Inferior """history""" sub freaks out.

1  2020-07-13 by Tirt_ROY


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You know I think its pretty safe to say that what the Spaniards did to the Mayans, the Incas, and most other groups of natives that they subjugated was pretty bad and in many cases downright genocidal.

The Aztecs though? People tend to forget that Cortez and his men weren’t really the guys who brought down the Aztecs, it was the fuck-huge rebellion of almost all of the Aztec’s vassal states that brought them down. No one liked the Aztecs.

You know I think its pretty safe to say that what the Spaniards did to the Mayans, the Incas, and most other groups of natives that they subjugated was pretty bad and in many cases downright genocidal.

Agreed. They were brutal bastards. They'd force the natives to mine silver and most would die in the mines.

Of course all that extra silver ended up tanking the Spanish economy 😂😂

so they were basically an average russian serf

poor babies

Turns out aggressively raiding all your neighbors and mass executing them in gruesome ritual sacrifice makes everyone hate you, to the point they'll help some weird aliens in shiny suits with boomsticks if it helps knock down your civilization.

The Aztecs would not have seen guns as broomsticks, as they had not invented brooms yet

maybe re-read what I wrote there, champ. BOOMsticks



Shut up

No one cares nerd

Imagine believing in grammar instead of ideoglyphys.

You're why society has to fall.

Cave painting/hieroglyphics gang is taking over and NO was the right answer.

The Aztecs were playing 40K and worshipped Khorne.

Mezoamerica was a schizo's paradise and if I build a time machine I'm playing hip ball with my enemies heads in a jaguar skin. But I'm bringing trap music and PAWGs

Peyote and bloodsports for days... who's coming with?

You had me at the PAWGs fam, schizoamerica time

Unironically, most of the other tribes before they got conquered as well were just relieved to have them gone, lol.

Such a shame, a chance to make fun of the average redditors absolutely borked knowledge of history turned into another lefty seethe sub

If I could ping ByzantineBasileus though I'd call him an alright guy, he actually makes fun of bad history and doesn't just post "OMG A RIGHTOID POSTED A WRONG!!!"

If I could ping ByzantineBasileus though I'd call him an alright guy, he actually makes fun of bad history and doesn't just post "OMG A RIGHTOID POSTED A WRONG!!!"

I'd ping this fellow and tell him he's too good for that shithole.

That sub has been utter garbage for at least two years

5 years they banned an actual historian.

Just when I think this site can't get any more laughable

whuh? sounds like a r*ghtoid seethe sub to me, you sure you're on your shit?

May the jaguar 🐆 god remove 🔪 their hearts 💕 for speaking ill of the mighty Aztecs 🛕

His name is Tezcatlipoca you uncultured swine.

Ok Eagle Warrior

I prefer the Flayed Lord.

Give me the birbsnek or give me death

Cough cough cough

The ________ conquest was not in the _________ 's best interests.

Since Neanderthal got gamed by Homo Sapiens.

Homo sapiens is homo and that's okay.

Reject evolution. Embrace homo

Reject homo. Embrace erectus

Embrace homo while erectus.

You will be spared when society reverts and I am a Liberian warlord. I can only get so eructused

Reject erectus, embrace australopithecus.


Neanderthal got dabbed on by volcanoes not sapiens.

PCM went downhill with flairs. It gave the MDEfugees a 110th country

Anything I don't like is an MDEfugee, Chapo or SRDine

Rent free

Anything I don't like is an MDEfugee, Chapo or SRDine

This but unironically

I mean yes, you're either one of those or a good muslim centrist, no other options sorry boo


This but without a single cunt-hair of irony

If I stumbled upon a bloodthirsty people who conducted ritual human sacrifice on the regular and kept human bones as household items and decoration, I would probably think they needed to be utterly destroyed to. These Spaniards were baste.

Lmao wait till you find out about Holy Relics. Don't bloodshame folks

I know orthos kiss skulls and what not, but I doubt they are carving out still beating hearts with an obsidian knife on the top of a square shaped pyramids.

I mean breaking people on the wheel, burning at the stake and having people drawn and quartered is really different.

Also my deleted comment was what I just typed, just posted it in the wrong spot

I mean breaking people on the wheel, burning at the stake and having people drawn and quartered is really different.

Alot of that is Victorian exaggeration. They stereotyped the mediæval era as this bloody dark age filled with torture.

Hey, you're not wrong on the hype but I think my point was that public violence as an instrument of the state was not unique.

I think people would find what the Church used to do savage as hell with but with a different flavor.

I'm okay with being wrong and called out. I just don't quite vibe with the conquistadors being civilized routine.

I am not a good debator, I'm here to shit post but like educate me if I'm wrong fam

. I just don't quite vibe with the conquistadors being civilized routine.

They weren't at all. I posted above how they killed natives en masse in the mines.

You're mostly right actually but the Aztecs did go a step too far in some cases hence why the other natives joined against them.

Reminds of the Abyssinians in a way. In Abyssinia enslaving Christians was a no no and especially chattel enslaving them. So what'd they do?

They'd raid neighbouring "infidel" tribes for slaves and made sure to never spread the gospel so that these tribes would remain infidels.

The Church always had caveats although in this case this was Orthodox Church.

Ah, gotcha. Well thanks for the info and religion is wild...history is wild. I wanna know more about mezoamerica.

Also it's wild to think a schizoposter like me could have led an army. Like children's crusade, Joan of arc, etc. Idk if they had legit delusions like me or were just politically savvy.

Joan of Arc was the right schizo in the right time. The cost was getting burnt out of jealousy and becoming stuck in weeaboo gacha games.

That was not ritual sacrifice though. It was for actual criminals or crimes. Dubious as the accusation may have sometimes been, there were at least reserved for punishment to evil-doers, and not just because it was another Wednesday or to make sure the sun would rise in the morning.

The Aztecs did it to war captives, ritual or not. Western States did it to people who ideologically were unsavory.

Public execution to exalt the state and maintain order is not unique to anyone as a Catholic we drink the blood of our God who was tortured to death.

We are all sickos and always have been 🤷🏿‍♂️

They also sacrificed children. Like, lots of them. Because one of their gods demanded only child sacrifices. They also had to cry before dying.

Well, you got me there 🤷🏿‍♂️

I admit defeat. I just don't think either group was particularly humane.

Came to schizopost, stayed for the facts. Y'all be good now, and remember blood is the original currency 😎

The Spaniards didn't seem particularly concerned with their Tlaxcalan allies' cannibalism or human sacrifice, though.

I’m pretty sure Aztecs used the Tlaxcalans as a source for their human sacrifices which is one reason Tlaxcalans hated them enough to convert to Christianity in order to ally with the Spaniards against them. But I’ll take your word for it as I don’t know or care enough about extinct tribes wandering in and around the Yucatán 500 years ago.

The tlaxcala were just hungry
