"Its the way white people decided to call us latinos and latinas." Resetera unwokely tackles the Latinx question, tells enbys "que te folle un pez."

1  2020-07-13 by MadBoomrPixl


In a most hilarious ironic upset, calling someone latinx is actually imperial colonialism at it's finest. Wh!te womxn forcing a gendered language to not be gendered to adhere to english is the most wh*teoid angelo thing I could possibly imagine. Anyone got an account to post this response there?

using latinx is also apparently ableist because text to speech software can't pronounce latinx

Yet it can pronounce iPhone X

Yep it’s an Anglo thing for sure. Who else but anglos to be twisting language? Nobody, that’s who.

Can't even create an account with Gmail 🤦‍♂️

Latinx lmao

It's beyond me that these r-slurs can't fathom the concept of gendered languages. "Why are natives speakers upset about this gay ass unpronounceable word I came up with to call them????? I'm helping!!!"

Imagine trying to bulldoze a nonsense term into a gendered language you don't speak and who's culture you don't understand. All because you don't want to offend people with made up genders. What a world.🤡

Conjugation is is the hardest part of learning a language for English speakers so rather than just studying the concepts, internet teenagers think it's more prudent to dismantle the system.

It's the same line of logic that posits that because losing weights is hard, it must be easier to just normalize obesity.

latino is already gender neutral.

people need to stop replacing the -o's and -a's in words with x. how the fuck do your pronounce ellxs, todxs, nostrxs, etc.

ellos, todos, nosotros


tacos :)


When is resetera ever not insufferable?

True but it's also very entertaining lurking there on the EtcetEra subforum. Absolute goldmine of screeching rage 24/7

I cant even imagine being such a miserable person to be reeeeing on the net all the time, can you?

Not like what I see there, no, and I'm a miserable cunt tbh. May Allah give me the strength to blow myself into bits before succumbing to such humiliation.

I always wondered why the phrase "Black/Brown" bodies pissed me off so much, but then I realized that is was so dehumanizing, ironically coming from the m@yoids that supposedly "care" about them

Its real and valid

My hatred for that expression is also real and valid.


Latinx is dumb, but gendered languages are also dumb. English is one of the only non retarded euro languages because we don't assign genders to fucking toasters.

grammatical gender is the same as biological gender

your brain on monolingualism.

There's still no point to it. Why does German need der, die, and das? Just pick one.

to filter out brainlets trying to learn how to write german. If you are just having a conversation and aren't in grade school talking to your teacher you can get away with saying "de" like "de katze" or "de auto" instead of "die katze" and "das auto". however the idea of having to recall which article to use for every noun when writing makes most non-native speakers seethe

just speak in ebonics or pidgin if you think language should be as simple as possible


Toasters are female though



we don't assign genders to fucking toasters.

A toaster has holes you shove stuff into, makes sense to me