maybe the rightoids were actually right

1  2020-07-14 by Thereal14words


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it's actually pretty cool that an elected representative has spent their downtime trying to climb the ranked ladder and deal with all the toxicity.

Imagine not spending your free time reading theory. Yikes. Be better AOC.

Is this praxis?

Tencent is owned by commie China, so it's fucking praxis.

Chill, pretty sure it's just NA being shit, that's like iron IV eune


Big tiddy socialist gamer gf

Time to replace all Congress members with titty streamers and substitute Twitch for CSPAN. I bet nothing would fundamentally change.

All actual decisions to be taken behind closed doors by all the Fortune 500 CEOs, and once a week commie mommy tells us on Twitch what they've decided and how we need to feel about it



They're praising her for getting to sliver instead of actually helping her district.

She would need to be able to pass legislation to help her district.

Silver is also for literal retards making me think she's actually not controlled opposition but actually braindead.

Hey, silver is like women's platinum man so actually quite an accomplishment.

At least it's not some very high rank, or otherwise she's a full blown, unsalvageable gaymer at that point.

How the fuck do people get stuck there anyway. Back when I played I got to plat playing nothing but Singed mid while overdosing on ambien. And I'm as r-slurred as it gets.

All this gunshots violence is fro-sirens and the screaming -lifters just want bread for their fa-explosion-ly.

League is







Aside from her fellow kids moments, and all the drama about feet and dancing gif, what does she stands for anyway? At least I can vaguely understand what the 3 dementia old men want for Murica, yet aside from the Green Deal that goes nowhere, I cannot point out a single policy that she want to push.

Abolish ice

But I need that to cool my soda

Take that up with her

I can forego ICE if she gives me her cold milk

Would you give me your warm milk daddy

She says a lot of words words words that aren't coherent and people think she's some sort of champion of the left because she has the progressive label. Meanwhile in reality she's just bizarro Trump in both populism and incoherence.

Though she did make Nancy Pelosi call herself a progressive to fit in, so she has done some amusing things.

Meanwhile in reality she's just bizarro Trump in both populism and incoherence.

Trumps ramblings often are plausible at a distance, even if as tactless as granpa can make them.

Cortez calls for contradictory stuff that doesn't even make it past the first litmus test. Rightoids were always stupid or callous, but there is a new crop of leftoids out there who are pushing the limits of cognitive excising.

Thatā€™s because she doesnā€™t have any. What little platform she does have is just the opposite of whatever Trump said yesterday. More than any other politician Iā€™ve ever seen I think she is genuinely, unironically a retarded figurehead who just repeats what her handlers say or she saw on Twitter and couldnā€™t independently articulate any positions if she tried.

I honestly canā€™t decide if Iā€™m more disgusted we donā€™t have more checks in place to keep a butterface bartender out of Congress, or that people eat up this low-brow pandering like itā€™s their last meal.

She's a populist bro.

Our culture is getting so dumber now that even democrats are falling for the conservative tier political virtue signaling grift.

Back in the past, democrats used to have that aura of rational thinking, or that appearance of stability compared to conservatives who are constantly known for not giving two shits about people's needs other than LARPing about liberals for constantly failing at culture wars.

Ever since Trump won the election, and ever since the tumblr activists of the early 2010s have grown up to become grown ass adults, democratic party has turned into full retard streak.

Today we no longer have anybody left in the national political sphere where you could point and say as paragons of rationality.

She's a populist bro.

Cyber populist. Most voters on the left aren't down with the DSA. Most Americans don't use Twitter. AoC is only appealing to that loud minority of idpol twitards and spam bots.

what does she stands for anyway?


Why, she stans for the wokies, of course!

Here you go retard it took 4 seconds of googling.

And this goes for all the other closet rightoid gaybois who couldnā€™t wait to jump at the opportunity to take down commie mommy with their sharp wit

Politic woman get rank up in casual game


She needs to get on twitch ASAP. Imagine how much money she could raise by streaming her feet online.

Imagine the war chest she could build for her 2024 presidential campaign if she started a $27/month OnlyFans where she posts daily POV shots of her shoes she wears to congressional sessions

people that post "we stan" and queen crap need to be swiftly reeducated and repurposed toward usefulness

regardless if they consent to it or not

So into the biomass generator then?

I'm not that radical.

I could do with "volunteering" them to take care of COVID patients. I'm also sure there must be still wartorn areas than need to be cleaned of landmines.

Tbh if it's for aoc it'd be pretty based, maybe she can run against kanye and mcafee in 2024

Commie mommy is like Lindsey Lohan, she can look both revolting and fuckable

Lohan hasn't been hot in 15 years.

