Zoomers at PCM do thoughtcrime by upvoting rock chucker, leftoids debate whether or not the political compass is nazi propaganda.

63  2020-07-15 by Darwinthebeast


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1: Just checking in to let you know r/Drama is still a right wing sub for right wingers.

It's not the first time I've been called a rightoid but it's still funny

Sharia transcends the left/right binary

Islamic law is actually neoliberal and therefore radical centrist.

I will give you a taste of my shoe kafir


Dude you have to give me that flair.

At first I was like, "no it's mine" but then I realized that it will confuse people and that's good.

LMAO thx your are the greatest jannie on reddit. 😘

Thanks 🤗

Everybody is going to think you're my alt now lol. You could use that to your advantage

Deus Alt! Inshallah.

When the great janniecide finally comes, I will let you hide in my attic.

You're one of the few who deserves to survive.


dumb drama best drama


Convert to pure oid-ism and rise above wrongoids.

Hating the state = facism, apparently.

Yikes, it's current year, not the last year. Not left wing=fascism. Do better.

facism and bodyism are the enemies of incels and women everywhere, inshallah

I'm starting to be convinced that the 2 axis political compass is fascist propaganda to lure simple minded people into believing that libright is possible, then radicalize them further.

This doesn't make a lick of sense. Chapofugees are brain dead.

Buy property and then make them pay you to live in it 👑

Based and landlordpilled

Male<>Female is a spectrum, but political discourse is a binary.


I now want to see a 2d gender compass.

One axis with likes bussy<-->likes gussy

One axis with moid<---->foid


Sexuality isn't quite gender though.

Tell that to Tumblr.

Sexuality isn't quite gender though.

Preferring genitals over people is transphobic as fuck tho.

Nothing wrong with being transphobic af in current year plus five though. Everyone is transphobic af nowadays.

then why's that T come after LGB? :')

One axis for genitals, the other axis for outward appearance.

Yeah, I thought about that, though it's pretty weird. And maybe there should be two of them, for each biological sex.

There's a complementary compass for sexual preferences that automatically produces futa and what's the opposite of futa.

Tomboys are the opposite of futas.

Oh. Makes sense. Huh.

Yes, being pro liberty is the first step. The second is imprisonning all straight "people".



-- Prolly someone who would flair xirself as libleft at /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Literal schizoposting

I hope everyone who has ever posted on or shared something from that sub cries themself to sleep because they dont deserve happiness

Leftoids would die for a cartoonist like stonetoss

Except one day he would do something like say the word "stupid" and then would get cancelled for ableism.

Leftoids are incapable of not destroying humor because humor is inherently transgressive. And modern day leftism is allergic to even the mildest transgression.

Probably right. The problem is that they are basically the Christian Rock bands from the early 2000’s. They are chained to a bloated message that doesn’t fit the medium and can’t compete with edginess.

There is a lefty stonetoss, he just copies the art and joke style (but worse), he goes by spergzy, and they already had a fit about the "sperg" in his name.


Lmao retard

R.I.P r/fascistspergzy


Yeah you’re right, also they tend to write bible versicle length texts into their memes

In the beginning, there was Spergzy... And they/xir/xim said: "Let there be a meme."


And it was bad?


they have the “i am very intelligent” guy, but i think it must be the only comic he’s ever drawn because it’s all they ever share

That comic is just their excuse to have 100 funko pops and call themselves communists

Libright doesn't exist. It is a paradoxical term.

Libertarian capitalism will only create monopolies.

Capitalism requires a state.

So, librights are fascists.


Libertarian capitalism will only create monopolies.

By this logic Ancoms can't exist because anarchy will only create hierarchy.


That’s how we’ve come to the conclusion that the lib quadrants are pretty much pointless 🤗


Except pretty much every monopoly ever was created by or with the help of government. Lol.

Wait that board game is being distributed by the state?

State mandated Catan when?

capitalism requires a state

An actual 0 iq take. Huh. Neat.

They should check out Montenegro and other small euro countries that exist just because they local mafia wanted a country to itself to do legitimate business

Or, like, two people exchanging goods for different goods.

Capitalism is just trade. It's all it is.

I guess they mean capitalism can’t flourish without the state enforcing the underlying system. Jokes on them, corporations can do that too

memes are inherently left wing

Most massive cope I've seen

"Ideas are inherently left wing. Nonono, no-one else is allowed to have ideas! D:"


I thought that was just a joke about that sub overreacting to everything

Libright is possible, it's just sovereign citizens and lolibertarians who are still under mommy and daddy's health care coverage, not some Wyoming rancher battling BLM (the Federal variety).

Libright is anarchy lite cmv

I forgot to add tech billionaires who want the freedom to have blood boys without having to pay for more security than what's need for their compounds. Can't handle securing the road to their yacht.

