Nick Cannon goes apeshit, discusses the 13 illuminati bloodlines, the Rothschilds, and how black people are the real Hebrews.

1  2020-07-13 by WarBoyPrimo


Black people are waking up holy shit

Bout time

Suggesting they were ever asleep is proof of how ingrained anti-blackness is in this sub.

I really wish jannies would do something about it. You hear me, jannies? Fix yo anti-blackness problem.

For 0 dollars

Das rite.

Not a people known to be fans of DNA evidence.

They weren't even in contact with the old Jews because they are indigenous to West Africa.

East Africans aren't even considered black to them, like the guy who hit two women in Seattle.

The only thing that keeps me from believing the Ivy League researcher consensus are C list pop culture icons.


Ironically some East Africans are Semetic.


Based Ethiopians

Coptic Cangs

Racial tensions between black people and east africans here is a thing in Seattle that I never thought I'd learn about but it is very real

Moment I saw it said Eretrian I was like yup probably a pissed off Uber

DNA is colonialist tricknology. You Devils of Yakub made that shit up. It's not real science. Real science comes from God. It's time for you to get back to your cave and let the Kings guide society, Honky.

Kang Tut was Levantine-Caucasoid.

Cannon also spoke about “giving too much power to the ‘they’ — and then the ‘they’ turns into the Illuminati, the Zionists, the Rothschilds.” 


Nick Canon will be running for president on the Q Anon platform.

He fucking said (((they))) in real life???

Giga based

🐴 👞

Joos temporarily no longer white.

You're talking to the wrong white man.


That's a name I haven't heard in forever. Had to look him up, dudes still at Nickelodeon.

Probably not for long.

we wuz loan sharks

We wuz deli owners

Early in the 90-minute video, Griffin said that the semitic people and the semites “have absolutely nothing to do with any white people.”

Cannon then chimed in: “The semitic people are black people.”

das rite

Are they kings or are they jews? I don't know anymore

Implying they can’t be both is anti-Semitic😤

Nick Cannon is a talentless hack. A prejudiced talentless hack. He must hate Jews as most, if not all, have more talent. I know when I fart it sounds better than Nick Cannon just talking. The schmuck.

Edit: Also Farrtakhan or how ever you spell his name, he’s the black David Duke.

Go fuck yourself, Nick. Go find some other rich woman you can be a gold digger with. Like Mariah.

I don’t care if it’s Ehud Batak, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan, or Benny Gantz as PM. Anti-Semites are a disease. Their existence will always be a threat to Jews everywhere. Americans could care less if we live or die. Ultimately, we are the ones who will fight for our existence. The Shoah was a reminder that the world spins on, but anti-Semitism will always persist no matter the dominant civilization.

anti-Semitism will always persist no matter the dominant civilization.

what is the one constant again?

Also the top comment of that thread

I really don't understand this. The guy must work with countless Jewish people every day.

Is /r/television collectively trolling?


Fuck that, Drumline was sick

Breaking News: Philadelphia Eagles hire Nick Cannon as head of public relations.

This Black vs Jew thing is quickly catching up to TERF vs troid as the best culture war sideshow in current year

The year is 2025.

The internet has been closed down for three years now. After the second Social Justice War, what few Panthers forces survived are retreating to Mexico.

Only the Jews can say the N-Word now, and the birth rate is going up in all of the US, Japan and Europe.

When everyone is a Jewish PoC, who will the nazis be?

Good to see Kings rise up to the (((mayo))) menace ✊✊👊👊💯

This mental illness is what happens when you get dissed by Eminem in his prime

Those who shriek about cultural appropriation is strangely silent.


This is actually just horrible discriminatory landphobia being disguised as family friendly Antisemitism

False. /r/LoveForLandlords supports its Jewish landlords. Basket and foot balls need to remember they are renting their jerseys from the teams that pay them their salaries.