[Semi effortpost/still hot drama] Big is beautiful drama on SRD. Fat SRDines RISE UP against fat shaming. Is the woman in the linked video fat? Does America have a problem with obesity? Is BMI useless? Is it misogynist to call fat women fat?😬

78  2020-07-14 by SilenceCarny


The comments in this thread are why we're going to get banned.

I hate all of you.

Are fatties even a protected class on reddit under the new rules?

They're the majority in America, so no

You missed a spot jannie

Shut the fuck up


We can’t even talk shit about fat people? America is so fucked


Imagine being 30+ and being a reddit mod 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yet true, you'd literally be more useful to society as a literal jannie than a metaphorical one

You're the first and only gaу(queеr? bi?) dude I've ever seen that doesn't revel in misogyny and fat-hating, it's bizarre

What gives?

I like laughing at behavior. I don't care if someone is a woman or fat.


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uh oh

Here's why that's a good thing.

You're right, i cleaned my own mess




Don't pretend you give a shit about their health, you don't. You just don't like fat people


Being fat is a sin. Change my mind.

It 100% is and not just because gluttony is such an egregious sin. God made us in His image and by becoming fat you are defiling that image.

God is a fattie and americans are the chosen people, deal with it cathcucks

Jesus was also most likely a 5'1"-5'5" manlet based on skeletons of fellow male Galilean Jews of his time, hence why so many manlets 🤏 with low self-esteem who cannot find a girlfriend are internet tradcathcucks ✝️🗡️🛡️🇲🇽

All god does is sit in heaven and twiddle his dick. He’s probably fat as shit too.

I have no idea about religions as a whole, but I know that in Christianity Gluttony is a sin and in Islam being fat is a sin as well.

But both of these religions followers ignore that shit like the plague.

Which couldn't be considered true, now that we have an actual pandemic and retards still go out of their way to catch it lmao.

I'm sorry but this is one of the stupidest takes I've ever read in my life.

Sin, as a biblical concept, is by definition something only humans are capable of.



Listen, sweaty, you're a bigot. Go put your dick between some jelly rolls ASAP to purify yourself of such unnecessary ham beast hate.

Forgive me for i have sinned

I'm so mad that I'm banned from /r/subredditdrama, I so desperately want to be a shit head to people over there. :(

If only there was some way people could comment in a subreddit they are banned from on this website that allows anyone to make a free anonymous account.

Too much effort.

These fatties are why the healthcare system is so fucking clogged


Phillipians 3:19

Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.

Let people be people; fat, skinny, whatever. Their "choices" don't effect you in any meaningful way, so don't be a dick about it

Obesity drives U.S. health care costs up by 29 percent, varies by state

This is why america will never get free health care, cause those fucks ruin their body constantly per day, the amount of obese people i saw in america was ridiculous I couldn’t believing my eyes, thought there was a fat convention nearby

Bongs are fat and have it tho

Burgers are on a different level though.

Outside of america most people have never seen someone over 400lbs in real life.

Meanwhile, every single Walmart in America is just a Little Kentucky

Nowhere besides America could you have multiple seasons of a show called ‘My 600lb Life’

No man you don't understand. Bongs are all fat. But you're never going to see people on the level of straight up OBESE you find in America. Shit's wild.

A while back I read that it actually ends up saving money in the long run because they die earlier and we don't have to pay for their healthcare into old age.

Don't know if it's true or not.

If they have a pension it might

That’s for smokers, not sure about fats

That's not why we'll never get "free" healthcare. We totally won't ever get that shit, I mean, but that's not why. It's because we are raised from the day we're parked in front of a tv to believe that success is a zero-sum struggle.

RIP r/brapbarn

Lmao first I heard about this, wtf was that sub about?

implying that the obese aren't human

You can't stay here, you have to go back.

Correctly say smoking, antivax, and not wearing a mask are all public health problems, but be too childishly selfish about your own eating disorder to admit the same about obesity.


I'd expect it to be at least 200%

Misogyny and body shaming go hand in hand. Fat men are considered unattractive but still funny, smart, capable, human. Fat women are considered unattractive, therefore absolutely worthless.

Maybe because they don't pretend to be hot

thats what happens when your only value as a person is your appearance

Bingo lol

:( women contribute in this world more than just appearance...

The difference is that fat guys embrace the fact that they’re fat and become the funny fat guy. Fat women meanwhile can’t help but seethe at their own obesity that they caused, and this seething is taken out on everyone else. No one wants to be around one

Fat men are considered unattractive but still funny, smart, capable, human. Fat women are considered unattractive, therefore absolutely worthless.

Where is the lie tho?

The shaming of women is overwhelmingly carried out by women. Blaming it on misogyny is utter garbage.

Also tubby chick's are better in bed, you can quote me on that.

Noone is going to quote you, because of where you put that fucking apostrophe.

Deal with it you big greasy scrotum!

How would you know?

