Polish Dąddý wins elections, europoors with EUcel values sęethe and cópe.

1  2020-07-13 by Erotism


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I am glad I am not LGBT. Those people are gonna be targeted as "national enemy" for next few years because it helped won two elections for PiS.

What specifically will happen to them?

I mean, knowing that your existence is associated to degeneracy by your rulers and that a majority of the citizens of your country are hostile to you is already a lot. You don't really need specific details to be aware that it's not a good situation.

LMAO what a cop out answer

They're making homophobia the issue but I thought it was about white nationalism this year?

Poland is basically a mayo ethnostate because nazis killed almost all the minorities and Polish ruralcels finished the job in displacing them after the war, so instead of race-baiting they copout for BS culture-war wedge issues each election

I used to laugh at those slippery-slope arguments but look where we are now.

for them though, it's not even about the slippery slope, they view bussy as the ultimate evil and the end of the world in and of itself, the slippery slope is just a cherry on top

Not appreciating bussy


Imagine (((bussy))) being a democracy demarcation point.

whether gays even deserve equal protection under the law and shouldn't be hunted down

Well it's an important debate to have if they don't want to end up with the girldick question next as well

Joo is leaking heavily today lmao

This is such a very simplistic and American view of the issue, attributing it to “culture war”. The fact that homos haven’t been liked here has been hundreds of years in the making since everyone is Catholic and a good amount still practice. It’s like saying Muslims wanting to kill homos is because they watched too many Homos get owned compilations.

The fact that homos haven’t been liked here has been hundreds of years in the making since everyone is Catholic and a good amount still practice.

It was never white nationalism, Polish nationalists hate other Europeans as much as anyone so anyone who says “white nationalism” is a Western goof.

Also last election was about the refugee quotas that the EU wanted everyone to accept, aka you have to take in refugees or else. Our previous government said yes, and everyone got so upset that they voted in a new party.

anyone who says “white nationalism” is a Amerimutt

Treating all Europoors as one single group is a cope to deal with the fact of how much mixed White Amerimutts are, just consider yourself as "white" and problem solved.

Yeah that's what I meant by white nationalism ie. no brown refugees.

We are full, we took all the Ukrainians. Plus wasting money on refugees Is not really that good of an investment and the migrants could be of any colour and no one would want them. They want to go to the West, I would be okay with paying for their tickets to America or the UK

The fact that you can’t say no to a bunch of people and people those people are slightly tanned, therefore making you a “white nationalist” so be it.

Democracy don't work again

This, but completely unironically

Based and post-left pilled

Elective monarchy please come back.

Half of country strongly DOES NOT want Duda. And Duda campaign spit on faces of your, educated, urban voters who bring progress and economic growth constantly, so don't blame us for hating uneducated rednecks.

Voting minority SEETHING


i mean, its our god given right to call all american idiots,without reason.

based tho

That's true, shame the Dolfusscel is an r_slur otherwise.

idiots with a flag on the moon 😎

Mate a country with literal designated shitting streets has a flag on the moon it's meaningless

cope 😎

Really tho, even the bongs have one

one what? set of footprints?

It doesn’t work because the majority of people are r-slurred

Should have never gotten rid of communism


he's not even a Polish Daddy lol, president in Poland is just a guy that rubber-stamps the legislation, the guy who has the power is the prime minister

Kaczynksi is a renegayde

TIL: Ted is the PM of Poland

Uncle Ted for President of Earth tbh

nope, but Ted has the actual actual power.

Kaczyński is most likely a closeted gay and he really likes cats. He was once caught reading a book about cats during a cabinet meeting

closeted gay


What's the difference?

Stop making me like this guy

He has a identical twin brother, who died in a plane crash that might have been caused by the Russians, and was also child movie stars with his twin.

lol yeah I knew all that, I just found the Cat book fact very charming

Wikipedia says it's a semipresidential system like France. He's not an actual figurehead like in Germany.

Saw someone calling Duda a fascist lol

hes not fasict, hes just dumdum

This, but completely unironically.

He is literally too stupid to form his own opinions, so he just spews whatever Kaczynski tells him to and defends it like it's some holy truth

He is literally too stupid to form his own opinions, so he just spews whatever Kaczynski tells him to and defends it like it's some holy truth

One of us. ✊🌲


Uncle Ted is the holy truth though

Every political leader gets called a fascist, the term has been so watered down it essentially means something I don't like

Poland's actually really nice nowadays. If you ever have the chance to visit Eastern Europe, definitely check out Slovakia/Czechia/Poland, really clean, safe beautiful countries. Cheap beer and great markets too.

