects like breathing problems and fatigue but are testing negative. Apparently it attacks the kidneys, the brain and other parts of the body and can do lasting damage and maybe even permanent

The person I know who got it the worst was a bong and he said he lost his sense of taste for a long time. He's a gay so I think he was just angry that swallowing wasn't as fun. 😂


Where did you read that? Couldn't find anything about that while searching

Just before the coronavirus hit everyone was panicking about how they were going to pay for the baby boomers retirement

Guess America is just trying to make the best of a bad situation.

The euros are getting to come out since they actually squashed the curve.

So, uh, how have South Korea and Japan been opening up without a massive spike in cases?

Because they actually locked down at first and didn't ruin it by reoponing before they were done?

this virus isn't ever going away

I was responding to this and trying to point out that this "fuck it" attitude among Americans is not an actual solution but rather coping.

Japan never locked down

General compliance with things like contact tracing.

We could sit here coming up with all kinds of shit the US fucked up during the pandemic. My point was that the idea that everyone is going to get it is just stupid. It's nothing more than Americans coping with how pathetic the country's COVID response has been.

CBS News spoke to one of the country's top experts on viruses, Marc Lipsitch from Harvard University, who cautions that 40-70% of the world's population will become infected — and from that number, 1% of people who get symptoms from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, could die. The virus can spread rapidly and people can transmit it before they know they are infected.

From March 2, shit for brains

If Japan and South Korea eventually see similar infection rates to the US, then I will gladly eat my words.

contact tracing us fucking creepy

Or wearing masks, because we have been proving that we deserve to be made fun of for being a backwater country.

Chad burgers are taking it on the chin by killing off all our old folks and fatties to build up our herd immunity.


We're so noble and selfless doing this for the whole world

This is why we will always be number one. We aren't afraid to let the weak die off


We have that case study. It’s called Sweden.

Same in Norway. Take a trip to downtown Oslo and there's not a single facemask in sight. I wonder if this will change reddits opinion on their favorite socialist utopia 🤔

They’ve just shifted to New Zealand worship

The smart person does not “worship” anything man made, because human fallacy will always win out.

There is much to admire about Sweden (or Norway). We don’t have to pretend they’re infallible.

There is nothing to admire about Sweden.

They won't be fine. Pretty soon Florida won't be a swing state anymore, from accelerated attrition alone. Maybe the virus really is a liberal conspiracy after all 🤔.

Maybe the virus really is a liberal conspiracy after all 🤔.

Once it enters the boomer retirement towns in Florida, it will be a liberal conspiracy to swing the election.

Lmao if it wipes out the Villages FL would be dominated by Dems. Only half kidding.

Old asshole: "White power!"

Coronavirus: "Ok boomer"

This is why I have been confused about Trump's nonchalant response to this pandemic. You would think he would be a little more concerned, if only for the fact that it is particularly deadly to key parts of the republican base

Although Biden is polling weirdly well among oldies for a dem, so maybe it wont make that much of a difference

Good ol' Cemetery Village.

Yeah maybe people from all over the world visiting a place that's having an outbreak because they reopened everything too soon and had to close bars and restaurants again might be okay.

Surely reopening this time, during a peak of cases, something different will happen.

I thought Florida was a virus though?

Florida really needs to pump up its deaths if it wants to come even close to New York, New Jersey or Connecticut in the deaths per million race. IMO it’ll be super hard to catch those states unless they organise to distribute Covid carriers to all ages care facilities - and even then I think it may be too late to reach their numbers.

It won't be that hard, you seem to be incapable of understanding the concept of exponential growth

Well exponential growth doesn’t work here. Because there’s a finite number of people and since 99% of those people will survive and develop immunity towards the disease and limit that exponential growth. Learn some basic stats you mong

That would work if asymptomatic cases retained immunity but they don't, the antibodies are gone in a month. I hope that they're right about that because goddamn do I love me some dead americans 🥳

Lmao this retard doesn’t understand that immunity doesn’t solely come from antibodies. Just admit you love that everyone else is forced to be a neet, is have more respect for you that way

How the fuck would a vaccine work if antibodies are gone in a month. Are Eurangatans gonna get forced vaccinations once a month.

