Queen RBG hospitalized

83  2020-07-14 by Barrack-HusseinObama


Lmao if she dies from Covid then that would be great for dramacoin

Dibs making a post in conspiracy about how Daddy had her assassinated.

It would probably get more upvotes in r/politics

Brb applying for journalist position

Heres your checkmark ☑️

Please explain the crab thing to me, I'm begging you

It’s from the crab rave meme. Anytime someone important would die it would just be a “____ is dead” while they dance lmao.

For years I've not understood and I'm incredibly underwhelmed, thank you though

Lefty memes in a nutshell

Why did this catch on again? It just reminds me of AHScels.

The video was released on April fool's 2018 and was originally a rightoid meme. But since the chapo lacks originality, xhe appropriated it for their own use

Culture Vultures smh

The video was released on April fool's 2018 and was originally a rightoid meme.

no, it was a music meme. it's from a fake spinoff (that would supposedly only release animal themed songs) of an edm label (monstercat) that got big because they allow people to use their music on twitch. it was a good meme

I was taking about how it was a rightoid meme in the politicosphere. I know Monstercat put that song out (on April fool's 2018)

crab dance

Especially if her replacement opponents still opposes Trump. Nothing like 3 Supreme Court justices and still losing.

Covid that is linked to the BLM protests would be ideal

Man can you imagine the leftist in-fighting? Holy shit

They're way ahead of you, we've already had articles on how BLM protests lower transmission rates. This is all the fault of those crazy anti-mask pro-2A stochastic terrorists.

sweaty if huwaities never brought BLM here as slaves then they wouldn't be able to give u corvid. checkmate chud

I can't wait to see leftoids and rightoids cope with the cognitive dissonance as they exactly swap positions on "we can't appoint a new justice so soon before the election!"

Why didn’t she just retire when Obama was president?

She was 100% certain Hillary Clinton would win, and she wanted the first female President to appoint her successor.

And now she'll die and watch from hell as Drumpfy replaces her with a male republitard lol

Trump should replace her with Sean Hannity for maximum seethe.

Judge Judy.

Excellent choice tbqh

Aw fuck it would be genius but she hates him

Even funnier

Honestly, if I were Trump, I would throw out names of liberal judges just for "consideration" to the public just to watch people automatically attack them.


I hope he picks one of those baste token black conservatives. Will be very good for drama to see dems against more institutional power for black people lmao

Dems use FBI to investigate rape accusations against the nominee, leak it to the media and hold a public hearing where an actual murderer questions him on character. Call him an Uncle Tom on TV, in Movies, in papers, in articles and everywhere in between. Insist he's stupid and a dark skinned puppet of the Republican party.

Clarence Thomas

This would be much much more vicious though, and much more important given the 2020 elections. Dems will go for total war since they think they'll win 2020 and won't allow getting cucked at the supreme court when its /their turn/. But yeah considering they did all of that to Clarence in much less partisan times, I can't imagine how far they would go to own the cheetoman now. juicy!


What's the drama potential if he picks a white woman?

pretty minimal tbh. best drama outcome would be a textualist constitutionalist, who is against judicial activism, from some ethnic demographic that democrats haven't. the seethe usually comes when they don't get to grand stand about being the first party to nominate the ethnicity. Regan nominated the first woman SCJ and Bush Sr. replaced the first black SCJ, Thurgood Marshall, with Clarence Thomas.

A woman would cause seethe but a man opens up the sexual assault rerun. Crunching the numbers however it looks like this gives us the best drama result:

  • Asian Female
  • Ancestors left commie brutality in Asia for America
  • Textualist
  • Catholic
  • White Husband
  • Non Ivy League Law Degree
  • Vague accusations of previous racism

goddamn we have drama actuaries now

I can finally put my area of study to use and work on Drama volatility analysis. Who said finance can't be fulfilling and useful?

instead of VIX we can call the Drama volatility index DIX

Drama GARCH but with all heteroscedasticity disappearing in 2016. No mode uncertainty, no more variance, drama can only go up up up until we overdose

Native American (but white passing), textualist, bottom tier law school would be optimal imo. I somehow can't see woke people dunking on a native justice, but Dems will so even more left infighting inshallah

Hopi mommy fits the bill. She has previous nominations from both Bush and Obama and endorsements from McCain... so idk if Trump would nominate her.

