Grant Imahara dead at 49

3  2020-07-14 by betterdeadthenfed


He now gets to bust the greatest myth of all time. RIP king

is hell real

The raping blob will find that out.

May this heretic be smited inshallah

If I ever die and people start @ ing my twitter account about how much they miss me, I think I'll come back to haunt them.

he hasn’t found the fountain of youth yet

Never even began tbh

If you delete Twitter you'll probably live longer and people can't @ you problem solved.

Become a reddit moderator, nobody will notice or care

If I ever die

Well someone’s wildly optimistic

He hasn't taken the elixir of life yet

Heh, plebs are amusing. I bet you've never molested any pre pubescent children too, how quaint.


Don’t worry, no one will miss you.

He died doing what he loved


First cumtown invades /r/mythbusters and now a POC is dead? Hmm.

Terminal manletism claims another victim

is it skewed by ricecels or something?


the days of kingship are long and hard on the body of the tall master race


Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Better to die tall than "live" short

Even death doesn't want manlets


not based at all

this makes being short undesirable seem like a good thing

Unironically saddened by this. He was actually a genuinely fun and intelligent guy

He was one of two legitimately smart mythbusters, and the only one without autism.

Yeah, strangely he was the only really well-adjusted member of that team. I always thought he was a pretty cool dude. RIP.

but the one bitch had some fat titties


Yeah but he was a sister-fister, very unscientific and not exactly cool.

He was no Black Beret or Raping Blob

Remember those charges against Adam are only alleged and the whole family has basically said the sister lies... so we can’t jump to conclusions... but if they’re true.. then yea he’s a raping blob piece of shit...

Didn't the parents say something more like: "We can totally see this happening but STFU because we can't be arsed to deal with this shit" like true abusive parents.

Look, I'm normally the first to not believe women but there was something weird about the family reaction that actually made me believe her.

Maybe I just want to live in a world where raping blob is a real thing.

This is the thing, all the media spin doctors get involved and there’s only two people that know what actually happened... I just wish I’d named my Reddit profile “RapingBlob”

Parents of incestuous rapist upset at claims they're parents of incestuous rapist

wasnt he 9 when this happened?

Precisely why my attention immediately focused on the parents not him, unlike retarded journos.

ah gotcha. yeah i was gonna say he was probably sexually abused if it is true. sucks for him and his sister really imo.

That's what I was trying to say the first time around. The article I read was not questioning the parents at all and was only interested in painting famous white man as bad. What's new?


No I'm pretty sure that's what she said they said to her. What the parents said to the media was that she's been grifting their family for years.

I'm assuming they haven't been able to hush this since this time she took it to the law bc New York temporarily lifted statute of limitations or whatever

Is r/drama believing a woman?

Adam was giving me serious creeper vibes from the very beginning TBQH. I think it probably did happen but since he was only 9, he's probably morally innocent of this his first rape and probably learned it from someone in his inordinately fucked up family; and instead of correctly attributing blame, they're attacking the sister for exposing their dirty laundry. Even the way they talk about her is kinda disgusting, and a bit damning, I think.

I was actually always surprised that Adam wasn't one of the first #metoo cases. He's a smart guy, though, and probably knew how to pick his victims. Just imagine his midget ass rabbit thrusting at you while rubbing in your absolute powerlessness by forcing you to wear his stupid hat.

/r/TwoXChromosomes is that way sweaty

lol imagine being a piece of shit permanently for being a retard when you were 8

Not merely lies, is an utter nutcase.

BelieveAllWomen sweaty. Even lunatic schizos.

So how did 9 year old Adam know about eating pussy and throat fucking thots to begin with? He would’ve also had to be abused.

wasn't the original hashtag believewomen?

The hashtag is fluid. It changes from believe all women to only done depending on if person bring accused (I.e. Biden)

Fuck if I know. I don't pay attention to gussy nonsense


For sure, and unironically was the one I looked up to the most. Sorry for seriousposting.

The raping blob strikes again

He had information that could lead to the arrest of Adam Savage

I'd give you reddit f-slur awards but fuck this site . i'll give you a cute anime girl reaction pic

at least shes a white suprematist?

This isn't a penis

did he ever get to live that amwf fantasy of his?

Amwm. How did you not realize he was gay?

honestly? i have no idea who this dude is. amwf seemed like a fair guess given his face

Mythbusters guy. Every episode my dad would mention it and then mention Kari being hot.

Correct on both accounts



White men are basically women now anyways.

He did. Very inspiring, he worked hard and got what he wanted despite his severe disabilities (5'6", asian)

Imagine Grant entering heaven and when Jesus greets and hugs him asian manlet Grant gets mogged by Chad Jesus and all of YHWH's Chad Angels.

Rest in Power Robochang 🙏


Mogging on this level should be a crime against humanity

Id say based, but that’s clearly a mayofoid, so no.

But you asked if he lived out amwf then said no to mayo foid. V confusing. That literally what the fantasy is.

Totally agree though. She looks like the most mayo of mayo foids and would not go near it unless I was horny. Let's be real here I would, I just wouldn't marry her and get a cat called smudge woodgie woodgie.

i mentally erase comments from my head after posting them here. easier to maintain radical centrism that way

Nice cat tho



He definitely titty fucked the red haired bitch on the show seeing as he was the only one that wasn’t hyperautistic

Now he can build robots with his 72 virgins. King.

He can sort them by skin tone and height like a true engineer.