Fat men are considered unattractive but still funny, smart, capable, human. Fat women are considered unattractive, therefore absolutely worthless.

Wtf is the sardine talking about? fat f*ids have always been amazing comedy character types, fat female characters in fiction tend to be associated with authority and maternal figures.

Fat f*ids either make great villains or great allies, they're also very memorable and have an iconic design as they occupy majority of the TV screen 📺👈🤣

I’m a huge women’s gymnastics fan and there’s a HUGE problem in that sport with eating disorders and these (often teenage) athletes starving themselves before big competitions (this is often the result of abusive coaching as well).

Starving yourself for a competition and then going back to normal isn't an eating a disorder.

Is BMI useless?

Lol this is in reference to someone who is as wide as they are tall.

pretending like only gymnasts do that

theres nothing a little adderall, phenibut and a treadmill cant fix

athletes starving themselves before big competitions

As if Jorge Masvidal didn't just do way worse than that last week. Shit, I remember doing that when I wrestled in High School. I guess it's only a massive societal issue when girls do it.

Abused people always normalise their abuse. It's sad. I hope you get help.

Starving yourself for a competition and then going back to normal isn't an eating a disorder.

I don't wanna seriouspost (who am I kidding, I always want to seriouspost) but uhhhhhh wtf else is it??? Hmmm???

MMA fighters do it for weight class measurements the day before, bodybuilders do it to add definition and gymnasts do it so when they bend all the way backwards they don't accidentally poop in their own mouth

nice 1

Mashallah 🙏

This decadence must be dealt with, brother

Morbid obesity just means BMI of 40+, it can look different for different people. An average height woman only has to be like 235lbs to hit that.

How is 235lbs at an average height not considered to be an outrageously high number? People's perception of weight in modern America is so skewed.

When Homer Simpson was created in the late 80’s, he was 6’ 240lbs.

That was the caricature of a ridiculously out of shape slob.

Now we’re here.


In most South American shitholes the fattest of all fatties who get constantly told to lose weight tend to be 100kg maximum unless you drink a lot of beer or have enough money to constantly eat in expensive restaurants, but now Amerimutts consider 235lbs/106kg as "only" and try to excuse it as normal?

The absolute state of 🍔's

Who would have thought that Sardines are fat as fuck and have no one to love them, due to their sad diagnosis of being Terminally Online. :/

But humans aren’t just machines that consume calories and convert them into energy lol

The absolute level of cope.

The idea of SRDines calling anyone an incél is hilarious. Defending m'fatty's honor is the biggest fucking spare a crumb cope from pathetic projectioneer smoothebrain onion faced losers

She's just average.

So this is what they consider average.

You can’t be fat and attractive

I'm trying to think of an example that could prove you wrong but there really aren't any, are there?

Maybe some weightlifter with good genes who hides the fat well?

Good stuff, they always get so het up when someone says obese.

That was actually surreal. I made some joke earlier today in the vein of "feel like we're a few months a way from people considering mathematics and physics to be microaggressions," but seeing people triggered over someone explaining weight loss/gain is a thermodynamic equation - well I guess we're already there.

Bringing up anorexia when discussing obesity is the all lives matter of eating disorders.

Like 1% of people are anorexic. Over 40% of Americans are obese. I will admit anorexic deaths are more tragic because at least they were hot before they died, but still

Shaming fat people does nothing to actually encourage them to lose weight.

It really does though. At the risk of outing myself as a former fat, people made fun of me being a fatty when I was a kid. I thought about what I ate because of that. I would eat a whole pizza at once and not even be particularly full.

I learned that I just love overeating, but if you overeat a bunch of fish and vegetables instead of pizza you don't get fat. Football, weightlifting, and running helped too.

Bullying fatties is a kindness.

Umm isn't it a bad faith argument if your only defending obesity because you are obese

Conflict of interest

I went through your post history trying to see if i could find some proof you were fat, but instead i read a bunch of stuff that reminded me of my sister.


they're right though that you can't shame the fat away. what you have to do is work with the fat person and tax them an additional amount based on their fat percentage.

shame smokers

It's effective!

shame fatties

You can't do that!



It's literally thermodynamics

... fam, you realize that EVERYTHING is literally thermodynamics, right?

For instance, it is entirely accurate for me to say that you being an unabashed (and incorrect) asshole here is literally thermodynamics. You are literally expending heat and various forms of chemical energies with your hateful, bullshit rhetoric

Stop trying to sound smart

The removal of pinging must have been the worst crime against humanity since 19th amendment

The fat girl is pretty and clearly has a hot girl life

has never seen someone living the "hot girl" life





Of course netabareking is involved. They're the most prototypical SRDine I've ever come across. That Chapo used to stalk me and downvote everything I posted (lmao) because I once dunked on them back when average Redditors thought being a Biden supporter = rape apologist. Every single comment they post is absolutely seething.

If that [fat fuck] were a dude you wont get comments like that.
