Leaf-cels in shambles when it's mathematically proven that their country sucks

13  2020-07-15 by newsmachineplus


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Its weird that these "people" are so adamant that they can live up to the USA in terms of consumerist opportunities. The whole point of living in Canada is that you get healthcare, safety, security and good schooling

By all accounts you could be making shithole-tier wages and still be privileged compared to most other people on the planet, how is that not good enough?

how is that not good enough?

What a pathetically low bar. Being poor is not noble, it's disgraceful. The top 1% of Canadians only make as much as the top 9% of Americans and that's pre-tax. The US has at least 9x as many people living like the Canadian "elite" per capita. Canadians should feel great shame for being so poor.

Even the Chinese students in Canada can't even flex like the Chinese students in America. Its sad.

My favorite people in college were the random Chinese kids who would pull up to Taco Bell at 1am in a Lambo covered in ricer stickers dressed in sweats, walk in, ask for some hot sauce packets, then leave.

Nothing else ever made me feel so poor, not even the Saudi guys who had been freshmen for 4 years straight somehow and would just go drop 8k at the strip club on a Tuesday night.

You just described my friend, Mohammed. His dad only gave him $3,000 a week so his mom gave him $1,000 more.

Chad Muslim dabbin on the beta Americans

I was the captain of the uni rugby team, he had to bang hookers. I am very envious of his wealth, but not his inability to get laid.

His dad only gave him $3,000 a week so his mom gave him $1,000 more.

Poorcel by Saudi standards.

Ya, I live where some of the Saudi royalty lived. I know 2 people who were given cars by a prince because the princes dont buy gasoline, they just buy a new car.

At least they get to flex on leaf.

No one is claiming that its "noble" to be poor, and "healthcare, safety, security and good schooling" are far from a low bar. Bait better

Also, its probably less than the top 1% that make as much as the top 9% of Americans, since taxes at that income level for us are much higher

Societies shouldn't be judged by how they treat their losers and failures, but instead by how high the winners can soar. The US is the best country in the world, by a large margin, for people who aren't miserable failures. Canada needs to stop treating successful people so poorly.

Canada needs to stop treating successful people so poorly

Our top 0.1% are fine, trust me; the rest will remain paypigs for the unwashed masses they support 😎😎 If youre not rich enough to flex on other rich people, you shouldnt be allowed to brag

This make no sense. A society can absolutely be judged on how it treats the less fortunate.

Winners can “soar” just as much as they are without crushing and judging the poor as failures. The two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Your comment indicates a complete lack of wealth and will be ignored. Please try again after creating value for society.


It’s usually the opposite lol. Poor people hating on other poors to sound tougher and stronger while the actual rich act compassionate and condemn society for its failures.

Poor people hating on other poors to sound tougher and stronger

see: this sub

larping as rich chads is the worst thing to happen to this sub since the pinging ban. shit's painfully unfunny

This place really has turned into just another boring rightoid hangout

i don't even know if it's our resident career refugees doing that rich larping shit mostly, though they're definitely annoying.

it's just another example of people with poor social skills seeing a joke that's funny one place, misunderstanding why and spamming it literally everywhere. this is just worse than the others because it's just srdine tier smugposting with a "haha i was just pretending" excuse in front of it.

It’s more than unfunny, it shows a lack of understanding of humour and compassion that it is honestly disheartening.

Sounds like some f*ggot logic to me

I agree that the individual should be able to do whatever the fuck he wants if he has the resources to do it that and doesn’t harm anyone in the process.

I disagree that a society can treat poor people as inconsequential drudges.

Sounds like some f*ggot logic to me

Let’s agree to say that you are wrong

smh such wealthphobic language

The US spends a higher % of GDP on social welfare than Canada does, so I guess Canada needs to stop treating the less fortunate so poorly too, eh?

Ok bro that’s not how % works lmfao

Canadi*ns should feel shame no matter what

how is that not good enough?

Given the choice between the following:

A) The Average Canadian makes 50k a year. The Average American makes 55k a year.

B) The Average Canadian makes 20k a year. The Average American makes 19k a year.

Some significant portion of Canadians would choose B because at least 75% of the Canadian identity is based on feeling superior to Americans. Also poorcels who can't afford wasteful spending on consumer goods OUT

I'd rather deal with our country's bullshit than the States tbh.

Like sure our gun control laws are retarded as is our constitution and wokies infest parties like the NDP but I like not having to take out any loans for uni or basic medical services.

Kk seriouspost over bussy lmao

Imagine having less than 4,756 Walmarts and still considering yourself a country.

Shopping at Walmart

☆☆Poorcel detected☆☆

Imagine needing a 1 gallon jug of anal lubricant at 3:30am and not being able to drive 3 minutes to get it.

