Does hard work equal money? Ledditors debate. Other controversial posts on this thread are also gold

1  2020-07-14 by Tsuchikuzurezawa


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The amount of people in that thread who are too economically inept to understand that net worth does not equal cash in their bank account is unreal.

So you're telling me he doesn't live like this

The cliche to work smart is really key. You don't really need to work hard to have a nice lifestyle, but I would also argue that building something from the ground up takes a lot of upfront investment (time and possibly money) and as it grows you can work less.

99% of people need to be told what to do, though, and have no drive or ambition to do anything but work a standard job.

I mean we're talking about people who don't even think that losing weight is something they can chose and do themselves.

Some people just don't want to take any responsibility and just believe that they are at the bottom because of everybody else but themselves.

Fucking based

I don't get defending one side over the other.

Yes, it is possible for a person to get rich by hard work. No, the degree of wealth accumulation we've seen in the last couple decades at the top is unsustainable, extremely harmful to society and should be fought against.

Amazon’s service is too good for me to boycott mr bezos :(

I unironically want him to be our President.

R*dditors equate working full time hours with working hard. If you spend all your money on stupid shit or just sit at the same dead end job for 10 years you'll never go anywhere.

These people think Bezos was affluent before Amazon.

I'm gonna show my xoomer age but I remember when his store was just a shitty bookstore with 1990s graphics that they still use for their buttons.

Hard work? No. Smart work? Yes.

Making Amazon is hard work, marrying a fella that made Amazon? Smart.

R*dditors think showing up to their shift at subway on time and sober counts as hard work

Working with the sort of people employed at subway is emotional labor.

t. sandwichcel

yes, everyone does. This is America. stop making excuses

yeah well what if the kid is like in the 26 pecent of the 66 percent of kids and is in bad town

put down the video game controller

unexpectedly based