Anybody wanna talk about Dune?

43  2020-07-14 by Tzar-Romulo

I'd use the subreddit but they're cucked. And it's too 'lowcass" for /lit/ and nobody on /tv/ wants to talk about it. šŸ˜„


Yes. I want to be reincarnated as a sandworm and eat people.

Goals tbh. If I could awaken as a Shai Hulud under Washington DC or Austin, Texas I would die a happy godbeast.

Put me under Nkandla baby and I'll eat the whole thing.

Unironically based. Where can I find qt-14 Fremen girl to ride me as we commit Jihad on the universe?

Lady Jessica? Yeah I fucked her

t. Gurney Halleck

A man of culture.

Somewhat unwarranted idolatry.

Set in the distant future amidst a feudal interstellar society in which various noble houses control planetary fiefs

And quite original šŸ˜

Inter-planetary winter is coming...

Born too late to explore Space. Born too early to sit in chairdogs. šŸ˜“

Hah never going to happen anyway. Too many people already get their panties in a bunch over eating anything with a nervous system. Now imagine genetically engineering something for you to sit on lol

Now imagine genetically engineering something for you to sit on lol

Making lifeforms your bitch is the peak of chadhood.

But we can engineer them to LOVE being sat in, absolutely ecstatic!

don't they replace the nervous system with computers?

nobody on /tv/ wants to talk about it.

You need to make it into a race bait thread somehow else you can't realistically expect a response

Are metaphors for violent Muslins kino?

He who controls the bussy controls /r/drama

I must not seethe. Seethe is the mind-killer. Seethe is the little-lolcow that brings bantz obliteration. I will face my seethe. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its milking. Where the seethe has gone there will be nothing. Other lolcows will remain.

unironically tho

I read the first book and thought it was alright. Seems a bit overhyped, at a certain point the constant writing about the need for water and how they make use of every drop starts to feel a bit like a fetish. We get it, they live in a desert and water is valuable.

It's 'overhyped' for the same reason LOTR is -- it came first, and its author took it seriously enough to give it enough depth that you can write meaningful essays about it.

It started as a teacher's illustration of geopolitical reality of a single-resource economy being run out of a desert occupied by religious warriors, it just spun out.

But if you didn't read 2 and 3(and maybe seen the cover for 4) you missed basically everything that made the story what it was or special. You haven't seen the destiny Paul was working towards that they kept alluding to all throughout. It wasn't taking the throne. That was step 1.

Nah LOTR is much better than Dune. Thereā€™s tons of sci-fi more worthwhile than Herbertā€™s (Phillip Dick and Ursula Guin at least) but Tolkien is still pretty much the only fantasy author worth reading.

Who was talking about "better" or relative quality at all?

You sound simple.

One is overhyped, one isnā€™t.

Now notice the quotation marks.

Now rephrase in a way that actually corrects something I said.

It seems to me you were saying neither are overhyped which I disagree with.

Newsflash: I don't actually care what you or he thinks 'overhyped' means. That's why it's in quotes, that's why I was pointing to that as a clue earlier.

What I said about them being the same is that they both came first and had enough thought put into them that they can have meaningful essays written about them. More specifically, meaningful essays that explore geopolitical realities that aren't "basically anime themes" like "what is it to be human" and "why do I fight" and "why is the city so much worse than the country" like in your little android dreaming stories.

Guess what? They didn't literally come first either. Why not try to have a nitpicky argument about that? Oh right it's because you're simple.

I was just asserting an opinion but Iā€™d love to nitpick. Not only did Dune not ā€œtechnicallyā€ come out first, it was really the first to do anything. Saying it came out ā€œfirstā€ (whatever that even means) is just wrong, nothing technical about it. Science fiction was popular before Dune.

The publication of Lord of the Rings was a pretty big deal for fantasy that wasnā€™t written for children, though.

I was just asserting an opinion

That's a good way to phrase that. You were asserting it.

Science fiction was popular before Dune.

In the exact same way there was fantasy before Tolkien. With rare exception, "guy with a raygun and a jetpack fights martian Superman" stories in black and white serials and pulp fiction novels.

Comparing its popularity and audience and the scope of what was being produced pre and post Dune is a joke. Goddamn Star Wars was pillaged out of George Lucas reading Dune. However good it is, everything that happened since has been in some way been rooted in it or in something that was rooted in it.

That's how it came 'first'. It's the root of the family tree of semi-contemporary science fiction that matters to an alive person today.

I only previously mentioned two science fiction authors. One of the two, Dick, wrote their most popular novels before the publication of Dune and revived a Hugo award for one of them.

If you want a ā€œfirstā€ work of modern science fiction that was popular when published, the clear choice is Stranger in a Strange Land.

Tolkien is still pretty much the only fantasy author worth reading


The publication of Lord of the Rings was a pretty big deal for fantasy that wasnā€™t written for children, though.

What makes Tolkein worth reading if all the rest are not?

Philip Dick's work is so different from Dune that I really have to question why you would even compare them. šŸ™„


Funnily I have the same complaint about LOTR although I do recognize how important they were to innovate off of. Iā€™ll see about finishing 2, 3, and 4 one of these days, thanks


To give an example of what I mean by the turn it takes -- by the time 2 starts Paul's finished running a Jihad throughout the universe where they burned all the non-believers and we now live under a fully theocratic despot god-emperor. He's taken all his enemies from the previous book and thrown them into embarrassing and brutally subservient positions where they try to continue to undermine him from under his thumb.