If it's Amy Coney Barrett, then potentially massive


Justice Thomas is pretty good so just clone him 8 times

No, the next on the judge list was this super conservative Catholic lady. Forgot her name.


They're gonna Weekend-At-Bernies her until the election in the hope that Biden wins.

I feel like they've been doing that for 4 years

Risky play to weekend-at-Bernie's both her and Biden at the same time.


Please, it’s R-slurican.

R-tard and D-bag

Good one.

If you think Trump is in a position to get a Supreme Court justice nominated, then I've got a bottle of penis-lengthening pills to sell you.

with Mitch McConnell in the Senate, anything is possible

You can bet that some recalcitrant senators will have gotten a horse head in their beds before the vote happens.

She even interfered in that election, which was and still is unbelievable to me.

Even wsb retards wouldn't be so careless about risk holy shit. Given the stakes, even a 1% chance of trump winning is immense considering her own age and the importance of her position

That’ll be the question everyone asks when Daddy nominates another angry college beer man to get speedrun any% through to the bench before November.

How common are strategic supreme court retirements anyway? I don't remember any before Kennedy.

She doesn't realize the power of memes

Old woman might die, but for real this time guys.

Every time this happens it's reminiscent of "Bernie can still win!" posters.

I mean it's bound to be true at some point. Unless she becomes immortal just to own the drumpft, which I could see happening at this point

This bitch is like 90 years old. She’s gonna die sooner or later

I did the average age math for deaths a while ago. There's like a 89% chance of her dying if trump wins again. Even more when you consider the frequency of her cancers and what not.

Lmfao bruh. I understand that RBG looks like an antediluvian vampire, but I assure you that her mortality is more of an imminent reality than Bernie ever winning a primary. 😂

"She was just hospitalized? No, that's too bad," Trump said in the White House Rose Garden. "No, I wish her the best. She's actually giving me some good rulings."

Classic Drumpf

Again? We need a age cap for government positions, you hit 65 and you're retired like everybody else

This would probably make it rough to fill the SC tbh.

Not only because most qualified judges are up there in years already, but because as they got older you'd just still stalling tactics.

Term limits would make more sense than age limit.

The point is to make the judges completely detached from any biais term limits or age limits could induce. If a judge knows his term is almost up or that he needs to retire soon, he/she may rush their decisions or try to do "the right" thing before their time is up. And if they don't have to think about their future after the supreme court, you don't have to worry about them making decisions that would favor their next career

But the biggest reason there's no term limits is that it would make some elections and presidential terms much more important than others and predictably so. Either you have short term limits and get much more partisan "do as much as possible for my side so that I get a nice job afterwards" short termism or you get presidents that will be able to have a disproportionate influence if he gets to pick 8 judges with longer terms. And even if the terms don't all end at the same time, you still end up with even more predictably important elections with some administrations having an outsized influence. Death on the other hand isn't something you can really predict

Based and federalistpilled

Only thing america got right is their incredibly based founding fathers and constitutional texts that are clear and concise. As a Leaf with a mongoloid shit tier "constitution" with no actual structure or coherence, I really have a hard on for the federal system and institutions of the US. It's all Based and enlightened tbh and the only reason why the US didn't turn into mexico

shall not be infringed

What did they mean by this?

acshually you're a textualist retard and no one actually meant "shall not be infringed " when they said shall not be infringed. grow up. Anyways, heavily restricting and regulating a right isn't infringement, it's just common sense. You can still buy a black powder musket and nothing in the second amendment mentions assault machine gun rifles.

This is how we know you're a leaf


I even used "acschually" bro. Did you also need /s ? 🤔

don't even joke about stepping

bestgunnit died for that

Based tbh, if I was american I would autistically defend the 2nd amendment and be a single issue voter tbh. You guys are the only people in the world that still have the god given right to arm yourselves. Don't ever let that slip away, because it sure won't be coming back 🤔

Not understanding sarcasm is how we know you are a smooth brained FAS survivor.

