Redditor is really butthurt that тнотs can make cash on onlyfans.

37  2020-07-14 by sup3r_hero


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that chick looks like a fuckin dog lol. if you’re gonna pay for porn at least pay for someone hot

She’s probably just ugly enough to make simps think they have a chance while still being far less hideous than any wom-n actually in their league.

The old, redpilled posts on the OKcupid blog showed that average-looking women got much more attention than gorgeous models.

Because the simp thinks he has a chance

The guys who pay for onlyfans are mentally ill and lonely, it’s pretty much an exploitive business

This dumb bitch somehow got let go at a weed dispensary.

How r-slurred do you have to be to fuck that up?

99% of ways to make money are fine, but not that, takes zero effort or smarts

Yeah, well sitting on a bunch of stocks/bonds and collecting dividends doesn’t really require a lot of intelligence or effort either and yet it’s the best paying job in a capitalist society. For some reason I doubt you’re too concerned about those people benefitting from doing no work. Because you’re bothered more from the fact that she’s profiting off of something you think you deserve for free and not any actual societal injustices.

shocked by the level of dividendphobia and blatant hypocrisy in this comment. Shareholder rights are human rights and its disgusting to see bigoted statements like this. Being a shareholder is a real job, just like how being a Landlord is a real job. Shareholders are a vulnerable community that face discrimination every day, and hateful attitudes like this are literal violence that needs to stop.

As a person of land myself, I find these attacks very offensive. Remember, silence is violence in the face of PoL-phobia.

if it's that easy to buy a bunch of stocks and bonds and make profits with no effort, why aren't redditors already doing that 🤔

As my neighbour always says "stocks only go up"

Us landlords and venture capitalists are more oppressed than any minority in modern america.

Also, investing in stocks implies enormous risks (not during covid tho, now it's so retardedly easy to make money it's frightening)

You should not be able to make mass amounts of money just by nudes ever, fuck the incels who buy that shit

It’s the incels who are complaining about girls making money off of it. Why are you the gatekeeper of what is ok to make money from?

Its the incels who are subscribing to that shit lmao, 99% of ways to make money are fine, but not that, takes zero effort or smarts

Pretty sure he’s just a legit incel and not a troll.

“You’re an incel”

“No, you’re an incel”

“Nope, you’re an incel”

“Actually, you’re an incel”

I hate foids as much as the next arrdrama user, but it's pretty based to make money off of idiots and simps.


Kill all american children

Yo based

Between $3,000 to $6,000 per month depending on the month, on average, some months less, some months more

Reddit seething at numbers that are basically state UI + CARES. OP could have earned the same income by filing unemployment for the past four months 😂.

Unemployment isn't paying out 70k a year. lol

I can see why she needs to make an only fans account if that comment made any sense to her.

OnlyFans entrepreneurs help ensure market rationality by depriving simps of their money. Can you imagine if those lonely men influenced capital investment? Our society would topple in minutes.

That does it, it's time to go all in... I'll be purchasing an aftermarket cleenus so I can rake in the big bucks 🤑🤑🤑