He runs his universe like a brutal cold-hearted Kim or Mao or Stalin who demands to be worshipped as a messiah, a political leader and essentially as god himself. It becomes hard not to sympathize with the myriad forces who now conspire to bring him down as he barrels towards an even worse fate for himself that if he avoids, will result in the doom of all humanity.

Also I hope you aren't turned off by body horror and mutilation. And uteruses used for things you don't usually use uteruses for.

Dune fucks hard

Have you read GoD?

I never understood why reddit loves God Emperor of Dune so much, then I realized the main character is essentially a giant anthropomorphized uncircumcised penis that's constantly busting big brained logic bombs from his massive intake of drugs, it's the avergage reddit neckbeard's idealized state

Lol, look at this facedancel

Tfw the manlet Moneo is my favorite character of GoD.

I've read Dune, Messiah, and Children -- but its been like 10 years since I read any but the OG dune

How come you didn't read God Emperor of Dune?

I dunno man I was like 15 I probably just got burned out

Fair enough. Just pirate it if you're interested tho. Leto II > Paul


I kinda even liked the prequel trilogies(but I read a lot of Kevin J Anderson's SW novels as a kid). But I could not bring myself to read the "sequels".

Never read them. People from r/Dune hate it but I often don't trust the opinion of plebbitors.

Luke Skywalker is better then Paul atreides


The first chapter of the God Emperor is the most hardcore mindfuck in the history of writing, maybe ever. Maybe specifically by contrast with how really kinda tame the previous books were.

I read them all years ago and read the first again quite recently. Didn't his son write the last one or something? Robots n shit.

Dune was interesting in the 70's (middle east setting, space jihadists) but since everyone ripped it off it's less interesting to read today imho

Dune was interesting in the 70's

It was published in 1965. For the zoomer crowd that might not mean anything, because they see the past in terms of post-Fortnite and pre-Fortnite, but if you actually know history it's pretty interesting. He wrote this before the Palestinian fedayeen had gotten any attention, and of course long before the Islamic fundamentalist movements of the late 1970s.

I think he may have been partly inspired by the Senussis in Libya. I'm not sure what else. But I'd say it's really a product of the early 20th century American fascination with Arab culture.

The only space jihad I can think of is Pitch Black... And maybe in a low key way Firefly.

The eternal sand planet and people living on it, there are even explicits references to terrorism. (Feda'yin)

star wars for exemple

Dune is good but extremely overrated. I enjoy it but I wouldn't call it the pinnacle of literature like some people

Of course I'm also a pleb who thinks The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is near the pinnacle of literature, so maybe I'm not one to talk

Murakami is great but all of his books are 100 pages too long.

How long do you need to write about being stuck in a magical realist Japanese landscape before you repeat the same things over and over again.

While I understand that criticism, I'd also say it doesn't apply to Wind-Up Bird, which is what I was specifically referencing.

nothing beats doing lines of spice off of a qt native girls ass crack

I'd rather do it off of Tleilaxu bussy.

I read the original stuff 25 years ago and liked it but not enough to dive back in once his son started doing it. I actually prefer the lynch adaption over the more accurate syfy one from the early 2000s.

I wanna watch both but can't find them. šŸ˜©

You think anyone ever stuck thier Weiner in that instant-kill box?

No, because the man who did would obviously and unquestionably be the Kwisatz Haderach so the Bene Gesserit would have stopped searching.

Since Chani is played by Zendaya I bet Leto II will be played by a mulatto as well. šŸ‘€

The leads face is so fucking weird I canā€™t get into it. I donā€™t trust dudes with chins at sharp 60 degree angles.

No. Dune sucks.

You're mean.


God Emperor is borderline incomprehensible


Thatā€™s kind of the point tho

I read it and forgot what happens. I saw the movie and just remember some fatty floating around. what is even memorable about it aside from sand worms.

There's also Sting wearing a codpiece.

Isnt the new movie supposed to come put this year? How come theres no trailers yet?

Every blockbuster release keeps getting pushed back. Theyā€™d rather wait it out than go straight to rental streaming, even though that has worked out well for kidsā€™ movies.

Jokes aside I just finished rereading dune like last month & it's still one of my fave books, but the sequels really never did anything for me tbh


Opinions on the castings for Dune 2020?

Dune is pretty cool I guess. Itā€™s nothing special though. It gets pretty dumb after book 2. I stopped at 4.

Cool shit, but the later books get nonsensical.

It is It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed,

The lips acquire stains,

The stains become a warning.

It is It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

Dune is as dry as the setting.

Also, I can't believe any publisher allowed the random stream of characters' consciousness without any quotation marks.

Yikers šŸ˜¬

Yes. Pizza is our own Kwisatz Haderach.



No. Next question

You must learn to post without rhythm

might have to re-read it after i finish dragonbone chair again

I love the original series by Frank, but I'm worried that this movie is just gonna make my enjoyment of the series drop.


Onlyfans turns our daughters into an economy of whores

Emperor battle for dune was a good ame