What did they mean by "a well-regulated militia"?

We all in the militia, son. Even cripples.

The point is to make the judges completely detached from any biais

This has literally never been the case. They say that but biases are impossible to ignore.

Of course, but why add more biais? Humans are biaised, but having to think about careers or time limits in general makes them much, much more prone to biais. The point is to limit what can affect human nature, not just deny it

hur dur we lost lets change the rules

peak left

yo are you retarded? how is arguing against term limits leftism? "Noooo RGB lived for too long so fuck the Constitution we need term limits now cause it's unfair for rightoids 😭😭😭😭" but I'm the one who wants to change the rules l m a o

I mean changing the rules is leftism. The rules themselves aren't even that bad.

yo are you retarded?

well I am here

It's called amendment and is part of every constitution, rзtard

They do the “right thing” for posterity already tho what’s your point

I love how no one has faith in the American system nor it's high ranking lawmakers enough to assume any credible appointment will remain neutral and unbiased

The whole reason they're appointed for life is so that they'd stay free of political pandering and judge based on justice, yet burgers managed to split even them down party lines 😒😒

One day a demogogue will say "let's just ignore the Supreme Court" and drag half the country with him.

Wasn’t that essentially what Andrew Jackson, /ourpresident/, did?


yes, fdr said that, more or less

Gorsuch just voted to give half of Oklahoma away and the boofer said trans rights are human rights and people still think SC justices are partisan hacks

not only that but they have been majorly appointed by republican administrations for decades now yet still somehow they are not helping herr drumph create the 4th reich.

Wasn't it that dem justices were mostly partisan hacks while repub ones are more principled due to advanced autism?

Some R judges are also partisan hacks, but yes, Republicans usually employ autists, since they generally want things to stay the same, but sometimes it backfires because autism always supercedes loyalty.

stares at you in Alito and Thomas

Should've been clearer, reps are sometimes actually unpartisan while dems basically never are

Fun reminder, Scalia died 11 months before inauguration day and Obama was a retard trying to play the party game the whole time while we're going to live in a world where half the Supreme Court was appointed by Cheeto Supreme the day after she croaks.

live in a world where half the Supreme Court was appointed by Cheeto Supreme

Stacked Supreme Court still rules in favor of hecking valid femalefacers

Unironic r/politics posting 🤢

I just called Obama a retard and said he didn't do something that he should have and Trump will do, I'd be lynched out of there.

The only /r/realpolitik thing I did was call the most dangerously cheesy man in America a Cheeto.

Drumpf Ginsberg is finished this time!!!

After this many times, she must be doing it on purpose.

Goddamn sickly old Supreme Court justices. They're just in it for the attention. 😒

The Arch Lich Ginsburg requires another sacrifice. Who amongst you is woke enough to offer your soul as tribute?

That bitch has been dead for three years, change my mind.

"Weekend at Ruth's" is a movie I would contract covid to watch.

Dying to own the libs, a true inspiration.

She's sucking down baby stem cells like water and postponing the inevitable just to fuck with the orange man and it's hilarious. Even if her 95% synthetic body drops dead before the election, they're going to stall any appointment until after the election. The drama will be more delicious than those fetuses she's sucking down

Just Color Me Yikes K 😿😾😾

Holy shit [insert word starting with L]

I went long on her or boogie dying earlier this year


Oh she dead. Think trump will appoint a replacement?

Of course, do you think we would wait til 2025 to do it?

Forgot to add "again" in the title.

She will emerge from her supercooled stasis chamber more powerful than before.

Getting those new batteries installed no doubt.


Ruth Gader Binsburg

You baggy old cock tease.


Crossing your fingers for someone to live or die based on your beliefs is stupid . Why are there no term limits?


RBG's soul won't leave her body until a strong womxn of color becomes the president

2020 will mark the end of me: dying of popcorn overdose.

almost gave me a heart attack op