Way better than the pile of shit that is London. Or Paris.

I mean city centers and commercial areas are nice, but ruralcels keep fucking up these countries and cities outside of their centers look like this but usually even way worse

I mean you're right but those are present pretty much in every European country, in Sweden I think something like 20% of our housing units are similar to the panelak kind of commie housing.


Just concrete blocks rushed out to "solve" the housing crisis a few decades back, main cause of all our social issues to this day lol

I lived in a hotel in a panelak like 15 years ago in Prague though, wasn't that bad. It was like being on the set of that Chernobyl mini series.

>2 I-mean posters I-mean posting at each other
These are the sort of people leaving the Greatest Country on Earth to live in filth with gypsies and slavs, folks.

good filler words before you "think" about the rest of the garbage you say in English lol

I mean you're not wrong.

i mean i mean i mean

i have successfully assimilated into reddit culture

Reddit culture would be "Did you not know" or "It's almost as if"

the problem with all of these Czech projects is that they have to paint them in these hideous mishmash colors, which they do with socialist-era houses in rural areas too and the result is just awful

I don't even think that projects are necessarily that ugly (though the Czechia's projects are as bad as they could get), but at least keep them honest, don't paint them fucking rainbow lol

Similar to what Scandinavia (and such alike) does with their wooden houses. Put a bright/red/blue/whatever colour on it so it’s not as sad.

looks like munich

Firstly not even Poland, but also its soviet blocs that exist to house the poor. Like I don’t think public housing in the West looks amazing as well.

Also soviet blocs don’t exist in rural areas, so you just hate rural people because they said gays shouldn’t marriage. Rural areas and towns are really nice, I come from one, so it just seems you are a hater but seeing you are a neoliberal, PO lost, just take the L nicely

a) I hate rural areas, but wedge culture war issues like gay marriage don't even come to my top 10 reasons why (more like their rent-seeking through using public officials to take money from productive areas and give it to themselves and then bitching and moaning about how "independent" they are)

b) I mostly hang around /r/NeoliberalButNoFash nowadays, where they hate rural drug addicts like you but also don't hold some woke trans dogmas, I write my hot takes there because /r/neoliberal has gotten way too woke

c) yes they are ugly as hell, especially in Czechia, where they paint these dilapidated buildings fucking rainbow, which is in uniform with city projects - don't tell me how Poland rural areas are these beautiful cultured places, if anything, they are bigger shitholes than we have in here

d) I am just having fun shitposting on /r/drama, and you come and me with your agenda posting and notions "nuance" and "simplistic worldview"

I hate rural areas, but wedge culture war issues like gay marriage don't even come to my top 10 reasons why (more like their rent-seeking through using public officials to take money from productive areas and give it to themselves and then bitching and moaning about how "independent" they are)

Okay great that you just come out front and admit you hate rural areas. Also top 10 reasons for what? You didn’t finish, maybe it is true city folk get ADHD

where they hate rural drug addicts like you

There is no drug problem in Rural Poland, our doctors didn’t sell out to corporations to push pills onto the people. Getting pills for pain is almost impossible to get unless you are terminally ill. Don’t think your problems apply to everyone Yank

don't tell me how Poland rural areas are these beautiful cultured places, if anything, they are bigger shitholes than we have in here from what I have seen that burn fucking garbage to warm themselves

Lol they burn garbage in your superior cities for warmth. The poor do that in the cities since they don’t got money for anything else. In my parts they just burn wood like civilized people

yes they are ugly as hell, especially in Czechia, where they paint these dilapidated buildings fucking rainbow, which is in uniform with city projects

It’s showing Gay Pride, I thought that was what the West wanted from us

you come and me with your agenda posting and notions "nuance" and "simplistic worldview"

Lol all politics and politicians are liars and parasites, I don’t give a fuck about any of it. My agenda is only that you should stop your agenda posting and trying to trick people into knowing what you are talking about

i miss longpostbot

Okay great that you just come out front and admit you hate rural areas. Also top 10 reasons for what? You didn’t finish, maybe it is true city folk get ADHD

because even that shit was too long of a post, a long posting is shameful as fuck lol