Were you born retarded? That’s not how immunity works.

Antibodies are produced in response to infection, they don't just hang out 24/7

No this virus is just inbreeding through fat old people who won't wear masks (most of ppl at Disney) Exponentials don't apply here as much


deaths per million race

Why does that matter? The US remains number one in overall deaths while China has less cases than the city of Mumbai

China is the same as the US when it comes to proper reporting and honesty on the world stage.

Good now the most despicable type of Burger will die, Disneycels

It's also worth pointing out that the average health of a Disneycel is not good. Anyone over the age of 50 rides a mobility scooter.

we have to flatten the curve!

omg the death rate is so high!

omg we keep testing people and finding cases!

Its all so tiresome

Hope you get it

Believe it or not, a massive spike in cases is a bad thing.

omg we keep testing people and finding cases!

US positive rates are higher than the rest of the developed world, i.e. we're still not testing as much as them.

keep moving the goal posts


The reason we all accepted these draconian limits on our way of life is "to flatten the hospitalization curve" while we gathered data and developed treatments. We have both of those now. But then they switch it to our daily death rate. Which has now significantly fallen. Now the discovery of new cases. It never ends

We all tried to warn everyone once we went down this authoritarian road, the powers that be would find anyway to keep it. Look like we were proven right again.

2 more weeks bro you just watch, deaths/day have been flatlined for months but what that actually means is they're all waiting even longer to die and any time now we'll see the bodies starting to stack in the streets........any time now.....just two more weeks.....

And if you riot or protest, you'll be fine as long as there are only 100 people next to you. But my god you better not have more than 10 people in that restaurant, assholes.

And if you riot or protest, you’ll be fine as long as there are only 100 people next to you.

It depends on why you’re protesting. The virus simply doesn’t spread when you’re against racism.

The death per day rate is going up retard. Florida just set a new record.

Please don't convince rightoids that the beer flu actually exist. The boomer remover is only a threat to olds, so its existence usher forward glorious homofascism.

Shit you're right. I fixed it

Thx bby. 😘😘😘

Uh, that shit is all in your head. I've seen consistent focus on new cases throughout the entire pandemic. Cases are still skyrocketing. Also, rofl at "draconian limits".

We completely fucked up the implementation of those measures, on top of a whole host of other things, and now US performance at limiting COVID looks like that of a third world country.

But by all means, keep coming up with more cope. You sound like a Democrat after Trump's election.

We all tried to warn everyone once we went down this authoritarian road, the powers that be would find anyway to keep it.

Oh, Christ. Get over yourself, lol.

Didn't read lol

Not surprising, coming from someone who thinks evolutionary theory is wrong.

This is pure seethe

We get it, you're retarded.

Rightoids lacking reading comprehension?

It's more common than you think.

Crying because no one bothered with a word salad.

Leftugees OUT

Let it go. We have had a strong need to deburgarize the world for a while.

t. söylord that wants gibs for staying home like a good goy and playing animal crossing

Sure, the US population consists of only soyboy shut-ins with Switches and retarded rednecks who think masks are made by Satan. No room for people who'd rather the US not be comparable to Brazil in its ability to manage a pandemic.

Yeah destroying the economy and the livelihoods of hundreds of millions is totally justified if it means Boomer McBoomerson and Fatfuck #6526 can waste oxygen for a few more years

Jesus Christ, it's not a binary choice you absolute mong. I don't think we should shut everything down.


Didn't read lol


“Powers that be” want the consoomers to be afraid and staying home not spending money. That’s why Trump was and is against masks and lockdowns.

In Italy we got the worst of it in March and now everything has been almost back to normal since early May. We took a hit but now we’re mostly fine. We’ll what happens in the fall.

That's been why I don't even care about "omg new cases!" You had to be practically dead to get tested a few months ago. Now, if I want to get tested I just drive down the street and can get tested. So, obvs there are a lot more cases.