Ackshually I order my anal lube from a local business in order to not support corporate monopolies like Walmart

Do better sweaty

"I order my anal lube from a local business"

Not having Amazon prime

You didn't take uni loans out? Here in Ontario even rich kids do it sometimes, since the interest on OSAP is very reasonable, and you don't start paying them back till like half a year after graduation

Also while medical services don't need loans, dental sure as hell does 😱😱 absolutely criminal that you have to drop several hundred per cavity here

Also while medical services don't need loans, dental sure as hell does 😱😱 absolutely criminal that you have to drop several hundred per cavity here

Wait what? Why is a cavity not covered under your healthcare system?

As an American I've always thought it was retarded that somehow our entire dental industry has separated itself from the medical industry. It's obviously a subset, and something like a cavity is a serious fucking health issue. But then I realize it's the same in other countries that have shit like universal healthcare. The cost for dental insurance here is so insignificantly small compared to medical (medical insurance for a family of 4 may cost $500/mo before tax deductions, but dental insurance for them would be like $50/mo) it doesn't even make sense to separate the policies, yet we do anyway.

Coverage actually seems to vary by province, but here in Ontario OHIP (provincial health care coverage) will pay dental expenses only if youre at the hospital for them (like emergency surgery). Iirc those on disability and kids under 18 get free dental, but i cant remember if that covers things like braces and retainers

Some employers here offer dental coverage, but otherwise dental insurance is very expensive and youre stuck either paying it or paying a couple hundred per visit when you go. Growing up I lived in a poorer area, and tons of people just walked around with cavities like it was medieval ages lol

Growing up I lived in a poorer area, and tons of people just walked around with cavities like it was medieval ages lol

I saw the same thing on my trips to Sweden and the UK though, not even poor people. It's weird meeting a solid 10 in a bar and she opens her mouth and it looks likes been sucking on hard candies for 25 years.

Being a dentist didn't actually used to require med school, that's why it's separate

Yeah but in Canada its actually feasible to cover the majority of your tuition and living expenses with work and bursuries/scholarships

Im just finishing up Masters degree and my 6 1/2 years of schooling have left me with a very manageable 20K in debt. And my parents are poor as shit so they couldn't help me much beyond covering most of first year with an RESP and letting me stay with them second year and half of third year

Yeah but in Canada its actually feasible to cover the majority of your tuition and living expenses with work and bursuries/scholarships

I'm from Georgia and if you can keep a 3.7 in high school and a 3.3 afterwards you get free college. Any other scholarships on top of that you can put towards living arrangements or like the 500 bucks a year of bullshit fees they charge us.

TBF I just looked it up and apparently only like 5% of people apply for that but another 30% apply for a less but still really big scholarship


Didn't need OSAP since I don't really have many expenses tbh. I drive to school, live with my family and my RESP covers my entire degree.

Plus, I graduated early and worked for about a year so I have cash laying around for gas.

But yeah, the costs for anything dental here related are equally cucked.

but I like not having to take out any loans for uni or basic medical services.

Until the liberals run the healthcare system into the ground so that Muhammed and his 10 wives and 30 children can get medical care for their Somalian genetics and the waiting times get longer than in the Soviet Union.

Leafcels have no unifying national identity besides not being America. That's all they have going for them. So whenever it is shown that America is better than them at anything, they go completely ape shit.

Healthcare blows here overall. People keep sucking it off but the only good thing is the medications.

Which end up being the same price as US but through taxes. That and most of our doctors either suck or are imports who will work in the system for a visa. The best ones went south for the actual money. We even send patients to US facilities just cause we have a shortage of specialists.

But people are stroking their cocks at having 10 minutes of a doctors time paid for by the state through their taxes.

I don’t get it.

I dunno man, I like our healthcare. It's inefficient, but fulfills it's function as a safety net. My mother has fought cancer for a good 5 years under our system. If she'd been in America, she'd be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. If she'd been in our country of origin, she'd be dead

Paying high taxes sucks, but I feel that I owe at least that much to this country

My dad was a doctor in the US. Those bills are inflated by a lot cause of the insurance companies never paying out the full amount.

Handing a homeless man a bill for a million dollars for a flu check up isn’t worth the time to actually pursue.

They’re mostly posted as shock value for europoors to jerk off to. Some instances are real but most aren’t.

I know they are often inflated, but in the instance i mentioned it absolutely would have cost several hundred thousand dollars if she'd lived in the USA when she got it, following years of medication and procedures as well as multiple surgeries

I can understand how not everyone will have similar experiences, but something like 40% of people will get cancer of some sort in their life; in such cases having the Canadian healthcare system behind you is a blessing to say the least

Not sure how true it is, but Ive heard horror stories from the USA where people get cancer, and just choose not to get treatment to avoid putting their family in debt...

You just say you don’t have the ability to pay to their billing and they mark it off as charity.

Works a lot of the time. Bad PR is traded for a tax incentive.

good schooling


Pick one.