Lol all politics and politicians are liars and parasites, I don’t give a fuck about any of it. My agenda is only that you should stop your agenda posting and trying to trick people into knowing what you are talking about

wait, did you seriously get insulted by calling Polish rural areas garbage? Poles and their pride in their shitty ass country, name a more iconic duo lol

Where you from Bud? What shithole city filled with drug peddlers and filth do you call home. Poland is not perfect, we are still a second world country, but it is not some African country like you try to make it out to be

I live in Prague in Czechia lol

Poland is not perfect, we are still a second world country, but it is not some African country like you try to make it out to be

dude, you are doubling down on your pride again lol

Poles don't understand humor (well-known fact in Czechia) and their pride in their shitty ass-backward Eastern Euro country is insufferable lol

No actually we are tribesmen here and you better stay away from here or we will scalp you.

Anyway, have in Prague sexpat. Hopefully the brothels still provide cheap whores. Western expats are honestly the worst type of people, go do another idiotic BLM march in Prague for the 2 black people in the country

not an ex-pat and also COPE on your part

you are actually prideful of your shitty ass eastern euro country and you were actually insulted by my shitposting lol

Not an expat but I exclusively post about American politcs, wokay

what can I say, I find American politics and the American system entertaining, better than the run-of-the-mill Eastern Euro corruption

Same. I'm an American who loves Russian and Japanese politics

Russian politics is just Vlad getting whatever he likes, that must get boring real fast

Japanese politics, on the other hand, sounds like a weird mix of social conservatism, collectivism and weebism, questionable checks and balances, and some other features that would never work anywhere else, a friend tried to explain it to me and I laughed halfway throughout because I could not believe someone would actually have a system like that


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Turks definitely are champs of coping

Fucking rightoid pieces of shit downvoting this pure dramanaut

you're one of my favorite r/NL posters

Like I don’t think public housing in the West looks amazing as well.

I live about a mile away from Cabrini Green, I would take the Polish structure any day over that.

Also soviet blocs don’t exist in rural areas,

Except they do. They are not as massive in the cities, but pretty much every town in Poland has at least one such kind of area.

go shuck some corn 🥴🙄 rural areas r shitholes

No corn here, just potatoes. Plus we got amazing internet and I can do all my work from home here, so what benefit would I have to live in the city? I can drive there in 1.5 hours if the need be but I built my own home, I can have a large garden, I own my own property, clean air, no drugs, barely any crime and I know almost everyone in my town.

What do I get from the city? I still get paid more then 99% of city folk, my company sends me to travel international all the time, everyone grows their own food so no need to buy, and most property is passed down by families so debt is minimal

1.5 hours away from civilization

how do you live like that? I visited a farm once and it was disgusting, smelt like shit.

You get used to the smell and we don’t have large industrial farms over there that smell really bad, it’s usually just a handful of animals to butcher or breed

Plus 1.5 hours is not that long, just put on a podcast and you can do the drive in no time

no offense but that sounds like hell. I guess someone has to do it though

Urbancels are sub human.

Ikr imagine wanting to live in a dirty, rat-infested sardine can.

It is lovely, just don't have gay sex there

Literally nothing gay about feminine penis.

Why not just go to Norway where bussy is allowed though?

Because it's unbelievably expensive

Pizza and a beer is around 25 bucks. Also a lot of Norwegians there smh

I drove through a couple of years ago and I have to say, I generally found the people very unwelcoming and cold. But everything else you said is true.

Paris would be lovely if they just got rid of the French and Muslims.

Youd be left with nothing but Gypsies and Afghans. Afghans are pretty decent people but fuck Gyppos.


Radical centrist take

Paris would be nice if it didn’t smell like piss and I had to actively fight off gypsies and Africans selling me bracelets

I went to Paris in the summer of 2018. They have the most disgusting subway system I have ever seen. Anyway, a group of ten plus gypsy looking girls (high school/middle school age) stole some old white ladies purse. Some random African dude who saw the whole thing went after them, grabbed the purse back, and started slapping them like he was playing whack-a-mole. They started screaming and scattered. He was shouting some shit I couldn't understand. I saw pretty much the whole thing and literally did absolutely nothing at all besides 😮

That sounds fucking awesome

Honestly just get rid of the French.