Why are redditors so convinced that covid is going to kill everyone? Are they just trying to feel like heroes for staying home their whole life?

staying inside to play vidya is a HEROIC ACT that SAVES THE WORLD u chud

It won't kill everyone, but it is highly contagious and it kills a lot of people with health conditions. But yeah at some point we need to just man up and let it kill our weak/sick/fat/old population so we can get on with things. The virus isn't going to leave. It will kill the sick and then it won't be a big deal after that.

None of my loved ones who I wasn't already prepared to eventually lose will get killed by covid.

I think we're on the same page.

Maybe don't be a weak ass lil bitch then

This is the most fascinating part about this whole thing.

Like the /r/news article a few days ago about the Brazilian guy having Covid 19, and all the mouth breathers were like "haha well he will be okay because of corruption and power" and "bet he finds some way to survive" like it's a stage 4 cancer diagnosis and the Doctor gave him 3 weeks to live.

Um, no? He'll probably live because the vast majority of people who have this virus survive even if they are old, fat, and have comorbidities.

Bolsonaro is 65, he is at an "at risk" age but he still has over a 99% chance of survival.

Meanwhile here in Australia, a large part of the country has regressed back to a heavy lockdown. Two more people have died - one in his 90s and one in the 80s. The median age here of deaths in Australia is pushing 80, which leaves about - on average - a few years of loss of life. If you are capable of actually looking at numbers, none of this makes sense. But some fucking retard told me to "pick 5000 people" that I wanted to die if we were going to re-open. Like wtf

But some fucking retard told me to “pick 5000 people” that I wanted to die if we were going to re-open. Like wtf

It’s not hard to understand. You are literally a serial killer if you go outside


Exactly. Big losers with nothing to leave the house for. Now their ultimate authority, the government, has told them this is a good thing. It feeds their ego and they get to feel a smug sense of righteousness agaisnt those who actually have a life and live it

I don't have a life and I don't leave the house, why don't I feel this way?

Disneyworld isn't worth going to anymore. They've sucked the life out of literally all of it in the past decade.

You forget based Epcot. Lots of booze and an aquarium.

For now. They'll sanitize that soon too. RIP Figment

Tays your autobiography should be called "Booze and Aquariums"

I just can't imagine a bunch of families rushing to take their kids to a place swarming with people in a state where tons of people have a deadly virus. People are too protective of their children now anyway, they sure as hell won't be taking the family into a deadly petri dish of coronavirus at disney.

I don't know why but asians love disney. I like Epcot but would only go in winter months. Summers at Disney are awful.


Shouldn't be up to the Governor to open or close a private business. Disney is in trouble so it is either open back up or go bankrupt.


Low orbit kek

Shouldn't be up to the Governor to open or close a private business.

In the middle of an emergency? Fuck your rights. There are no rights in an emergency. Fuck off idiot. God I hate Americans. Fuck your private business.

Drink bleach you flu-phobia loser

300,000+ Americans freedom-gorge themselves to death every year, this isn't even a hiccup yet



Shh sweaty, the employed people are talking

Disney is in trouble

How so? And yes governors should be able to close businesses.


Universal Studios has been advertising about opening too.

Like always redditors saying something is something just to with the flow and in this case saying the advertisement is bizarre when it isn't.

Doomers mad x24

Also I don't know the doomers you have talked to but doomers I know love this. Doomers want it all to burn.

Doomers glad x24

Springtime for Communism, winter for Washington 🎶

Imagine going to Disney.

Should be the model response everywhere. Literally who cares if fat mayos and boomers die.


There was a stream going around yesterday where they were sick with what they described sounds like Covid to the point they went to Disney medical and then the hospital. Waiting on test results but brought back their whole family into Disney again while they wait on the results and were going around vomiting everywhere.

Actually the best thing about America.

“Watch our this disease might kill you!!! You have to be safe and not do anything!”


Dead Americans make me rock hard 🍆💦💦💦

Who's Chad Desantis??