More like 20 years.

Ok pedo

He's right tho

Is this mike stoklasa cel account number 20?

Glad to see our taxes are paying gamers

That's actually retarded that you think that considering that it's an f2p game.

she plays sona janna lux lulu morgana, (egirl champs,) she's definitely dropped at least 40 bucks on skins

She should start playing Kog.

Right about what? Sheā€™s a g*mer, so?

How do i team up with @AOC

Anyone who "stans" is an incel

Can someone broadly tell me, as a Dota 2 player, how good is Silver III?

slightly below average, somewhere around 60th percentile.

slightly below average

So... you mean... 40th percentile?


yep thats what I meant, thanks for correcting me dipshit



never played League a minute in my life, but I have it on good authority that even a woman can achieve Silver III

Each rank has 5 tiers. 5 being the worst one and 1 being the best one. The ranks from worst to best are : iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master, grandmaster and challenger. I think the last three don't have tiers.

There are four tiers per rank now.

It's garbage

The trench

Rightoid: 30 yr old person plays video game on her own time. Rightoids seethe

Rightoid also: Obese old man plays golf all the time using taxpayers money, no big deal at all.

30 yr old person plays video g*me

thats the problem

Why? You have a chip on your shoulder about about people having fun?

Or you think that is more dangerous than the President wasting tax payers money playing golf after 100,000 people died.

this isnt about having fun. this is about being a g*mer. which is inexcusable

Nobody has fun playing league

I think you took a wrong turn on your way to SRD. Now get in the can.

The next highest upvoted post on that front page was around 3k and this one is sitting at around 25k. The most blatant astroturfing I've ever seen. Guaranteed it was posted by her campaign staff. If I didn't know the Leage mods suck, I'd ask why they left it up.

Posted by a Bong of course. Nobody in the US says "this is brilliant."

I still want her to 1v1 Martin Shkreli (pharmabro was higher ranked).

the west needs a firewall like china honestly, block facebook, reddit & twitter and force people to use TOR or a VPN to access them as a casual filter

I really don't know what to think anymore. The internet has turned me into a hardened cynic and every time I see a post like this, while I'm aware the political right is dumb I almost want to support them just to watch twitter and reddit liberals screech.

In that way, I understand some of the appeal in Trumpism, and why it doesn't necessarily have to be coherent or rational to be supported.

"The American people hated Hillary so bad that they voted for a guy they hated even worse, just to rub it in." - Norm MacDonald

Norm šŸ

A societal treasure

I 100% agree. the reddit/twitter liberals made me rethink how left I really wanted to be.

Ehh I mean for me it's more of a stark visualization that people's life-curves are different and the internet is possibly stunting them. Like what I mean by that is as you get older you get more mature, learn more, meet more people, do more things - at least theoretically. But people inevitably slow down that pace of new as they get older - it's literally a math thing where like when you're 1 and you meet a new person its like +12.5% of human connections where when you're 10 it's like 0.00125%.

Rather than meeting new people, maturing, doing new things, living your life, so many extremely online people are just completely stunted. This is read another book, occasio stanning, mdefugee posting, you name it. It's keanuchungusfunkoredditwholesome where the libs are just good guys fighting meany drumpf. It's a small mind worldview for small minds.

so youre saying that the invention of the internet and its consequences are a disaster the left?

i agree

are a disaster the left?

To humanity

that too


I understand some of the appeal in Trumpism

It's so obvious, I can't even understand how it's not understood by literally everyone. When you change your base from the general working class to a coalition of various historically disadvantaged groups (altogether comprising about 30% of the electorate and not known to vote much) you'll have a bad time. Because a working class white voter will hear the constant shrill screaming about his awesome privilege and how he has it much easier, and, since it absolutely does not conform to his lived experience, will actually vote for the other side which will at least try to present some sort of a solution to his problems (as wrong as it may be, since trickle-down has never worked). He's not an economist. He just follows what makes sense to him.

...and when you have a coalition of most of the working class and the upper class - you're going to win, no matter how much the petit bourgeois will "reeeeeeeee".

Trump fucked up so much, that he'll probably lose this time around, everything seems to be pointing in that direction. But if US republicans aren't totally stupid, they'll use the "vote-getting" parts of Trump's "working class strategy" in the future to get the control back in 5 years and keep it for good.

didnt read

Good job!

ty i deserve

Accurate, except he'll probably be re-elected if he wants it.

