School IT OP decides it’s job to look through everyone’s emails to find dirt on them. Tries to report to coworkers banging but gets him and his boss fired. Yells at /r/legal advice bc he thinks it’s wrong he’s in trouble and not the fornicators!

1  2020-07-14 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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Oh wow, a public school systems administrator is both unethical and bad at every aspect of his job except for the technical part? Weird.


All public school IT employees are incompetent.

reports it to boss instead of using it for blackmail


I love when you can tell someone has autism just from the way they write

I think this dude is just really bad a writing what happened. He was investigating the actual bad thing that happened, saw that the bad person was interested in specific emails, was curious as to why, and looked at them.

It's 2020, not 1998, IT browsing employee emails for shits and giggles is no longer considered acceptable and in many jurisdictions is a crime.

That can't possibly be true.

Only sort of related but I love it when people in LA cite sections of obscure state legal codes that they obviously copied and pasted from the first result in their Google search. Real or no, OP is a hero for delivering this story and arguing with the chucklefucks trying to armchair lawyer him.

I got a chuckle out of the one claiming it's illegal and could lead to arrest lol

There is more to this story though. It seems fishy that Director2 got fired for investigating. If he was being nosey, why bring it up? But then he gets fired for queries that were likely to find the culprit? Seems kinda fishy fishy.

True heroes.

They shall live forever.

If you really look into bird law you can see why a future-trans person investigating the e-mails of their coworkers for signs of an unsafe work environment is actually extremely legal and valid.

Computer jannies are the lowest form of life.

The fuck? How can you read emails in gsuite?

He probably gave himself access to the accounts and did it that way, not thinking that would show up on the logs. Or he was doing something else, since GSuite has 10,000 different admin tools you can use to do things with.

Yeah only way is to reset password and access afaik

I've never done it but I know you can archive email accounts if a user leaves the company, so I assumed it can be done.

An admin can't read employee emails in G Suite? Like I could use my work email address to sell drugs and my company wouldn't know?

I used to be an Admin years ago for a school with gsuite and no I couldn't unless I reset the password myself and access it but then the og user would lose access.

Apparently I was a lazy bum who missed out on all the teen drama

why was I fired

Because you committed a crime, r3tard