I was talking more about the Canadian k-12 schooling, not the universities. Even the shittiest high schools of Toronto have nothing on the burger schools with metal detectors at the doors

Fair enough but that is a cultural difference nobody seems to understand. America is not a place that celebrates the lowest common denominator.

safety, security and good schooling

lol have you seen how many shootings there have been in Toronto in the last month? And Trudeau has imported hundreds of thousands more of the melanin-enriched individuals whose vibrant culture is creating those shootings. Meanwhile, white leafs are having their guns taken away.

The whole point of living in Canada is that you get healthcare, safety, security and good schooling

Judging from the news I read in canada and how shitty some cities look, I don't think you get those either.

Going to the doctor on the slightest whim, and paying nothing for it is pretty great. Letting my woman go out for evening walks by herself without worrying for her safety is nice too. Knowing I can sit on fat unemployment cheques if the company I work at shits itself and dies is great

I can think of maybe 3 neighbourhoods in downtown toronto that are sketchy after nightfall, but compared to the shithole i came from that's practically nothing

That being said, the cities here do look kinda gross, but I blame all the brutalist architecture for that

Going to the doctor on the slightest whim, and paying nothing for it is pretty great

Who goes to the doctor on a whim? No wonder wait times in CA are longer than in the US.

Letting my woman go out for evening walks by herself without worrying for her safety is nice too.

My brother ahmed and his friends are happy too =)

See, you may be joking, but I come from Kazakhstan and the idea of a young woman going out to the park in the evening without a male companion for safety is pretty crazy

Letting my woman go out for evening walks by herself without worrying for her safety is nice too.

We do that too, it’s called concealed carry


I'll double-down that net immigration rates (adjusted for population) are the most objective metric by which we can measure a country's desirability relative to another

I'll double down that you're dumber than an egg

I do enjoy a good debate. Honestly, thanks for this conversation. It really helped me think harder about this topic and it ended up strengthening my position a lot.


Immigration rate as a basis for wealth sounds fucking retarded.

Lebanon had 300% of its own population as immigrants at one point. That doesn't make it El Dorado.

He meant the rates of immigration between two countries, i.e. how many leafs come to burgerland and vice versa.

sounds fucking retarded.


Day of the Rake when?

keep talking burger

Can you Canucks even afford rakes?

Be burger get shot

Day of rake when?

reminder that economics is not a science and never will be

>In general we look for a new law by the following process. First we guess it. Then we compute the consequences of the guess to see what would be implied if this law that we guessed is right. Then we compare the result of the computation to nature, with experiment or experience, compare it directly with observation, to see if it works. If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is - if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. That is all there is to it. 

economists literally cannot predict anything

someone explained this to me in a really simple manner: if you pick up a physics text book and know all of the variables in a system, you can use this information to make accurate predictions about objects moving around in physical space.

Economics cannot fucking predict anything because humans are retarded irrational creatures.

This is a common reddity layman's take but is demonstrably wrong

Day of the BLOWER WHEN?

There's a user with "BEE" in his username in there and you can literally taste his tears on all of his posts.

It's not exactly fair comparing leafs to a third world country.

Imagine being proven to be poorer than another nation so you call them 3rd world. What does that make Leaves? 4th world?

This is like peak amerifat education. Don't you have a walmart to shart in fatty?

Im sorry, I couldnt hear you over the sound of my creatine and gatorade chiseled god abs. And the walmart in my town is literally next-door to the Porsche and Ferrari dealerships.

only the eternal burger thinks corporate marketed sporty sugar water creates gains

Dual citizen, Danish/American, mate. I couldnt hear you from down there, manlet. Gatorade and creatine combined with masterrace genes are the secrets to the American chad physique.

don't you have some American politics to be paying attention to?

I don't even know who runs your country. I don't even think our president knows. Irrelevant trivial information.

I swear only amerimutts think that parading their own ignorance of the world is an insult to others and not to themselves.

Nobody else does this.

not my fault the rest of the world puts us on a pedestal and watches our politics like a royal family

i like to think its a bit more like a reality tv show featuring a child playing with a loaded gun, which i'm sure you're more than familiar with.

America wins again. When will the us evict the northern lazy tenant to replace him with a vibrant Latin American one?

Day of the rake soon

Lol all those posts happened because I posted the GDP/capita wiki link in r/4chan





B-b-but America bad! America bad! I know it is!

laughs in free healthcare

I have full coverage health insurance in the US.

But if I lived in Detroit, I would still drive to Toronto for every medical ailment I had just for the sake of putting a load on your healthcare system, and I would livestream it just to make canada-cels seethe.

I would still drive to Toronto for every medical ailment

Hope you speak either Chinese or Hindi.

dangerously based

Okay leaflet

Laughs in year long waiting times just to see a specialist.

"Free". xD


Another day, another gaggle of mutts seething and coping