[advice needed]

1  2020-07-13 by professorshillphd

So I play online games with my little brother and his nazi friends, they're between the ages of 10-13 and are warthunder nazis.

About a week ago I called them squeekers and ever since then they've been relentlessly spamming me with boomer memes and calling me a boomer.

What do I do?


Pizza getting bullied by tweens.

For two decades.

Simply unsurprised

Catfish them on discord.

“All warfare is based on deception.” -Sun Tzu

“Every poopoo time is peepee time but not ever peepee time is poopoo time.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"Ching Chong ding dong wheres my keys?"

-Sun tzu

Yeah you can use a voice changer like morph vox, pretty easy to find a cracked version on TPB. You can pitch your voice up or down to great effect. I pitched mine down and that's how I convinced my whole guild that I was black.



pizzashill has finally met his mental equal

Buy Pewdiepie merch.

shut up and take it, boomer

pizzashill i love you

embrace boomerage and shitpost with rage comics

You need to escalate. The only thing these kids will understand is an overwhelming assault.

Send them all the fucked up shit we used to think was the edgiest stuff on the internet. Attack their discord group chat with tubgirl and goatse and anything else you can think of. If they're Nazis then focus on fucked up interracial stuff. They'll hate it.

Destroy the children, pizzashill. I know you can do it.

The classic web 1.0 shock images have been so circulated that the average person could probably have a meal while staring directly into the goatsehole. The real universally hardcore ones are the gifs/videos showing the humanity in people being snuffed out, e.g. 3 guys 1 hammer. I feel like showing children any kind of shock image doesn't help their development though 🤔

But snally, in this entirely true story they're 10-13 and bullying pizzashill. They've developed perfectly already.

I'm trying to think of something that would shock today's 13 year old /b/tards and you're right, I'm really not sure what it would take. Even when I was that age people would post crime scene photos, the equivalent of LiveLeak stuff with some idiot accidentally touching a live power line, and so on.

Yeah, I see what you're saying -- you're saying he's gonna have to resort to violence, right?

It really doesn't. I was exposed to shock images as a child and now I post on r/drama.

I never got past the first 1 milisecond after realizing what 2-girls-1-cup meant. I got trolled hard with that one lol. But never watched past that point and never went back.

Also, Electric R*tard comics - which probably still is the edgiest stuff on the internet.

absolutely based

One goatse and it's all over for these zoomers.

About a year ago I almost got charged with assault at my Grandsons Birthday party after some teenager called me a boomer. Luckily my Buick drives faster then an Asian finishing with a prositute. LOL

This is a shitty Bob from Tampa parody and you should feel ashamed

Found the idiot, everyone!

Just beat the fuck out of them Jesus dude it’s your little brother

Tell them you fucked their moms.

Great post.

Play to your strengths. Challenge them to a reddit debate, and autistically argue with them until they cry.

Ignore them, they will (or may not) grow up out of this, due to the internet every single zoomer is either a Neo-Nazi, Commie, or Anarkiddie.

People under the age of 18 shouldn't use the internet.

Embrace your inner boomer and render their attacks null. Also don’t play shitty games anymore (this includes WoW).

playing with kids

At least they didn't call you groomer.

It's fart thunder not smash bros

Stop playing games and go to the mosque

Embrace your boomer and shoot them down like a real man.

implying even tweens would tolerate your presence

quit larping

I have many friends.

Are they all 13 years old, Pizza? Be honest.

He's the oldest in his wow guild by an average of 20 years

I'm one of the youngest in my wow guild at 29.

hey buddy we're the same age!

I can't imagine anyone over 20 using arrdrama or reddit in general

This entire sub is made of 4chan boomers.

Zoomers 🤢

I have many friends.

Or a fucked up definition of 'friend.'

Argue with them like you argue with us

Fuck their moms, dads, grandparents etc. Fuck it, fuck them, even your little brother

Assert your dominance and primacy by posting daily arrrdrama threads being topical af until opposition capitulates

Let them have a sleepover with a smash bros player they'll be so traumatized they'll never mock you again.

You've gotta fuck at least one of their moms. Once you do that show that kid the fucking gross pics you took of his mom. Tell him you're not gonna show anyone but he needs to help you prank his friends. Once you're done using him to fuck with his friends give them all copies of those gross mom pics. Laugh. Tell them you have more pics of another mom. Laugh some more. The only kid that'll want proof is the first kid. Tell the other kids to beat him up. Laugh some more. Now kill yourself because if you've read this far you're totally fucking retarded.


Tried that game, but liked Ace Combat better.


just transition and say you are a foid. they's start hitting on you then

Call em squakers again you know it got em mad

Yeah, just keep calling them squeekers until they break and beyond.

what the fuck is a squeeker.

Balls havent dropped yet

beat them up, establish dominance

Quit being a little bitch

piss in his shampoo bottle, take a file to his house keys and shave off just a little so that's its not noticeable and doesn't work, put a pin through the wires inside his computer.

also you can post his account on seller sites. gaijin (warthunder devs) just grab the usernames from these sites and permanently ban them constantly so you can do that as well.

most of all beat his ass for disrespecting you, a metal spatula can make up for the lack of muscles and spine you have


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Make fun of them for jerking off. Teen boys hate that

They only are doing it because they like you, just embrace the boom and keep calling them squeakers. Tell them that they need to speak up because in your advanced age you no longer have the ability to hear high pitched sounds.

I play online games

you deserve much worse than a little namecalling

Just ask em about their girlfriends. Wait. Don't do that they'll dunk on you even more and won't even have to lie about their gf in Canada

I literally had a girlfriend from Canada lmao.

There was a picture of me making out with her on the sidebar.

Lol I mean I browse exclusively css-off reddit wide so

I have a girlfriend rn.

do you tho? basad’s been making moves...

I am aware of all moves, even those made by drunk lesbians.

Say goodbye 🥂

Considering she mocks you and shows me the screenshots, idk about that.


Stay delusional.

Dude. She’s literally done pregnancy play with him in VC.

You don't have to prove that to us dorks on drama. 🇨🇦🍁🥌

But good for you.

Tik tok them you boomer

git gud

Waterboard the shit out of them until they agree to read every book that Robert Citino and David Glantz wrote.


Wait what was the question?

If you want to milk drama, be a Warthunder Soviet.

If your desire is to get them to stop, confront them gently. Why does calling them squeakers because of how their voices sound = boomer? Young non-squeaker people use the word squeaker frequently.

god i miss being a nazi 13 year old so much😔

Submit to their BASED ways boomer

If you live in Britain the best thing you can do is report them to the police and the bongistan will inflict full law&order on the bigoted weasels.

War thunder nazis. Just use any T34 and you win.

How do you know they are Nazi's?


please delete your account. your shitposts are even more cancer than lawlz

gonna cry?


Gonna shidd your pants? Gonna cum and pee all over yourself?

yeah, but i wear Depends™ 😎