Brain aneurysm. Fuckkkkk that.

Brain aneurysms are fucking terrifying. I just looked up "aneurysm prevention" to double-check that my understanding is correct: that they happen randomly. Beyond maintaining blood pressure levels, guess what experts recommend? I kid you not, eat your fruits and veggies. That's medical-speak for "There's nothing thing else you can do. Your brain might just randomly stop working some day you can't anything else about it, quit asking. Deal with it. Clean your room or something."

Gets really awkward for your loved ones if you survive it and hang around for years bedridden and unresponsive, waiting to die of a MRSA-bedsore.

Basically how my old man died.

Got a spinal stroke and became paralyzed and died from MRSA.

Brain aneurysm and spontaenous combustions are how I want to go.

This happened to my former boss. Got it in the middle of a fishing trip. Left a wife and daughter. Fuckin tragic.

LMAO cucked by his own brain

Usually when you hear about it, it's often some young athlete.

The fire that burns twice as bright, may only burn half as long.. but would still rather go due to cosmic bullshit rather than something predictable like being fat.

Fucking A Archer was right again!

There are worst ways to go.

I almost had a brain aneurysm trying to read your illiterate dribble.

At first I thought you were saying "They are the worst ways to go."

But like a goon, you mixed up "worst" and "worse", so what your dumb illiterate ass meant was "There are worse ways to go."

Thank me bitch.

It's "drivel" you actual mongoloid it's drivel you dribbling quarterwit

Open your mouth

You meant drivel and lucked out that dribble also (barely) works in this context. Stop the cope and move the fuck on

Imagine only being able to speak one language and getting angry at someone who can speak a second language almost fluently but made a one letter mistake.

Let me guess... fucking BURGER?

Does burger mean amreican?

No. Burger means that the poster self-identifies as a mental deficient and let's us know we should just agree with them to not upset the retard.


I agree.

Thank you to correct my English.

What are you retarded? Don't thank him tell him to suck your dick and get a passport. Fucking burgers.


will never understand caring about a celebrity death

Imagine thinking you have some sort of connection to a person who doesn't even know you exist lmao

The cause of Imahara's death has not yet been disclosed.

Does this mean he offed himself?

It was a brain aneurysm

Ouch that's such a shitty way to die

Isn't it the best way to die? But the thing to fear worst, because you don't get to say goodbye to anyone?

Best way for the person dying, yes.

I would like to go like that some day, so long as I'm not in a compromising position such as being found reading r/drama as my last act.

Tbh, reading /r/drama is the most chad thing I do, so I'm thinking if I were to die now, I'd be peaking.

Tbh, reading /r/drama is the most chad thing I do

holy shit dude i'm so sorry

I'm more afraid of certain... personal effects hidden around my apartment being unearthed by my mother.

How many ovipositors does one man need?

Death by raping blob

rip making robots in the sky now 😰

I'm actually sad. Mythbusters had a pivotal role in the development of my 'tism growing up. I can still hear him explaining how he's rigging up a robot chassis to pilot an exploding chicken at 80mph. 😭

This death is particularly painful because Grant in Mythbusters came off as the prototypical "guy who never ages" figure. He always seemed like a young sidekick along for a wild ride compared to the other hosts, which fed this vague fantasy of what a dude in his mid-20s did after college and stuff. His mortality is now making me realize how utterly naive and foolish I was to think everything was going to be cool, fun, and ok at this age. Brian aneurysms are the furthest thing from OK possible. Dude randomly drops dead from his brain deciding to fucking stop working, along with him perishes my TV-induced idealization of young adulthood.

We're all gonna die 😭😭😭

People underrate the chance that we cure human aging and achieve functional immortality within our lifetimes. It wasn't long ago that we discovered that lobsters live forever (as long as they're not eaten). Harvard and MIT nerds are literally surrounded by that. That's before taking into consideration neural interfaces that could transfer brain storage into hard drive-compatible data.

that could transfer brain storage into hard drive-compatible data.

Drama posting as uploaded brain.... We can make heaven a place on earth

Lmao massive cope.

We’re gonna be one of the last generations to experience death while future humans achieve immortality.

If you were born just a few decades later you would’ve made it. Jfl 😂😂😂

Lobsters do not live forever. Stop listening to Leaf Fent addicts.

you just made me coom liquid hope

Don’t. Aging won’t be solved in time for our generation to use it. You’re gonna die because you were born just a few decades too early. 🤭🤭🤭

epic im cooming even harder now

Did the raping blob get him??

Didn't he play Sulu in some Star Trek fan film or shit? I think it had the weeb voice actor everyone said was the anime Weinstein... Vince Migniggernogga or something?



the raping blob got him

Brain aneurysm. So decent chance of drugs or covid?

COVID doesn't cause aneurism


cause blood clots

some redditor: "No! He died 20 years too young!"

Wait he was 49?! Dude barely looked like he hit his thirties.

Asian don’t raisin, as they say

Well, until it just suddenly up and does one day.

What a shame. And such a shitty way to die too((

god damnit, i loved this man



Womp womp

Nerd nibbas absolutely DEVASTATED right now.


Who the fuck is this?

Show some class. Save comments like this for when Tory Belleci dies.

Fuck that. Who is this man?

This whole thread is an exercise in literally who?

Who dat?

Nnnnooooo not my hecking disrespecterino on drama!!!

This ain't drama.

Ion know who dat is. Was he da leader of China or summin?

No, that's Winnie the Poo.