Schizophrenics versus Portland Trailblazers. Who will win?

1  2020-07-13 by Feanorfanclub


d. ho @liedenbrock · Jul 11 Replying to @USAO_OR The OK sign was specifically adopted by white supremacists so they'd have a way to gaslight people when called on it. It's literally why they use it. Seems highly unlikely that it just happened to go unnoticed til now.

No, it was to expose and embarrass unhinged twitter libs so desperate to find racism anywhere they can to up their virtue points they're willing to believe anything, no matter how absurd.

I swear to god there is not a word in the English language to describe how much I hate upper-class twitter liberals. I might move to twitter and just start dunking them every day.

They're gonna use those screenshots to multiply their clout. Everyone wants to be a victim nowadays

No, it was to expose and embarrass unhinged twitter libs so desperate to find racism anywhere they can to up their virtue points they’re willing to believe anything, no matter how absurd.

Except people began using it and it thus became the very thing it mocked

Except people began using it and it thus became the very thing it mocked

This is just pure cope lol. “Ummm,,, it’s not that we’re stupid and can’t detect sarcasm and what is/isn’t serious without a massive /s or an /uj, it’s that FASCIST NAZIS started unironically using it,..,.,.,. Educate yourself 😌💅”

Please do it I'll make a sub for your tweets


Theres a small chance that some of those unhinged people are actually deep cover stormfronters as well, it really is a madhouse in there.

I really, really can't figure out which responses are great satire and which are complete idiots

This makes my Sunday internet experience that much richer

I really, really can’t figure out which responses are great satire and which are complete idiots

Why can’t it be both?

As a schizophrenic all I can say is we must wesponized schizophrenia to combat woke autism.

Give them everything but take from them EVERYTHING

Snapshill I'm trying to smash and 101101000 you babe

Introduce schizophrenics to Qanon and arm them with barely legal firearms

I'd say this shit is like leftøid pizzagate except pizzagate turned out to be real. 🤔🤔🤔

I may be letting the Russian bots get to me tonight, but.. We're fucked.

There's no way we can pull back from the precipice of whatever infectious brain eating amoeba has infested social media, and our civilization at this point is clearly doomed. Seriously, how tf do normal adults form a functioning society with Twittercels or their retarded ancom larper brethren? It will only get worse as the zoomlets start voting more.

I wish coronachan worked in reverse. Killed the young and healthy instead of boomer remover. Could buy us another 20 years or so of sanity with a good purge.

The blazers are an incel tier team anyway

Even assuming this was a mistake, this is such a glaring example of white privilege and white supremacy in action. Only a white person would have the privilege to be unaware that this is a KKK signal. The AUSA’s are supposed to be at the vanguard of justice.

I checked other tweets, seems like a real person supporting protests etc.

Where the fuck do these people come from? It genuinely baffles me. Am I just too well adjusted to understand this kind of mindset?