The only thing is that the wages are low and we like to compare ourselves to Germany. Being clean, safe, and relatively cheap is all correct. You also have to deal with Polish women who are the 10th circle of hell


dude, you burn fucking garbage to warm yourself in your shithole villages lol

No one in my hometown of 1000 people do so. We have the forest and can cut down wood anytime of the year and put it in the furnace

lol again proving the fact that Polish people are autistic and don't understand humor

I don't wanna come out clean yet, but you do understand that I am baiting you?

except Poles are notorious for taking their pride and their country too seriously (not that there is much to be proud of), and if you saw his other comments you would know he actually took these insults personally lol

too bad I came clean, could have extended his seething for way longer

You also have to deal with Polish women who are the 10th circle of hell

Not due to their looks tho

The only reason people say that is because the women are not all fat here. Take any fat chick and have her lose weight and she will become average looking at least

This whole thread, you've been based AF.

US is pretty interesting when it comes to chicks. I was an exchange student back and forth with Germany and everyone always wanted to know where the hottest girls were. The average was way higher in Germany but the US had the hottest chicks. Its like if they werent already at least a 7 they just got fat.

The US is wildly unequal in every other way so I guess it makes sense that our hotness GINI coefficient is also incredibly skewed.

We'd have the hottest girls in the world if the whole country wasn't super sized.

Last time I was in Poland I witnessed an obese Polish prostitute.

Never thought I'd see the day.

Last time I went to London I think I was physically ill

Estonia is still #1. If you're in the area and you don't check it out you're missing out.

But yeah, Poland's nice. Latvia and Lithuania also have stupidly cheap alcohol.

I'll never visit western Europe. Czechia is as far west as I'll go. If I ever wanted to see what London or Paris looked like I'd visit Baltimore or something.

Hey Siri, how do I move to Poland?

Gypsy speaks woke burger.

This is cultural imperialism.

He's a troll, his name pretty much translates to "yourmomsaretard"

He's a troll, his name pretty much translates to "yourmomsaretard"

I trust you on the language part but how does that make him a troll?




Welcome to /r/Europe

Unwanted and intrusive comments on Europe subreddit [removed]

Unwanted and intrusive migrants in European countries [approved]

The absolute state of europoors.

That stupid crowd control feature is so annoying. All the collapsed upvoted comments.

That sub has gone soft 😔

Europoors have always been like this.

They banned me 😎😂

As Freedom-lovers, we must be careful not to invade the Europoors' safe spaces, sweaty.

how European countries REEEE'd at its cartoon violence.

Wasn't it only Germany?

In a similar vein, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were known as the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles in Europe, and any scenes of Michelangelo using nunchaku were edited out. A television series for grade schoolers was too hardcore for Europoors. 🤭🤭🤭

Poland is a self-governing country only for 30 years.

Most of Eastern Europe is.

Let the people enjoy themselves for a bit until they 3rd or 4th generation starts ruining everything.

I'm looking at you England and France...

Also, imagine being lectured by colonial powers whose accounts require 100 years to settle.

Imagine taking any shit from Nazi-grandchildren

Yeah dude conservativism won definitely not the fact that duda is literally bribing people with welfare.

Lol if someone who says homos are bad increases welfare, then they are bribing. I doubt that they would say the same thing if some bussy lover did it.

Anyway, Presidential elections means jack shit, parliamentary are the important ones.



/r/Europe at the moment

\o vs. o7

"butbutbutbuttt he didn't win the popularrrr voteeeeee"

He did tho

nooooooooo you don't understand 49% of the country doesn't like him don't you understand 49% don't like him so he can't be the presidentttttttttt

These people have such strong opinions about other countries politics but can't even be bothered to vote in their own country's elections.

Huh, I was wondering what the former Mets' 1B was up to this year

During the campaign Mr Duda came under heavy criticism after he said LGBT rights were an "ideology" more destructive than communism.


Why are these people locked in a perpetual state of seethe? When they aren't seething about rightoids in their country they find rightoids from other countries to seethe about repeating their predictions of apocalypse in said country based on soundbites from CNN.

Fuck Poles

The only reason why Poland isn't a total shithole like south eastern euros is because of economic intergration from EU membership and massive amounts of EU subsidies. Given that their current government is iliberal and in violation of rule of law and wrecking the country's institutions, they should at least be suspended, but since the EU are a bunch of weak limp pussies they won't do anything. Hungary should be thrown out of the EU all together, at least cut off the massive transfer of monies from west to east and see how long EE lasts.

This is some of the best seethe i've seen in a long time