Can't even begin to describe the hate I get from the left when I suggest using a strategy that wins. "Like, hey, there sure are a lot of broke-ass, straight, white guys around here, and a bunch of them would love some affordable healthcare. A fuck ton of them, in fact, and we could use their votes." Then some tooth sucking dyke calls me a concern troll, aaaand I'm banned.

The desire to win is rooted in toxic masculinity and born from man's inherently aggressive competitive nature.

It's highly problematic.


fak u it's so old it's actually vintage/classic now.

Oh, I know. I've been banned from /r/socialism for saying that class divide is the most important thing in the modern society. Basically for summarising socialist thought in a sentence. It would be funny if not for the fact that it's having real-world consequences.

Accurate, except he'll probably be re-elected if he wants it.

I don't know about that. If he stuck to the message and just said shit that wins him votes, I'd agree with you but he keeps trolling and pissing off various groups that aren't part of the Democratic coalition for no other reason than because he feels like it. I can troll around reddit about something as ridiculous as defending dog-fucking just because I like to see the massive "reeeeeee" across 5 subreddits, but a politician at that level can't really do shit like that. I don't think his election chances can be saved anymore even if he fell into line now.

The only thing I know for sure is the debates are gonna be lit.

Piggybacking on this comment to show exactly why socialism is fucked in the western world. Happened just now. Can't imagine a better way to illustrate my point at all.

if you only see class you aren't a very good communist.

/r/socialism 2020, Ladies and Gentlemen!


I wish I wasn't too broke to give you gold for this. Fuck me...

I concur, but then I remember that Trump is actually retarded and I'm conflicted again.

And he was before the dementia kicked in too

You're just mad because you're still stuck in bronze. No wonder your 12 year old brother dunks on you.

Yeah, masters is bronze.

Lemme solve the conflict for you:

- you need to keep the plebe peaceful so you need welfare programs (but also hardcore law&order and police, the smart type, not like in Murica)

- you need science, so you can't have COVID denialist types. But you also cannot have biological sex deconstructionism and "progressives" trying to make life hell for conservative normies, but also rightoids that try to make life hell for minorities. You need balance and peace. Science and tech are a must, yes Kaczynski was still right, because tech must be controlled.

That means no smartphones for anyone deemed narcissistic enough.

- you need normality and stability, continuity, and safety for the populace.

- you need to be able to crush the types that try to destabilize and subvert your society

As you can see, tweeting "law&order" doesn't exactly cut it. Nor does pushing critical theory and intersectionality. Trumpism is dumb, so is progressivism, and don't ask me what can save you (and the rest of us) by now where sanity is a dream of the past.

The only winning move is to keep your personal politics to yourself and laugh at the retards on both sides online.

I used to try to sway minds. to convince others that you can make the world a better place if you change just a bit about yourself.

I was wrong.

Same here, brother. There's just too many r-slurs with strong, uneducated opinions in the internet.

And I'm proudly one of them. šŸ˜Ž


I used to try to sway mind's

Swaying mind's requires your targets to have minds tho.

thats why i was wrong

The sea of articles by ā€œjournalistsā€ ensures that no matter how retarded you are, thereā€™s ā€œevidenceā€ out there to prove your point. It makes arguing on the Internet almost impossible

Radical centrism is the only way

this but kinda unironically

The radical center: compromising is uncompromisable.

How is this post bad in any way, she plays League then what? I played it too.

I played it too.

Have sex incel.

shut up g*mer

Because she's a politician running "look at me I'm cool too" game and bamboozling a bunch of dumb ass silver leaguers.

It's about as subtle as her Instagram live stream where she gets drunk on box wine and builds IKEA furniture.

NOOOOOOOO not the heckin silver leaguerinos!!! How could she do this to them!?!?!

It's about as subtle as her Instagram live stream where she gets drunk on box wine and builds IKEA furniture.

It's called being a millennial sweaty. A devastating life long impairment.

Silver leaguers already have enough to worry about, they don't need to be lured over to idpol by grifters.


running "look at me I'm cool too" game

you guys are missing the big picture here. She has dozens of staffers and she makes them do menial jobs all day. One of them has to make sure her outfits are perfectly pressed. Another has keep an eye on twitter 24/7 to see if anything is trending that she needs to respond to.

But there's this one guy who had the balls to say, "madam congress person, I have a proposal for you - let's make people believe that you're a down-to-earth millennial who plays video games. We'll accomplish this by playing the video games for you, and then you can take credit for it."

This guy was paid by the US government to play LoL to make AoC look good.

I respect the hustle- most people can't play professionally when they're at the silver league level.


Ban video games


The Gaymer People Have Stood Up