[the] political compass] also attempts to get people to specifically define fascism as exactly what happened in Nazi Germany and/or fascist Italy.

So actual Fascism rather than a meaningless buzzword.

Who would have thought the subreddit of "actually moderates are fascists" would also think libertarians are fascists.

Also lol @ the many comments to the effect of "All of these caricatures are correct except for lib left. Lib left is WORDSWORDSWORDS."

Their nuance and self awareness is staggering.

Those literal high school students commenting their ages on there are simultaneously the funniest and most pathetic thing I've ever seen.

These are the kids that got bullied and probably sit on the weeb table at lunch

weeb table


Faces of atheism n.0

How the fuck did reddit ban CTH and MTC but not this garbage they’re literally promoting a nazi.

Cope chapofugee

Remember when /r/photos promoted anti-Semitic pro-2A groups? o.o

Man communist are the worst. They just act so smug while also being dumb shits. At least trumpbois know they are stupid.

To quote a random stranger from R6: "I don't need an excuse, I'm just fucking garbage!"


I mean what other ideology accidentally kills millions out of sheer incompetence.

that entire sub is literally the seething wojak that has the smug mask on

for a second I though pcm had gone to the shiter than I realized nobody had flairs.

The people in that thread are so boring. They just keep spewing out the same buzzwords and essays.

That’s why Stonetoss is so dangerous. He’s managed to make his Nazi comic palatable to a “moderate” audience with his less (explicitly) racist stuff, which in turn allows the crazy shit to be spread around further than it might normally be.

If I had the ability to make so many people seeeethe I would die happy

"Moderate", so the audience isn't moderate?

"Less explicitly racist stuff", so the audience is already slightly racist?

"Which in turn allows it to be spread further than it might normally be." B-but, burgerland and euroop are built on mayo-supreme-acy and it's internalised!!!


When will they make up their minds? xD

God damn it here they are posing the "why hasn't this subreddit been banned yet" question. Surely PCM is on borrowed time.

I know /r/drama is convinced that the admins love us and we hold some special space in the metasphere. That admins like to "hang out" here. All that may be true. But one day, if this subreddit retains half its quality and basedness they will come for us.

Reddit will eventually be so sterile that it will be unrecognizable.

It will become a more autistic version of Pinterest

Pinterest barely exists

Don’t tell that to that one client that pays me real money to update and curate their pins and boards weekly.

It’s basically a zombie and it’s so counterintuitive to navigate

you have no contact with foids I see

God damn right I don't

All of R*ddit will eventually be r/funny

Which would be sad, but unironically funny.

Leftoids aren’t used to seeing memes with less than 40 characters...

"Not quite,

Satire isn't about humor-it's about critical analysis of its subject. Parody is strictly about humor, while satire can be but doesn't HAVE to be humorous.

If one finds a bit of satire to be humorous, that's a result of their tasts/preferences, but Jreg isn't always satirical or doing parody-

He's weasley & engages in hot-take anti-centrism that portrays EVERY side as being equally reprehensible, when in fact, they're not

And that the only reasonable means of engaging with any of them is thru hyperbolic portrayals which helps out the right-wing more than the left-wing, for reasons I hope would seem obvious

Have you seen his subreddit r/Jreg ? If not-go there & take a shot/toke for every mask-off fascist you find in the comments"

Fuck me this has to be one of the worst 'i know what funny is' rants I've seen in a while

It's like these guys wouldnt even laugh at "dude bussy lmao"

The funniest thing is librights are a lot more critical of actual power in my experience. Even people like James Corbett. I have never seen a single libleft criticize the FED for example, they just uncritically buy into every mainstream media narrative and think they're brave dissidents because they listen to chomsky and talk about how racist capitalism is.

1: The only thing Nazis should be given is a swift death.

2: I’m not gonna complain if they get a slow and painful one, though.

1: Me neither, but a bullet to the head is certainly more time and cost efficient.

Daily reminder that these people can barely function on a daily basis because of “muh anxiety”, let alone actually kill someone.



The problem with that comic isn't that it was made by Stonetoss, it's that it's completely uncreative and unfunny. It's the type of political compass meme that might've been funny a couple of years ago, if that.

XKCD is the most Reddit thing of all time and still leagues better than stone toss. The only comic artists worse than stone toss is existentialist comics, who confuses reference with humor.

If Stone Toss is an MDEfugee, the Existential Comics guy is a SRDine. 🤢

The fact that stonetoss comics generate so much seething and drama makes them the best comics on the internet tbh

The only good comics are really good comics and electric raterd

"Fuck off you hag! Women should only be allowed to say 50 words a day!"

"Piss off!"

"48 left!"